

So swedish pm löfven will join obama and 40 more worldleaders to discuss the refugee crisis.....

So u cia again or what?

Anything is better than living in your country

Löfven always makes an ass of himself in these events, cringe every time

Indoctrinated burger"

I don't know what the fuck you even said, but it was probably Cuckradise tier. And this

Dont forget that ALL his trips outside sweden costs billions

Actually, excuse me. I didn't see your subtext on my phone.

Like the homo parasitus swarms

Discuss what ? Swedes don't want to pamper millions of foreigners.

I hope he walks in front the sniper thats kills obongo so the sniper gets a 2 for 1

Yes but löfven will go full retard like the last party embarassing itself"
Before progress

Jävla bajskorv

Yeand the rest are ccardiac arrested

Suck a dick"

På Svenska homo.

E det mohammed?

Remember that Margot Wallström is vice prime minister so we won't be much better off. It's not quite as bad as when Romson was vice PM, but it's still pretty bad.

Nej. Jag var en utbyresstudent..

Sd will save us anyway

Will they though? They have been showing signs of being cucked, asskissing M and not fighting against joining NATO. They devote too much time and effort on internal repression. Not to mention that they have stagnated and even made some losses in the polls.

They are outsiders, that's their whole reason for existing, so they should stop trying to become like the other parties. If they were smart they would look to Trump for inspiration.

lel we didn't get another green faggot?

Must have been a lot of butthurt that day, did they kick out fridolin as well?

Nah, Fridde is still Minister for Education.
