What is your plan for the immediate aftermath of the inevitable happening?
>inb4 post to Sup Forums
What is your plan for the immediate aftermath of the inevitable happening?
>inb4 post to Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Hopefully survive
post on Sup Forums
Post Ron Paul may mays on Sup Forums.
Get on Sup Forums to post about it.
Then probably move to a rural place and farm my own food.
Take some qts to assure the survival of the human race, some bros to help in the "society", and some slaves to do the hard work
complain about how shitty it is
post on Sup Forums about it
also Op can't inb4
Tell Sup Forums it's not white multiple times in multiple threads.
>Implying that internet would function after the collapse
no internets idiots
organize paramilitary and enslave all leftist and force them to rebuild towns
Join the fight t b h l a d s
How are going to maintain order when the slaves have no women of their own? They are not going stay silent whille you get a taste of that sweet ass and warm bed.
>even if the happening happens you will never get to witness it with fellow Sup Forumsacks
how would you maintain order?
go full STALKER
First I'll Hunker
Then I'll spunker
& block the driveway with a junker
I'll rig the trees to blow
And they'll get a trunk errrr in the face
Go to my outpost (burried shipment crates, its quite comfy) in extremely rural wyoming. Literally no civilization for hundreds of miles.
jerk off then eat my cum to survive
keep doing this to outlive my competition
Find a girlfriend, keep my family safe & happy to the best of my ability and stay comfy from the bandits.
>implying slaves are not both men and women
Fucking Sweden can't into racism
Languish, then die.
Proceeding to find rich man Vault and clearing them one by one .. Hostel style
Like a Boss
>Implying that Sup Forums can only exist in the internet
Posting this pic on Sup Forums
Wander around looking for food and get stabbed by goons in the process
Watch this .. good movie ; youtube.com
Probably catch up on my reading.
*drops and breaks glasses*
Noo! There was time now! It's not faaaair!
hunt and eat people. I'm a lazy fucker.