Ok Sup Forums, I need to get information on how to get into someone's ig account. Any advice?

Ok Sup Forums, I need to get information on how to get into someone's ig account. Any advice?
Porn for attention.



Bump for interest.



you get their password ya dum dum


I need to do it remotely, a keylogger would be futile


Bumping for interest also, a page I know posted CP of my ex and I've been trying to get it down for months but IG is retarded and won't remove the pics no matter how many times I report them



Go over to their house. Force-feed them roofies. Use their thumb to open iPhone. Go to IG. Profit.

Jail is a possibility, so I hope it's worth it, but the method I describe is completely foolproof. Unless they have an Android. Or their dad is home. Or they have a gun. Other than that, it's a pretty solid method I'd have to say.

Any real answer?

try to guess their password? I mean really how fucking old are you? Do you not understand basic computer era account security?

I've got you, I'm no criminal but I know my shit. Listen closely because this is just for education. I'm not responsible if you get in trouble. I wouldn't do this if I was in your position.
If you're a prodigy in software security, go right ahead and break into instagram's servers with some vulnerability that nobody else has found yet. But chances are you're not, and even if you were, they offer massive $$$ bounties to people who report bugs like that first. Competition is hopeless.
No, your best bet is to look for sites have already been hacked before. It sounds dumb but if you can get the person's password on another site then you'll probably be able to get into their ig.
What you're looking for is database dumps, big published lists of accounts that result from big websites being attacked. You normally find these in places like plaintext hosting sites (pastebin), leak sharing forums, or "dark web" sites. The better ones are usually stuck being traded privately between security researchers or criminals.
If you can collect a few with cracked password hashes, you can search through them for key pieces of information, like the person's email or common usernames. If you find info from one of their accounts, do more searches with that new info. When you think you have every account, try every password you collected.
If that doesn't work, try the same with their email and see if it will let you recover their ig. But make sure you're careful to cover up. Lots of popular email providers will save your IP address and show it to the account holder.
Good luck user.

Any idea who this is ?

31 6 42 80 60 892

Absolutely not


Awesome! I'm going to check her out right now

I'm 12 and what's this?

I've got you, I'm no criminal but I know my shit. Listen closely because this is just for education. I'm not responsible if you get in trouble. I wouldn't do this if I was in your position.

If you're a prodigy in software security, go right ahead and break into instagram's servers with some vulnerability that nobody else has found yet. But chances are you're not, and even if you were, they offer massive $$$ bounties to people who report bugs like that first. Competition is hopeless.

No, your best bet is to look for sites have already been hacked before. It sounds dumb but if you can get the person's password on another site then you'll probably be able to get into their ig.

What you're looking for is database dumps, big published lists of accounts that result from big websites being attacked. You normally find these in places like plaintext hosting sites (pastebin), leak sharing forums, or "dark web" sites. The better ones are usually stuck being traded privately between security researchers or criminals.

If you can collect a few with cracked password hashes, you can search through them for key pieces of information, like the person's email or common usernames. If you find info from one of their accounts, do more searches with that new info. When you think you have every account, try every password you collected.

If that doesn't work, try the same with their email and see if it will let you recover their ig. But make sure you're careful to cover up. Lots of popular email providers will save your IP address and show it to the account holder.

Good luck user.


Where can I find this tipe of sites? It looks like a lot of work.

Formatting. It can work for you too.

I need this sauce

I'm the first guy, not the guy who reformatted, but there's no one reliable place to find them. It is a lot of work, you snooze you lose. Being a l33t Anonymous Sup Forums Hacker isn't for normies or pussies.

Ok, I found a pastebin link with lots of accounts.
Somebody else is selling a txt with what they claim to be 32million accounts leaked from a breach in ig servers and firefox/crome saved passwords for 19$, I believe it's a scam.

It's almost certainly a scam. Don't pay for that garbage.

this is the guy who reformatted. They need to give up the pipe dream there.

If they can't tell the difference between a XSS/CSRF/An injection point in a SQL injection/or authentication problems, they're not going to ever find anything. These simps want a LOIC type of tool that they type in instagram and a little graphic comes up "SITE HACKED!".

IG and every other social media site has a team of at least 8 infosec people who are dedicated to just banging on the application by hand as well as testing via veracode or whitehat or some other app scanning tool, not to mention 3rd party pentests they have to do at least once a year to keep whatever investment firm that owns them off their ass as well as to maintain insurability.

The best these simps can hope for is their target has a password like Password123!

20 million porn sites on the net and they're trying to get some generic kids tittypic selfies.

just ask them for it and see what happens

What about following someone's route on google maps? You know, the system automatically saves your travelling, you can see it on your phone.

>20 million porn sites on the net and they're trying to get some generic kids tittypic selfies.
I'd say it's the thrill of the hunt but like you say, they want to enter in a keyword and get instant results so... why

Not OP but I remember an ex friend's IG password from when we were friends. Assuming they haven't changed their password since we stopped being friends, how safe is it to attempt to log-in? Does IG send notifications when someone logs in to their account? I don't use it often enough to know.

...this actually might work. Or just do old school social engineering. See if you can call them "HI we're calling from instagram about your account XXX. We're seeing some unusual activity from pakistan on it and we were wondering if you could please verify some details so we don't have to shut down the account"

then ask shit like name on the account, email, etc then some security questions. You could get in with the security questions but if you really want to push it, just ask what her password is.

It's never about seeing a pair of tits...you can go anywhere for that. It's because they want to see a specific person's set of tits. It's different when it's about seeing someone you personally know naked.


What do you guys think of meterpeter?

it's fine for network pentesting. it's just not really applicable to something like IG, at least the front end. You could maybe find something on their peripheral network that they overlooked however.

I read somewhere that you can hack someone's webcam with it, is it true?

if you can get into their machine with some sorta vulnerability like getting them to pop open a remote shell or they leave their machine open to the outside and it's exploitable, sure, anyones webcam is exploitable.

its really odd the motivations for wanting to hack someone. In the old days it was just to see interesting systems you normally wouldn't have access to. Later it was sorta the king of the mountain stuff, see who could get the most systems. But now it's just shit like "I wanna see this girl nude".

Even your garden variety russian will hack for something silly like money.

Is there a way to log into someone's FB easily? I just need to see ehat mother fucker messaged my ex and she wont tell me who.
There is someone going around DMing people close to me and saying dumb shit.