Did your edit make the compilation Sup Forums?
Moonman did.
Did your edit make the compilation Sup Forums?
Moonman did.
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Voldemort did nothing wrong.
Forgot to link
Griffith did nothing wrong.
Lex did nothing wrong.
>make your "villain" more patriotic and charismatic than your "hero"
>"Oh fuck, better make him do some mussie shit after this scene to make him seem evil."
The moonman makes me chuckle everytime
Wait seriously?
So what the hell does Captain America fight for?
Red Skull should call out the exploitation of new immigrants for cheap labor for the big banks and big industry.
Mainstream comics probably don't dare put any exposure of big banks and big industry alongside and expose of mass immigration though.
Then all the good little sheep would know they were being screwed.
Everything Red Skull said is a very reasonable, and level headed assessment of the current global situation.
Hail Hydra
>And who benefits from all this but the cultures feasting on the carcass? The bankers who stole your homes out from under you, and the politicians they purchased.
>not posting the following page
Red Skullhu Ackbar!
sure, the position waas too reasonable, now they show you the EVILNESS of hydra and it's so transparent and pathetic. bet spencer thought it was really smart too
>M A R V E L
Any unofficial club or gang that is brought together specifically to defend against X group eventually devolves into mindless violence.
It happened to the KKK and Aryan Nation, it happened to the Crips and the Bloods (started as a defense against overzealous police).
It's not unreasonable, it what I'm saying, no matter how 'reasonable' the rhetoric might sound. The rhetoric is mostly unimportant, as it's almost always some form of IN-GROUP DOUBLEPLUS GOOD, OUT-GROUP DOUBLEPLUS BAD
The fuck did I just read? Is this some kind of fan made parody?
>as soon as I get paid as much as your father
excellent social commentary imop. You see, the key is to make it subtle so your audience has to think about it for a moment.
It's a comic nobody reads/buys that Sup Forums likes to post because anger at unimportant shit is the only way they can achieve orgasm.
God damn it Marvel
Superior version
>unsolicited opinions about israel incoming?
>what the hell does Captain America fight for?
The Dream.
You know it
fucking saved
This was always better than the Guy Fawkes faggotry, but even moreso now that "Anonymous" has been hijacked by progressive bullshit
fucking norse gods, always arguing about jews
Is...is this real? Because I can't wrap my mind around it being real...
hallo reddit :^)
>"The lasso compels truth"
BTFO by themselves.
oh it's real. thisis too. people thought it was an edit, but it's not. you can buy the issue if you want
Injustice superman did nothing wrong.
>has the ability to do whatever she wants, rich, talented, successful
>still bitches like a loser
Can't separate the art from the author I suppose
is that slenderman?
Why are you white Sup Forums?
I now realize that Trudeau probably thinks he's batman.
so i can pay for everyone elce
the worst thing is...i remember when they were good
even cap gave up...
Did he really say hail hydra? Why is red skull so red pilled
He didn't give up...
He woke up...
in the first issue of captain america steve rogers. apparently cap was a hydra agent ALL ALONG.
but most likely they'll pussy out of it and it'll turn out to be an alternate universe cap
Like way back in 1940 or whenever captain America started?
he's been playing the LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG con
Nope, in that issue Captain turned old and after that the cosmic cube made him young again and he is remembering his past memories.
Here's the full comic viewcomic.com
Hello, Cukany. Enjoying your rapefugees?
Yes, but the panel where he says that is separated by aprox a decade from all that other stuff.
Oh boy, a horrifically written one dimensional story.
Who would expected something like that from a comic book?
i expected better of spencer after Superior Foes, sue me
I like the look everyone gives. It's the same look you see people give feminists when they claim all men are rapists.
>Not this shit again. M&M and her rape fetish story
jesus fucking newfag, lurk more.
Well considering he joined Hydra or whatever, I think he finally got the chance to exercise that statement.
>man says women shouldn't be whores
>they should also avoid doing work that's unsuited to them
>explains how this can potentially put men at risk like women in the military/police
>punched in the face by strong womyns despite literally stating the truth cause of "muh fee fees"
jesus christ, fuck comics.
Eh, superman is a dick, cap is a dick, it's the age of idols being dicks, i guess
they ain't being dicks, they're being assholes. And assholes take dicks cause they're fags.
Ummm I think you'll find that Sup Forums is a board of peace...
I concede the point
art imitates life.
>Expressing that level of surprise at the concept of conservation of momentum, which is completely intuitive and is taught in middle school.
Either that character is a retard or the writer is, I can't tell which.
Well science was only her hobby her real job was trying to be a professional victim by exposure to dangerous substances which should tell you her level of education right there.
it's meant to be cute. like SHE'S SUCH A NERD XO
I want that toaster, desu
My inner jew is telling me that this pimp toaster isn't worth it
Thats hilarious
Delete this image
He's talking about Red Skull speaking truth, so to make what he's saying look like it's evil the next page has his followers beating homeless black guys to death and turning into white suicide bombers(lol)
>Muzzies are good
>White guys do exact same Muzzie shit for Red Skull they are bad
Strange coincidence how Marvel villains are only used to bash conservatives huh?
Beautiful, leaf friend.
>Captain Britain
So what happened to iron man? He's the only one I really care about at this point
Hail Hydra
Can I see some more of these? I'd do them myself, but i suck at shopping.
>the blade on the sword isn't in line with the hilt
What the fuck nigger, that's clearly a longsword not a fucking scimitar
Stop writing 'hallo reddit'.I hate the circlejerk.Yes,the world is cucked by feminism,but sitting down and rubbing each others penises to orgasm and complaining about shit no one buys is not going to help.