The 59,000+ socialist subreddit has currently upvoted a post and several comments supporting violence against Trump supporters. The dissenting comments are heavily downvoted:
The 59,000+ socialist subreddit has currently upvoted a post and several comments supporting violence against Trump supporters. The dissenting comments are heavily downvoted:
Other urls found in this thread:
Cool, go get their subforum shut down for inciting violence now, thats probably against reddits TOS
triple doubles confirm, I don't have a reddit account how do you report people on reddit?
bump for this
Bring on the violence. I want to smash some commie skulls. Fuck those bernfag commie pukes
Who gives a shit...?
>thats probably against reddits TOS
We need to mass contact reddit admins AND reddit advertisers AND news sites for them to take take it seriously.
This is one the reasons the liberals have been successful in bending the knee of social media companies. They start mass hysterias instead of just clicking on the inactive report button on most social media websites.
We shouldn't start mass hysterias but instead begin to show some power level.
>Peaceful, Democratic Socialism
>If the right-wing wings, it becomes Violent, Revolutionary Socialism
Lots Of Laughs
Can't wait for them to start getting shot. Antifa tactics won't work here.
>they already have the support of the state
why are leftists so delusional? are they lying to themselves?
>People yelling about mu Hitler and fascism most likely to act like brownshirts
The irony is so massive I expect it to collapse itself into a black hole anyday now
fuck off retard
Why were you on there in the first place?
Why do they bask in worker's movements propaganda if they're weak college attending nu-males.
If we can cause a shekel shoa, we can do anything.
you literally can't though. Reddit admins are these same SJW cucks. They enforce rules when its convenient and bend them when they aren't
Well you couldn't really even have leftist beliefs in the first place if you weren't delusional.
You have to go back. The wall is now ten feet higher.
smart men would make reddit account and upvote it. If it gets to the front page, this will just piss off rational people. Just saying
Am I the only that likes the left chimping out?
Undercover infiltration mission. I'm already doing that in several other places myself.
So OP.
What were you doing on /r/socialism?
They want to be the vanguard and live lavishly off of the workers once their glorious revolution has finished.
>reddit hates free speech
>a pinko subreddit hates free speech
Leave your garbage website within it's own domain name. Don't bring your shit here, we don't want it.
>commies playing with fire
Love it
This totally caught me off guard
This is great. Time for some false flags
This could be used to our advantage.
Know your enemy?
Don't ever come between people and free shit
An ancient Chinese proverb
Nah senpai. Most subreddits are complete retards. Check out /r/anarchism it's fucking so shit.
Could you translate?
>bash the fash
I hope the EU bans me from entering reddit
This shit makes my dick hard
Leftists are skinny fat cucks and landwhale community college students
The carnage will be like the Massacre of Nanjing
>ignore le reddit
By just checking one of the reddit user pages I found this Facebook video with several of them in the comments supporting violence under their real name:
man leftypol will never catch up in the meme game
I'm sure the EU thought police will leap into action to stop the direct verbal encouragement of violence.
purge coming, long live sparta
the effects of castor oil treatment
before the treatment | during the treatment | after the treatment
the red flag will triumph (part of a socialist/communist italian song) | just a little for courtesy | (nothing)
red was climbing | red dropped | to Italy! Hooray!
Effects of the castor oil cure
Before the cure - During the cure - After the cure
"red flag will triumph" - "Be careful to only use a little"
The red grew - The red fell - For our Italy, eja eja alala
Yeah but what do we do with that information?
Triple dubs...
looking at their subreddit art, do socialists actually believe they are the coal miners and farmers, the people who are habitually mocked and ignored by their government despite helping it the most? Do they actually think they are the victims? Because trump supporters are.
- Racism
- Sexism
- Ableism
- Homophobia
- Transphobia
- Religious Bigotry
- Fascists
- Rape Apology
- Reactionaries
- Trump Supporters
You have fucking GOT to be kidding me.
How do these people realize what they are doing is completely fucking retarded
I am genuinely fucking mad.I am tempted to make a reddit account just to shitpost there and get this asshurt off my chest.
And these people cal themselves anti fascists.Fucking hilarious.
I often notice this myself. I guess maybe it's easier to glorify backbreaking labour in a factory or a field when you don't have to live the reality of it. Poorer people aspire to escape that life, so they gravitate towards politicians who offer them that chance.
Same bullshit on /leftypol/ if you ever have checked that shit out.
