What does Sup Forums think of cocaine and drugs in general. Doin this on Saturday before a rave

What does Sup Forums think of cocaine and drugs in general. Doin this on Saturday before a rave

Why do you keep it in plastic normie addict

That's how I bought it I haven't moves it into a container

Id rather be tripping on my psychedelixs, but its all groovy baby

Take Acid and shrooms many times it's fun

>What does Sup Forums think of cocaine
Holes in mouth coming soon ~

What the fuck that is not from coke at all

Yes it is.

What rave? Crush?

You got it my dude

guaranteed cut. Dont buy unless its rocked up my man

All the shit in my area is cut bro. It's hard to come by some pure

ayy lmao. save the coke for after. or when you're shitfaced drunk

don't do drugs, kids

vwah bitch

I'm saving it to do about halfway thru the show

do it... do it all!

had my first nose bleed months ago and it was crazy shit sprayed everywhere

Is coke even any fun if youre not drunk, its the only time i really do it.

Coke is cool, but I prefer a splif (India and tobacco with a little hash) and a beer

No I only do it drunk too. I've done it by itself before and it just really puts you on edge but you do feel amazing almost invincible

why bother whith a 15 minute high when you can take a fraction of meth and be awake for 8 days?

drugs are dank which rave are you going to?

Crush socal

Drugs are cool. Dropping acid for Excision next weekend.

Have you done either or both? Agree on price but definitely not on quality of high. Coke is fun I used to enjoy it to party but the crash isn't worth the high. Meth is all work, no play but who has time to play anymore...

>source: am currently a functioning methamphetamine addict.

You better be drinking
You are gonna have a mad hangover
>before a rave
Do it at the rave
Dont be an asshole at the rave
>drugs in general
Don't do them unless you can afford them

>am currently a functioning methamphetamine addict.
Me too.
How did you get addicted?
I went from adderall/dexedrine to meth.

getting a quarter ounce of coke tomorrow night, did it last weekend too. party on Sup Forumsrother

Damn how much is that gonna cost you? I pay 60 a g

Am addict currently getting high in my attic.



I wanna do some cocaine and that sleep drug zolpidem and mack on hot bitches

Yo thats sick i was thinking about going to crush but im going to lightning in a bottle instead

Oh shit who's headlining? I chose crush cuz it was cheap and adventure club is performing

What's zolpidem

>y'all niggas getting taxed substantially

Was bored at work and druggie coworker offered to me. He was like me, clean cut with his shit together so I said fuck it. I snort that shit every goddamn day of my life now.

What strain?

That tartate nigga

I dont even really know whos healdining this year. iwent l;est year for free as a plur angel and it was really cool so im going back this year. Adventure club would be cool to see tho

dk jt R RGW \]FADSF

DO IT at the rave

Fuck if I know some shit the nearest weed nigger had on him. Alls I know is don't smoke mids kid, shit is for losers.

im not gonna try anything besides weed unless I know for sure it's the 100 percent pure product of whatever i'm looking for. It's probably impossible to find that purity anyways so maybe in the next life.

Sort yourself out a snuff bullet for the convenience, I love a bit of coke but it's $400 a gram here in Oz

Wash that shit up and smoke it noob

That's not even coke you fucking idiot

>in the next life

>only smokes weed

Just how in the fuck do you even plan to get into another goddamn dimension with 1 fucking drug in your tacklebox?

Looks like it is

>Posts a picture of brownish green mids
>"Don't smoke mids losers"

It's not, look at all the little small rocks in the bag. Coke doesn't behave like that, this is either cut or something else

Not sure, I probably dont

You might be color blind

Holy shit that's ridiculous

WTF? Do you not know how drugs work user? Yeah it fucking is lol.

It's definitely cut all the shit in my area is cut with meth usually

UK? Looks like normal "cocaine", i.e. something which is flaky but it's not really anything else but some research chemical, numbing agent and caffeine.

If it's humid it will clump that's why you warm a plate for racking. The fuck you on about fucken juvie new fag

You can't snort something "every day" as it fucks up your nose. Even after one evening of "snorting" you will end up clogged nose and it's impossible to do anything (inhale through your nose as well) next day. Why you are lying?

I'm 28 years old and I have been selling drugs since I was 16. That coke is so cut it doesn't resemble the real thing anymore. Its either meth or bath salts or worse

Sir I'm addicted to methamphetamines I cannot be bothered with trivial shit like which brand of refer I'm chain smoking for the day to get supper with the wife down.

