One of those threads.
One of those threads
Other urls found in this thread:
Fat people disgust me just as much as niggers and shitskins. I think you should have to be white and in shape to be master race. Check out Scandanavia, they're the only true white people.
So true.
Shit thread. Post pics that represent an average day in Mexico instead.
lol! its like two different people in one. genious!
the anti right-wing ones always resort to ad hominem
literally nobody thinks this or is this
back to red dit, the land of black cock and muslim apologists
>you are le fat neckbeardxD
How do liberals always miss the point of these so hard? You're supposed to mock the cognitive dissonance of your opponent's argument.
>mexican intellectual
leave it up to you guys to soon be the first nationality to get deported from Sup Forums
Mexico's a fucking shithole holmes. Go clean it up before funposting on pol.
>implying they're any different from the anti left ones
i would imply, because literally all of them do
now please go back to
ebin XD
case in point:
>tfw i'm a misogynist but my wife likes it that way...
>national socialist
Pick only one
All of the anti Sup Forums versions of these do is call right wingers fat and ugly. They don't actually go after any of the arguments. Sad!
They aren't upset that its happening, its that the people aren't fighting back.
>people prefer conquering as opposed to being conquered
Mind fucking shattered.
You haven't made an arguments though?
Literally what arguments do Mexicans have against the concept of America having a secure border?
>Actual Arguments
>Actual Sources
Wait, SJWs think they have actual arguments/sources?
What are you trying to accomplish, mexican?
Haha, it's the butthurt mexican trying to force his 4-5 memes in countless thread hoping to bait some dumb stormfag. How ya doing buddy ?
Cucks trying to reverse meme warfare. Sad!
Fuck off anime masturbator
fuck the women haters. theyre the cancer of that board
Fuck off beanshit
>He thinks there are Mexican SJWs
They're all White
O I am laffin
>He thinks there are mexicans who care about their country
They are all beheaded
>anime masturbator
t. Average spic
>[arguments and sources intensify]
I didn't said that Mexicans are White. SJWs are White.
Fucking mexican shitposters.
When will hiro build a firewall?
leftypol couldn't come up with an original meme if they tried
This is probably the best one, and it's still lame. Those arguments can easily co-exist. I don't get it.
Says the AIDS Monkey-Mosquito
>I didn't said that Mexicans are White
Learn English beaner
Unbelievably this.
There should be a clean distinction between losing land in a war and giving it away in some blind guilt over things done generations ago.
Implying Matt Heimbach isn't based as fuck you beaner scum.
>Mexicunts flood America
>hurrrrr Americans aren't White durrrrr
forst one of these shitty comics to make me smile
>tfw a hundred pounds from being able to fat carry
>yfw trump also builds a Firewall that prevents Mexicans from using American websites
Do you like Trump?
fukkin saved
Sup Forums isn't an American site anymore
nice thread fbi, fancy memes you got there
We don't rage because it's unfair, we rage because traitors within our ranks allow it to happen
I want a Kay.
They're also the biggest cucks.
a fat black guy was actually caught trying to sneak a handgun into a prison by hiding it in his fat like that.
>hurr I used to be a librul but now my eyes r open. red pill ftw. hi hitler
>our society is extremely loose
>our society is extremely tight
Yep, makes no sense. You're right, Pablo. Mexican intellectuals at their finest.
>Can't formulate an actual argument so he has to use pictures to try and prove his points