Why did you lie to me, Sup Forums?
You said Trump supporters were being attacked but it turns out you were lying.
Why did you lie to me, Sup Forums?
You said Trump supporters were being attacked but it turns out you were lying.
woah I knew Salon was bad but to flat out lie despite video evidence? can anyone post the link to this.
>In a functioning democracy, political violence should almost always be condemned. However, we must not forget that Donald Trump and his supporters are on the wrong side of history.
>Trump is a political arsonist. He and his supporters have no moral high ground upon which to stand as they complain about being burned by the fires that they themselves have set in San Jose and elsewhere.
>Thrown eggs are not bullets. Despite what Fox News and the right-wing media will suggest in the days and weeks to come, Donald Trump and his supporters are neither victims nor martyrs. They are bullies who delight in taunting the weak and the vulnerable. And like almost all bullies they summon up crocodile tears of victimhood and pain when someone is brave enough to confront them.
>get punched in the face
>your own fault
I mean, I guess in a way it is. We have the power to remove taco quite easily.
Honestly salon is right. If you talk shit and get hit you are at fault. Freedom of speech does not mean that you also are free from the consequences of your speech.
>Chauncey Devega
What ethnicity is this
C'mon man.. Atleast try next time.
I hope the building in which Salon's writers type their bullshit in catches on fire and they all die in it. These people are the absolute scum of the Earth, may they die a painful death.
can't wait till leftists get lamposted.
>Chauncy Devega
>victim shaming
3 strikes you're out
really?.....you believe their ultra liberal shit?
TaLk ShiiT GeT HiiT Boii
if you utter words that I dont agree with then I have the right to attack you with a bag full of rocks. I know people get mad over politics but if you literally cant control yourself you're a manchild
Nearly every Trump supporter that gets assaulted is minding their own business. Why can't you control yourself?
Just like how when women get raped for dressing sexy, they have the freedom to dress however they want but there are consequences.
Stopped reading.
A really sort of niggerish kind of thought.
I wish I could find this communist rat and beat his teeth out while telling him its his fault.
Did you watch the videos of the attacks? It was mostly them walking up behind people and punching Trump supporters as they were walking out of the event. It was completely unprovoked.
>Donald Trump and his supporters are on the wrong side of history.
LMAO. Is this legit?
>"talk shit" even though they're right because these mexishits have no self-control and chimpout
>bu-bu-but it was shit talking, I'm justified!
The illegals don't even have a right to free speech. They have a right to be deported, and that is it, stupid faggot. You're either a troll or a sympathizer trying to rationalize stupidity. You must be just like the writers for Salon who classify free speech as hate speech, and call any form of free speech, "shit talking"... Still no justification for the lack of control. Nice try though.
I know this is bait, so chew on this:
5.56 and 7.62 do really well against treasonous scum.
Yes it is the ultimate justification for anything.
Do you recall when it was Zimmerman's fault that he was attacked because he "got out of his vehicle"? Once that logic is accepted, it will just proliferate and grow.
I saw the fucking live stream last night. It was burn fags attacking trump supporters and even burn fags attacking each other
>wrong side of history
History is written by the winners.
Don't cry when protestors get killed in self defense then
wtf how do you not understand that words should never be responded to with violence?
how is that a hard concept? words are just words and they are not equal to physical violence.
any judge will say that.
>not vastly superior 5.45
Politico actually did an article recently about Salon where they interviewed people who quit in disgust; basically the mag kept swinging further and further left because their revenue is crashing and they need new ways to spark outrage and attract attention
Hence the articles about virtuous pedophiles and why anyone to the right of Che Guevara should be shot
>Its OK to do violence to people for their political views
Don't they see how this goes both ways? Can't wait for the right wing revolution to get started
if you say so Boris
I mean, come on, did anyone really expect Salon to post ANYTHING different?
It doesn't go both ways because they are right.
You know we did it because we are so lovable rascals.
And mild props to Vox because they immediately and publicly suspended one of their editors who said "If Donald Trump comes to your town, you should riot"
Ideally they'd just fire the guy, but it's better than Salon celebrating Bolshevik violence and revanchism in America
>props to Vox
on my way to your house, shit-talker
get your face ready
Don't start none, won't be none.
