Has Milo finally jumped the shark?
Has Milo finally jumped the shark?
Daily reminder that all anti-youtuber posters are shills. These people may not speak to all of us, and we might now fully agree with them, but they are a step in the right direction, and we need them more than they need us.
No, that's actually pretty cool
Literally who?
I'd be embarrassed to be there
Figures that the first shill in this thread would be a Belgian.
Some faggot that stands up for beta cuck MRAs so naturally Sup Forums loves the guy.
milo is a degenrage newfag using us to fas track his carrer is """"journalisim"""". he's not funny. not smart and wears more make up than an extra in the walking dead. fuck him and fuck you too canicuck
milo is a kike faggot and we should avoid that queer at all costs
Milo is great shut up
>using us to fas track his carrer is """"journalisim"""".
So what?
Milo is a coal-burning, kike-loving, degenerate faggot.
He only became "alt-right" when he jumped on the anti-SJW bandwagon when he saw that his career wouldn't be immediately destroyed because of it.
At the end of the day, he's just another cuck traitor and is NOT a friend to the alt-right movement. He's a degenerate like the rest of them, and he will burn with his kike and nigger friends.
>all this Milo hate
He literally wants everything we want and he's essentially bulletproof because he's a gay man. You're all too stupid to realize that we NEED a guy like Milo or else the left can just keep using the "hetero man" meme ad hominem attack. Milo is based.
Not Belgian, but a leaf.
Fuck the jewfag Milo. Disgusting!
he was the faggot who brought the wave of GGers like you to Sup Forums. he takes are memes and makes money off them. and he cant go five minutes withou thelling someone he calls trump "daddy" to make himself sound like an edgy 13yo. kill yourself
He constantly defends Israel and Jews and calls anti-Semites evil and shit. He sucks nigger cock. He pretends to be our friend because he's an attention whore and he's jumping on the anti-SJW bandwagon like Shapiro and all the other cuckservatives.
At the end of the day he's another Zionist kike. Fuck off, shill. You're dead on the day of the rope with your faggot friends.
whos the cuckold now. just come out and say you're a storm-fag or fuck of back to the return of kangz
Milo is the most powerful weapon of the alt-right at the moment
Truth is Milo is a woman-hating faggot and is really doing the alt right movement a disservice by pandering aggressively to all the disenfranchised men he openly wants to fuck.
I'm convinced leftist shills have infiltrated this board. Literally everyone who tries to speak out against the SJW movement get's shit on on this board.
They're shills. They've been on Sup Forums for a while, they know what makes us tick. They think they can discredit an influential person by constantly talking about their race and sexuality, and it works on a lot of the people here.
reminder that the alt right are just as bad as the regressive left.
race science.
>watches american history x once
it's almost comical if it weren't so sad.
>pandering aggressively to all the disenfranchised men he openly wants to fuck.
Frog nailed it.
...Milo is a jewish self idolizing homosexual american.
>been on /pol for a while
dont try play the oldfag card, you know full well you came here because cunt women wanted to take away your precious video game journalisim ethics. you gota go back
>He constantly defends Israel and Jews and calls anti-Semites evil and shit.
Because he works for Brietbart, which is still a cuckservative newspaper.
I don't even listen to Milo, he's too vanilla for me. But he's great for redpilling normies. That's why we need him.
I just want to know, why are you trying to bring him down? Other than him being a jewish faggot?
he's a fucking kike, but probably one of the 5 on this planet i have respect for.
>Made a Jew hunting app
No wonder you faggots love him.
hey guy can you explain to me what you believe
>dont try play the oldfag card
You're the one calling yourself the old fag here, potatonigger. I don't talk about how long I've been here because it's
because he is an attention whore. he doesnt give a fuck about politics. watch one of his podcasts you have favourited and you'll find that out.
