>just noticed these hooded figures in the massacre pic
Hiding in plain sight or just an anomaly?
>just noticed these hooded figures in the massacre pic
Hiding in plain sight or just an anomaly?
Other urls found in this thread:
Their ghosts
Looks like special forces or something.
There have just been a massacre you would assume they have sent some people with guns inside to look.
Maybe they are faggots
The police, dumbfuck.
>Sees flag
Oh, it's a retard.... Sorry for mocking you.
Who are these figures at the Brussel airport?
>Who Are These Figures in Bataclan Theater?
dead french people moron, who the fuck do you think they are?
Americans are so obsessed with conspiracy theories it's ridiculous.
What if I told you your country was just a European thought experiment and all the news you receive is at our whim. We therefore were responsible for Nyan/11 and it's actually our flag on the moon.
You honestly believed America was ready for a black president?
inb4 deletion
those are fucking stage lights you fruitbat
This is actually an excellent video. There was definitely something supernatural and sinister at play in those attacks, and the band's actions and beliefs invited it in.
Makes my blood boil. Fucking kikes.
Strange thing is, watching the live cams the Jews were not evacuating. They walked past many exits multiple times, but did not evacuate.
yep i saw that in a news report where they got fast tracked past metal detectors and on the plane and yet everyone else got evacuated.
i even thought why would the cameras even focus on that unless it was deliberate.
oh my allah. conspiracy is real.
Has anyone noticed the large amounts of jews in universities and airports, even in 0.01% jewish countries?
My country is 0.01% jewish and I have seen them several times at universities and airports.
these are french's police special forces
>I survived the earthquake