Why do you use MP3 instead of Opus...

Why do you use MP3 instead of Opus? It achieves the pretty much the same quality on 128kbps VBR as MP3 does on 320kbps CBR. You don't use DivX today, so why use a outdated audio codec too? Pic related, it's a 128kbps VBR (actual bitrate is ~122kbps) Opus encode.

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MP3 320kbps.

Lossless source audio.

opus isn't widely supported. also there's a certain point after it doesn't really matter - you can't tell the differences between various formats. most mp3s these days are either 320 kbps cbr, v0 (around 250 kbps), or 192 kbps. that's good enough because they're transparent.

do you know what? most people can't tell the differences between mp3 160 kbps vbr and wav (original cd source):

that's right, human ears mostly suck at detecting quality, so what's the point of making yet another format?


this people dont care or know about shit like spectals do you really think theyll give a shit about codecs

plus everyone on this board is a streamfag anyway

opus is the new ogg vorbis. like linux or macos in desktop computers.

MP3 is now effectively as free as ogg or opus, and is very, very widely supported. Obscure programs, or MP3 players from the late 90s can all handle MP3. If I were you I'd try to ABX LAME V0 or V2 to see where you'd be comfortable with it.

>opus isn't widely supported
Android supports it natively since version 5.0, foobar2000 supports it out of the box (including iOS verisons). It's part of the HTML5 standard. The support is there, it's just that people don't use it. Only if you use shit like iTunes you have a sort of valid argument.

>also there's a certain point after it doesn't really matter - you can't tell the differences between various formats. most mp3s these days are either 320 kbps cbr, v0 (around 250 kbps), or 192 kbps. that's good enough because they're transparent.
The level where most people can't tell the difference is lower with Opus.

I don't use old hardware, most people do not. I can ABX V2 but not V0. I haven't tried with lower bitrates of Opus but I can't ABX 128kbps. Freedom isn't my concern, effectivity is. I use a 128 GB microSD for listening outside of my home, and I'd rather have twice the library on it.

if opus will be more popular it will gain more support. don't forget that opus is not competing only with mp3, but with aac/mp4 and ogg vorbis, too.

My collection has and always will be entirely lossless as far as I can help it.

this is a better argument for Sup Forums since you're going to get replies like

I store lossless for rare stuff, but I don't really care for stuff that I could easily download again in lossless unless I ripped it myself. I download lossless most of the time, and then convert to Opus 128kbps which is transparent to me.

>freetard codec that doesn't even matter because MP3 is free now

Most people here see 320 MP3 as the gold standard without knowing why when you can get exactly the same quality, in a file that's 2.5 times smaller. I don't think the average Sup Forums user would use MP3 over Opus (or FLAC) if given the choice.

I only have a lossless library at my desktop, on my portable player it's all lossy, for convenience and making more use of the space available.

Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about audio unless its embedded in streams

MP3 has been free for years to anyone with a PC and foobar.

If it aint on spotify I'm seeking souls. What has wider availability on slsk, MP3 or Opus?

>literally Sup Forums are normalfags
This place really has changed.

I don't really care about patents since I'm not developing software using those codecs. I care about filesize to quality ratio, and a 1TB library of 320 mp3s would be equal to a 400GB library using Opus, with the exact same quality.

>doesn't know what free codec means

Anyone doing "professional" work with a lossy codec wouldn't have any issues paying for the license now would they? The vast majority of professional or industry audio work uses exclusively lossless codecs.

>Amazon, Bandcamp, Google Music and Spotufy use exclusively lossless codecs

>literally what the fuck is mp4/aac: the post
Oh look, it's better quality and compression than mp3 with almost the same market saturation! Guess we should all swap to a literally whomst codec instead!

>literally whomst codec
It's part of the HTML5 standard with WebM.

just buy another hard disk. or stop hoarding music you never listened to. storage is cheap these days. i have almost all music i want in under 350 gb.

use m4a instead

>stop hoarding music you never listened to