How often do you shower, b?

How often do you shower, b?

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3 months ago

About tree fiddy

wut do a shower?

more then 1 times a day on average

How often does b, wash out it's butty with a piece of soap?

Bout twice a day as I hate wiping my ass

Does my dogs tongue count as soap

every morning

Once a day.

Twice a week

Do golden showers count?

once every two weeks. rest of the time i use baby wipes on just my arm pits, elbows and ear lobes

After about 4 days, you're in the bottom of the valley, but after that, you start going back to gradually looking good, maybe even better. So either every few days or every couple weeks, just depending.

Every other day. Gotta keep that long hair looking good.

Once every three or four days.

i'm showering right now.

almost every day. Sometimes I have a lazy weekend day and say fuck it.

Probably 95 out of 100 days.

assange pls go


Twice a week

Why not?

It's because of our unrivaled intelligence, class, and discipline.

Why your elbows and not your balls?

Every other day

once every 12 days.

Once a month if I'm feeling up to It

...just once :(

i love wet wipes

Bitches love the smell of sweaty balls

maybe has no balls because perhaps femally?

I love you

Once in morning and once in evening.

There aren't any girls on Sup Forums newfag.

and that vinegar taste with a side of goo from your gooch.

I take a 50 minute power shower.

Twice a day when I'm working. My job is concentrated steel mill scale and grease filth. Once a week when I'm not. Over-cleanliness is a one way ticket to a weak immune system and dying of something not entirely dissimilar to AIDS, but I don't like being greasy and smelling like straight up butthole though so maybe a hooker bath in the sink every now and again.

kek...A fucking shower isn’t like taking too many antibiotics faggot.

Yeah it is, you retard.

Once a day faggot

Read a book

tell your whore mom bitch

i don't take showers. showers take me.

Are you russian by any chance?

Got him!

>be me like two hours ago
>came back from walking the dog
>raised the little fucker to be a k9 from 1.5 months old
>if you dont know what that is look it up on youtube
>mfw just like i did
>little fucker was trained with youtube videos
>it didnt work out
>end up with an unruly 70 lb 9 month old that is trained to bite people
>little fucker has the stamina to make me run three hours everyday
>little fucker chases cockroaches at night and pulls us both into traffic
>little fucker jumps onto strangers passing by
>little fucker will not calm his shit down until about 8pm
>little fucker then lies down besides me and takes a nap
>i will take my shoes off and browse for chang
>just like today
>be me like two hours ago
>came back from walking said dog
>take my shoes off
>feet are sore
>feet reek
>mosquitoes bite my feet twice
>apparently they are attracted to feet
>mfw i made you read a long unrelated story so i could say mosquitoes have a foot fetish
pic unrelated

I'll tell your mom next time I fuck her

r u my neighbor? why does your dog shit so much dude how do you keep your truck so white? why do you piss on the seat and floor at jobs you hate?

Oh god, that's fucking gross.

Most likely my mother is fucked up on spraypaint and you are just her stupid fuck toy

Once every 2 days usually. If I’m working though I shower daily


Depends really. At least once a week. Normally more. But i only wash my hair maybe biweekly just to keep it from being killed/dried out by over use of shampoo.

Once in the morning, and again after dance class.