Alienation breeds frustration which leads to action. Giving people a voice is not good if that voice is a limp-wristed degenerate who is taking advantage of the movement for his own benefit. Milo was ok when he messed with feminists and was a little flamboyant, but now it's gotten out of hand
I find him annoying sometimes becaus I know his schtick so well but he has converted more left wing millenials to conservatives than anyone on this board ever will.
He's alright in my book
i've been destroying this site since 2012. i'm part of the orignal newfags. you're just upsetti i have you pegged.now put away your milo body pillow and kill yourself
This. Most importantly, he's a jew. Jews always try to get into positions of power and subvert the entire movement. This is not an ally. Allying with him because he is anti-SJW while ignoring he's Jewish will come back to hurt us.
I understand that people like Milo but wtf why are they carrying him around like a bunch of cucks?
he jumped the shark around the time when he dyed his hair blonde for the first time.
Since then it was only a downwards spiral of how to be the most annoying,flamboyant, arrogant and attention whoring individual in the whole "alt right"/anti-feminist movement.
Fucking this.
I really don't like how he plays the faggot card.
He constantly goes over the same stuff about feminism, claims millenials only care about culture and not FoPo or finance, along with a lot of sweeping generalizations about the new right wing.
He plays his faggot card a bit too much and doesn't really come out with new content lately.
I DO like how he calls out the left, and is easily relatable with normalfags and disillusioned lefties, because he is a faggot.
I get the impression that his movement or his sect are really just a bunch of leftist fed up with the 3rd wave feminism bullshit. He openly respects 2nd wave feminism and thinks its awesome we gave them the vote and jobs. When those two things are responsible for the cancerous socialist and political climate of today.
I could go on, he is just an opportunist riding the wave of anti-sjwism, which is cool, but ultimately a non issue.
>He only became "alt-right" when he jumped on the anti-SJW bandwagon
So? What does it matter as long as it benefits us? If he's a lying faggot his lies are helping me out. Not like I give him my money and I can't imagine many people here actually do.
Besides, Sup Forums would say this about literally any figurehead that came about. And we can't survive without a figurehead, even if it's a coked out gross vulgar faggot
Please kek, let Milo Fagnopoulos overdose and die.
He's Catholic.
I believe in achieving the max amount of freedoms possible. I believe in a small government. Taxes should be minimized, and spent on infrastructure, the military, and healthcare. I want to encourage Nationalism and patriotism without enforcing it. I understand that anarchy is not entirely possible, but it could be achieved to some point. However we cannot live in a free society if we live among niggers and mexicans and muslims. They are not as morally evolved as whites, and would turn our free utopia into a mad max dystopia. I don't believe in judging a single person based on his race or sex, but there are issues specific to certain races or sexes that need to be addressed. I also believe that America needs to continue colonizing.
>I understand that people like Milo but wtf why are they carrying him around like a bunch of cucks?
They finally embraced the godgiven role of the white man being slave to the jew
same here, is right
Can't stand him personally but as others have said he's good for redpilling Normie's. It he stopped with the self-hating gay shit I'd respect him more. I just hate when faggots make who they fuck a major part of their personality, this is coming from another faggot whose seen fags play this shit in many different forms.
>and we need them more than they need us.
Gamergate disproves that notion. Under Sup Forums control it was productive but once youtubers and other attention whores got in it went to shit
1.He is half-Jewish ethnically, but he is a praciticing Catholic.
2. There are 15 million Jews in the world. It is true that Marxist have a disproportionally high number of Jews, but that doesn't mean all 15 million are leftists.
>t. kikenadian
Oh look, the antifa speaks again
oh boy. you got me. how can i recover? my bum hurts irl. damn canada, all thoses posts saying that you guys were unfunny snow aussie, all bullshit. i respect you, please fuck my wife.
He was doing this shit well before gamergate happened you retard.
>He's degenerate
Less so than the SJWs
based milo is having a bunch of conservative heterosexual virgins carry him like an emperor
he just pimped a bunch of cucks and must certainly be laughing at them
His faggot shtick is wearing thin. I've stopped watching his videos unless it's something big, like him getting lynched or something.