How do you shake off your ugly friends when they are killing your game?

How do you shake off your ugly friends when they are killing your game?

fuck them in the butt

Ugly friends only make your game stronger, stop being a beta fag and learn the obvious

So much of this. Ugly people around you make you more attractive. Also, which is you in the pic?

It's no that hard to attract other men you fag.

Neither one is better looking than the other m9

If a woman had to compare I'd say she would choose the left one, looks better

well blondes with blue eyes are better then brunettes no matter the gender

Is that casillas on the right?

You only want the game of the black dude behind you, faggot OP. Fuck off

sure man

Taller, not making a weird face, that's about the only objective thing you can say

if your friend is killing your game, you are the ugly one

Tfw weird face and am confident but softly dismissed every time

I agree, but dear lord that sweater.

True, but also good lord those little boy athletic clothes and man purse

You're right. They both have awful taste.

Face isn't that weird. You thinking your face is weird is what is getting you rejected.

why dont you grow out a beard, you have good coverage

I see
Not really trying to have more than stubble

you're cute shut up, get confident and hit the gym

You could have a god tier beard that gets all the bitches

but you slippin

Looks don't matter. Anything you could do to improve your looks would have minimal effect in relation to the effort that you put in. Learning practical game and pick up techniques is a much better use of your time. How to elevate emotions and not be a "nice guy" (I can tell this is your problem just by looking at you) You already say you are confident (which sounds like a lie if you're worried about your face) so all your missing is the information.

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