I know it's you reddit. As a citizen of California I wanted to go to these rallies but the only things preventing me from going: the traffic, and the chance I'll be beaten up by illegals and have people like you defending the attacker.
Salon: a place where liberal feminazis go to gossip and plan the destruction of society.
That's why I said "mild". Vox is shit, but they're slightly better than Salon.
watch this video and try not to rage.
>>Thrown eggs are not bullets
You're going to get them in return.
what are you talking about?
black people should never have to look at themselves.
Don't be such a bitch for the (You)
This, one day the left might attack someone who is not going to take it. After that line is crossed there is no telling what happens after.
Haha, low energy.
Ever heard of the categorical imperative , dipshit? You either act the same way in all similar situations, or don't act that way at all. Don't pretend to value liberty and freedom of speech or the right to peaceful assembly if you advocate shutting down people who have a different opinion than you
I'm about ready to lynch a journalist.
> They are bullies who delight in taunting the weak and the vulnerable. And like almost all bullies they summon up crocodile tears of victimhood and pain when someone is brave enough to confront them.
This literally describes THEM. THEY are the ones who have the entire media behind them. THEY are the ones who having the backing of the State and the protection of the police. THEY are the ones laughing as people are getting attacked and terrorized.
We should dox their editor or the author of the article or something, this is fucking war. THEY ARE ENCOURAGING MORE VIOLENCE, BY TELLING THEM ITS JUSTIFIED, AND THEY WILL GET AWAY WITH IT.
"Taking a bat to someones head is the ultimate free speech."
If those opinions promote violence then you are allowed to respond to them with violence since they naturally would become violent at some point.
There will be repercussions for this post, user.
Guess that means we get to hit back
This website is literally a Communist front. Jesus christ. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Up is Down to these people.
>Reading Shalom
People are going to start "responding" to the violent presence of illegals. You've opened Pandora's box.
>people still don't realize clickbait is clickBAIT
No person is illegal.
How do trumps opinions promote violence? Oh right they dont. Also according to your logic, shouldn't black nationalists be hunted down? Many of them advocate violence to police or white people in general. According to your logic that warrants violent action against them
No, don't give them any. The more intelligent of leftists are concerned that these chimpouts are going to give the election to Trump. That is why they suspended him, not because they actually care about violence against Trump supporters.
Mexicans aren't people
The Caliphate doesn't want to behead you, let's take a look at ourselves.
Yes, actually if you come across the border without proper security checks or permission, you're there illegally. That's why we have laws. Unless you're retarded, you should believe in the rule of law
Yep, and similarly:
>7n6 still banned
I'm down to about 1000 rounds, I don't think I can survive a happening, resupply
Fuck off bootlicker.
Tell me where you are still I can come hit you then
Cool, I'm gonna come in your home uninvited and start living there and you can't do shit about it since no person is illegal.
>If you talk shit and get hit you are at fault
So what you're saying is that I can drive on over to California and toss 77gr SMKs into "protestors" from a distance and I'm not the one at fault for their deaths?
That's it. I'm done. I'm bringing a gun next time and if I see feel so much as a fleck of spittle I'm going to open up on the crowd.
Yes it does. Violence is illegal, free speech isn't.
God speed, brother.
>Freedom of speech does not mean that you also are free from the consequences of your speech.
Wrong. That's exactly what it means.
Beaners are the ones talking shit. Better be careful. You're still the minority.
>Trump's rhetoric is as bad as muslim terrorist attacks
well done leaf, you outdid yourself
So, you're opinion here necessarily promotes violence. Does that enable me to attack you for your violence enabling opinion? Is it just turtles, all the way down?
I want the federal agents to LEAVE
Yes because we have a right to free speech like shooting fire in a crowded movie theatre.
ITT Kids who never heard the phrase sticks and stones will break my bones ...
>victim blaming
"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words are the weapons of the cis-hetero capitalist white-normative patriarchy and should be suppressed according to the whims of those who deem themselves oppressed."
Words can cause real harm.
>Australia is disregarded automatically as a troll
By your reasoni0ng I wish you were here talking right now.
Relevant argument I had the other night.
seriously? now I'm a #cruzmissile