Their mod is some whore that sucked a bunch of dicks at a concert and they openly talk about "walling" people, like a lot of people. Walling is lining people up against the wall and shooting them.
This shit needs more attention.Bump
Japs got to rape qt chink and gook grills in Nanking
You'll only get blue-haired fatties
Are those real socialists or not?
Oh hey Russell Westbrook.
>implying reddicucks would do anything to subvert their narrative
What I don't understand is how our once prideful country came to believe in the antithesis of everything our history represents?
Fucking Boomers are responsible for all of this 100%. Fuck them.
Raid these fuckers!
i have a reddit account to shitpost to /r/thedonald and have never even commented on another subforum, and ive been banned from 10 ive never heard of for posting to "hate subredditts"
Underrated post.
LOLOL they are super cucked over there
antifa are all fags.
btw stop cheating on census u muslim fucks
won't even let me reply to his passive aggressiveness
I severely bullied a classmate when I was a teenager, he grew up to be a socialist.
I used to feel bad now Im proud I made him miserable.
Terminate them of course
>implying jewddit would do this
I'm about to the point that I am going to start murdering socialists.
I fucking hate them more than anything else in the world.
It will fill me with so much joy to snuff out their fucking lives.
uuugghh just american political discourse. when you guys can discuss like grown ups let me know
Dox them?
use ruin life tech?
Report them to the FBI or SS?
Dear god we truly are the populares. The socialists are the optimates and this is truly the dying of the republic. I'm getting the popcorn
Without a war or constant fear to encourage citizens to defend the american way of doing things, people started to seek alternative ideals. It's not anyone's fault.
Ghost sniper at Trump protesters when?
How right you were Churchill.
it's not his quote
stop spreading false info plz
As detestible as it is, that sub is a goldmine
>communism is the way of the future and an inevitability
he's nott wrong though
Democratic-republic -> democratic -> Socialist -> communistic
it's what happens when you give every idiot a say
pure athens style republic when
Sure she's not just talking about linng up a bunch of reactionaries and enemies of the people against a wall and blowing them?
Are the feminists in Sweden ugly as elsewhere?
Yeah, that's what happens. Even though it's never happened successfully.
Face it, asshole: Nobody likes you.
Over half of America and most of europe thinks you are mentally sick for supporting Trump.
The only world leaders supporting him are Putin and Kim Jong Un, two of the biggest despots on the planet.
The world hates your fucking guts. You are not only unwanted, you are openly despised.
Now i know youre a bunch of contrarian cunts who think youre tough, and youre "lets watch the world burn" edgelords, but seriously, after all the shit trumps been saying, and every logical, reasonable person taking down his (cough) "policies," why does this surprise you?
Not even trying to get you to change that thing you call a mind (and no, im not voting for hillary or bernie), but act like an adult and tell me, honestly, Why does it surprise you that the majority of ppl w iqs over room temperature want you fucking dead?
>after all the shit trumps been saying
What has Trump said exactly? I want exact quotes, not your paraphrased version.
You know what hes been saying. Its too much to list, and if youre too uninformed on the topic, tough shit, its not my job to educate you.
Why does it surprise you that reasonable ppl hate you?
Do you even know what that means? Where did he make a strawman argument? Are you retarded? Get lost chucklecuck
You must be trolling. I'm going to give you one more opportunity since you based your entire post on the premise that people hate Trump for the things he has said. Most of it is misconstrued by media. So since you based your entire point of people's hatred for Trump on what he has said, please quote exactly what he has said that is so terrible.
You probably just came here from /r/socialism, fuck off
>not my job to educate you
This is a good response when you are just waxing intellectual on a subject and get caught.
You pussies got nothing.
first post triple-dubs god-tier post
>attacking them is self-defense
don't these morons realize that this kind of logic can be used to justify literally any kind of evil act
i guess they don't care, they just want to be violent and don't care if it makes sense or is rational. i should stop expecting reason from extremists
Upvote it
Wow look at all the virtue signalling,
They have a quote from fucking Lenin on their sidebar. What a bunch of 2edgy4me faggots.
Full sentences, Jethro.
>Subject/ verb/ object
>They want complete state control
>the want big government
Are these people fucking retarded
Whatever you thought to accomplish here,it's pretty apparent that your efforts have failed. Just like Venezuela.
Now go jerk off to your Che poster like a good comrade.