Why do you hate us?

Why do you hate us?
We only want peace

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Ah yes roses will bring back all those dead kids

but the muslims that hand out roses didn't kill those kids.
It is a gesture of solidarity

Is this that event where CNN was called out on their bullshit coverage

You want christians and fedoras to rest in peace

more explosions will

That was debunked.

Ah yes, Snopes.com
Fuck off idiot

Convincing post.

>latest terrorist attack

Maybe this?

irish terrorists also killed many Brits, yet British people dont think that every Irish person is a terrorist

Probably because being irish is not a belief.

Well, the paddies have since stopped blowing stuff up.

>but the muslims that hand out roses didn't kill those kids.
Or did they? We can never know. All we know for certain is they could explode at any moment. Like... RIGHT NOW? Or maybe tomorrow? Anyway, it's bad to propagate stereotypes, germany. It's not like all of them want peace, so you shouldn't generalize like that, it's bad.

because of Good Friday agreement.
And I am sure that once ISIS is defeated, the salafist terrorist attacks will stop aswell

but beeing catholic is

A handful of you handing out roses doesn't stop the fact a significant portion of you hate us and want to change our way of life utterly.

You refuse to assimilate, instead you decide to stick out by wearing fucking burkhas and living in your ghettos.

Get out of my fucking country you shower of desert niggers.

umm no sweaty xx
irish people weren't exactly well liked in britain during the troubles

I am sure that's also what Brits would have said about Irish not so long ago. See

Irish "terrorists" gave warnings so that they could evacuate civilians, our targets were economic centres not children you pedo cunt. They also DID discriminate against us - they made us go through our own queues in the airports, they interned thousands of Irish people living in England (imprisonment without trial).

We also pursued a rational objective - equal rights for Irish citizens and the reunification of Ireland. You can't exactly fucking negotiate with ISIS you deluded cunt.

Don't ever compare yourselves to us, you filthy fucking raghead.

So when you blow up places that's people, but when you do something good it's religion?

I don't give a fuck what people said about the Irish a couple of decades ago? I don't want you coming into my country you fucking sand monkey.

I don't think people see catholics as walking time bombs like they do with muslims, because the former aren't constantly doing terrorists attacks in the name of their religion to this day like the latter's extremists do.

Thank you Italy.

The difference is the Irish eventually stopped, and also it didn't last a millennium.

I am sure I am wrong, but it does sound to me as if you are justifying terrorism
You shouldn't be doing that. Terrorism is never justified

blowing up people is something a crazy islamic sect, a tiny minority does.
It is unjust to blame the whole of islam for that

There's nothing comparable to the troubles or the IRA, the whole point is that the government did retaliate with operation banner, they didn't hold a sit-in or beg irish republicans to send them roses and change their facebook profile pictures half of norn was under martial law

The IRA didn't engage in terrorism (:

Baptists do

>once ISIS is defeated, the salafist terrorist attacks will stop aswell

Yes because muslims didn't do suicide bombings before ISIS, right?

protestants are crazy motherfuckers desu
Inquisiton did nothing wrong

The WBC's hate protests?

Also last I heard baptists weren't catholics and in fact hate each other.


Not the WBC.

>Also last I heard baptists weren't catholics
Yes, they are Baptists.

And no they don't hate each other. Catholics aren't aware as what they teach about them so they often see them as quite nice people.
The hate is pretty onesided.

Actually we do

and AFAIK they haven't killed anyone.

>Not the WBC.
Then who?

>CNN didn't stage it
>doesn't say anything about them manipulating the angles to make it look bigger than it was

you shouldn't do that
Irish are good people. Just like Muslims

Who is the guy next to Syria (right)

Did you even read their dogshit article? They just paraphrased from CNN's tweeter denying it, oh well I guess nothing to see here then


Baptists are protestants, literally 1 google search.

Until your tiny minority stops murdering us I'm going to assume any one of you could belong to that minority. That's just being cautious.

You mean Westboro Baptist Church with WBC?
They are their own little thing and have nothing to do with other Baptists.

You can't compare them to ower Protestants. They were expelled out of Europe by our Protestants for being a little too extreme.

nothing wrong with beeing cautious
as long as you are aware that most muslims are good and peaceful people

>as long as you are aware that most muslims are good and peaceful people
Well this is clearly debatabe.

Change most to some.

Egypt maybe

>a tiny minority
... yeah. Very tiny.

yeah right. any empathy they show is a bluff. that, or they are not true muslims. it is not the way of Muhammad to mourn and respect kafirs like that

In fact, so small that it's sustained a 6 year civil war.

thanks to american funding

5 people can't use 10,000 rifles.

What? ISIS gets funding from other muslim countries and smuggles oil through Turkey.

The majority of their funding is from the Gulf Arabs and from selling oil

Did you actually even watch the video posted by snopes?

They told them where to stand, how to hold up the signs, placed the camera at an angle to make the crowd bigger than it appeared, cordoned off the street, and grandstanded about Islamophobia in the streets of the same city rocked by Islamic terror

>lol, your kids died because of Islam, sorry about that, now gimme free stuff, thanks.

I could ask the same question from you

and irish were treated like subhumans for hundreds of years, still ostracised in parts of the UK. They have since stopped their bout of terrorism (which was just 1 particular organisation), meanwhile muzzies commit more and more terrorism. Islam gives birth to braindead fanatics, who then commit murder and destruction all across the world. Being Irish does not.

The BBC also covered the supposed staging, showing that it's in fact an organized event by the London Fatwa Council. All CNN did was arrange them for a good shot.

Snopes is highly editorialized.

It's right on a lot of things but the owner is very liberal and you should not take it as fact.

>All CNN did
was completely misrepresent reality in favour of political agenda

>All CNN did was misrepresent the situation and then lie about it

>Out of all the muslims in london, the london fatwa council managed to only get about 15 muslims to pay respects



>children get brutally massacred by a muslim
>the local muslims instantly jump into the spotlight to inform everyone that it isnt islam's fault

It's more important to protect your desert death cult than to show any degree of solidarity to the infidels whose country you're living in.

So they cordoned off a protest by the LFC, picked out the least disagreeable of the protesters (all women) and staged a miniature protest within a protest to warp the perspective of said protest to the public?

So they staged individuals from a protest to form a narrative piece, of which the BBC also happened to cover?

And then did CNN not go ahead and grandstand on Islamophobia after the London Bridge attacks?

It's highly political, and the fact that they denied it being political is them stomping on the public's foot and spitting into their screaming mouth

What is even the point? Why is media so hell-bent on showing muslims in a better light? Does that really sell?


They're pandering to the middle class afaik

Something about discrimination being more evil than the spreading of religion by the sword, so Islamophobia is more of an issue than Islamic terror which is the cause of said Islamophobia

It's a mix of different things but basically they're trying to pander to the viewers of CNN who are basically all liberal and want to be hyper tolerant of everything.

On the more conspiracy theory side you can say the media conglomerates are working together to indoctrinate everyone into being fine with being blown up by terrorists on their own streets even if they don't make any money off of it.

Wrong, you want peace on YOUR conditions.