Sinus infection my dude.


Brainlet detected.

Well you're the worst drug dealer I've ever come across

>I snort that shit every goddamn day of my life now.
Me too man.
Getting off of it is hard.
But over all I pay $650 CAD for an ounce, which lasts me like 5 months, so it's not that expensive considering I'm a software developer.

What do you pay?

I'm gonna be honest with you, you should never do coke after the age of 17. Before that age it's a good learning experience but if you do it in your 20s you might as well commit seppuku. My two best friends from high school died in the past few years. I stopped doing anything hard at 21 and have only smoked weed for many years.

>You can't snort something "every day" as it fucks up your nose.
Yeah you can. Been doing it for the last.... 6 or 7 years. Snorting meth that is, not coke.

When you do cocaine, does your heart beat super fast? one thing i'm scared of is having heart problems from something like coke. That, and the addiction chances are why I havent touched things like that

California sunshine on jellied candy. Best one

Just don't do it, this is the gayest larp thread on Sup Forums currently. Smoke weed instead.

wtf is sepuku, speak english faggot

>lying on the internet not for hire

That shit is cute user

That's completely different thing. You can also take some of the rocks and put it between your lips and gum.
Have you ever taken an overdose? Where your heart beats >190BPM for 8 hours and you'll feel like passing out and getting heartattack all the time. After that you'll want to quit.

It's when you swallow a frisbee

Coke isn’t really my thing, however I am a serious heroin addict and currently in recovery. But just because I’m clean doesn’t mean that my attitude about people who do drugs has changed. If it makes you feel good and you can be as responsible as possible and moderate then I see no problem. Heavier drugs like cocaine and pain killers tend to be a little trickier though and you may find yourself on a slippery slope one day.

Since you faggots never believe shit I will post pics from Saturday night of the rave

Do me a favor and take a closeup photo of your nostrils with flash light and post em. Be sure to crop everything else so the photo's not recognizable.

Wow i bet you're the life of the party, rambling on about conspiracies and shit. Fucken hate sole weed smokers suck downers.

been willing to try it for a while now

I really don't plan on doing anything besides weed, which I smoke currently. Enough weed gets me high enough to the point I feel I don't need anything else

Have fun on life support at the age of 26

It's slippery slope when your body starts to need it every 8-12 hours. This happens surprisingly soon. (opioids)

I pay $350-400 an ounce if I pay but am very connected and honestly it's basically free now. Only use, don't deal. I tried that, was the worst of times.

>That's completely different thing.
The dude you quoted was talking to me about meth, not coke.


Some people want to feel a bit high/medicated without dying before you hit 30

one word. Vyvanse.

Once you get on suboxone it's over. You could quite the ron with willpower but there's no chance to escape the pharmaceutical jew.

I would rather smoke weed, you know, something that doesn't harm you. Fucking degenerates, now sage

Yeah, I never deal. Fuck that shit.
I just use it to work a fuckton and nerd out infront of my computer. Unless im fapping to be honest.

I'm not doing any coke / mdma / other shit like it because it's all cut with H / meth

I was put on a suboxone taper in detox and it went very smoothly. Weened me off after a week with zero problems. Suboxone is a miracle drug. Sub maintenance however is a different story.

Well I've past that age already and try and get a 6km run in every other day. Can you even get to the fridge with out busting a sweat stoner bro?

Any greentext worthy stories?

Don't unless you plan to sign up. It's a death sentence that I willingly accept daily with no thrill.

It killed the 2 people I used to hang out with every day in high school. I don't really want to go into it. It's weird walking around on a planet without your /bros/.

I'm sure it's easy to run that far on crack

Dont be stupid and do it before a rave you'll burn out 20 mins into it... save it for the end of the night when it's a chill sesh with everyone having beers and shit

Yeah of COURSE your heart rate increases and t can be scary because if you get too gakked out (which can happen easily if you’re new to coke) you get mad anxiety which makes it seem even worse. Coke is ENORMOUSLY overrated and I feel like more people do it just for the chic than to actually get high.

Yeah if abused or taken irresponsibly it can have deadly consequences just like any other narcotic. It’s why suboxone is a scheduled substance.

Nar man the friends you lose are always the loose ones that if you weren't so close with you woulda known would end up that way just keep you're head screwed on. Never feels the same but you get use to it

Yeah USD converted to pesos soon thereafter... All I do is work but it's what I enjoy.