Have some respect, Sup Forums.
Have some respect, Sup Forums
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Praying in public is animal abuse desu.
Fuck Muslims
They disrespect me first by being in my country.
Funny thing is, a metropolitan lesbo posted this on my wall.
so you mean i can steal their shit and say it was so they could talk to god easier?
These are the same people who are celebrating that Brother Dean was nearly killed, and raising money for the whore assailant's defense fund.
>pass in front of object
im going to do it!
Now that I know this I'm going out of my way to do it.
Maybe they should stop having to pray 50 fucking times a day
>praying in public
Where does this actually happen?
Inb4 sydney
>Spreas culture, respect cumstoms, be good people. Simple as that.
Aha, whenever i wanna practice my "germanic culture/customs" like hanging a flag my german neighbour calls the police. Maybe this is actually our culture
>tfw not such problem here
>muslims aren't supposed to walk pass in front of muslims praying
Good thing I'm not a Muslim then.
I did not know this. Thanks!!! I don't want to be rude. It's easy to just avoid them xD
Gott mit uns, Arschlöcher
>you might break the connection
Time to upgrade your religion if your reception is that finicky.
Don't forget to put your feet up on the train seats!
Dress up like a muslim and just start praying with your back to the edge of roads, bridges and cliffs.
Problem solved.
But if they don't pray 50 times a day how can the magic sky sandnigger know his creations f̶e̶a̶r̶ love him?
If i'd see a mud muttering in sand language in public, i'd immediately assume a snackbar is about to happen
Maybe they should worshipping wifi, people passing in front of it won't do shit to that connection.
If I saw a muslim praying in public I would laugh at them then run away before they blew themselves up.
If you're a Muslim in the UK, please be respectful and remember that every Briton is higher than Allah. Respect that fact, and we might get along. Simple as that :)
i just reported you to the Canadian secret police.
Have fun
Respect is earned not given. Get fucked leaf.
If they arrest him, he wins.
In that case, I hope everyone walks in front of Muslims as they pray
If you don't respect your enemies, they win
>See muslim praying with a big bag in front of them
>He's vigorously yelling "ALLAHU ACKBAR ALLAHU ACKBAR"
>Well better pass in front of the bag so I don't disrupt his spiritual conne-
>It explodes and takes me with it
Clever tumblrites
They have a point, you know.
Now excuse me while I go to my nearest Catholic church and piss in the holy water because the deacon said something bad about homos.
My religion states that I must shit on someone else's shoes at least three times a day. If I do this please be respectful and don't stop me or try to clean it off.
Why would you call a Muslim a mosquito is that like racist slang
Do Muslims in toronto pray on the fucking subway or something? What the fuck OP
If I am carrying a sharp stick, or a long handled garden tool I will definitely pass from behind.
I respectfully step on their neck.
Respectful of my own culture and heritage.
>Brother Dean was nearly killed
holy shit i missed this
based brother dean, a martyr in the making
Oh it's one of those "This side towards enemies" thing.
If someone is praying like that in public, and I happen to walk in front of them, they should keep going about their own fucking business. If I'm not allowed to walk in front of someone because they're praying, then I can equally say that they shouldn't be allowed to pray if I'm walking in front of them.
I've never seen a muslim pray, let alone anyone pray in public but now that I do I'll be sure to fuck with some muzzies.
I've never seen it, but I bet they do
I'm pretty tolerant of other people's culture, but i draw the line at not walking in front of them while they're trying to telepathically contact their invisible magic sky spirit in public.
> Someone physically moving past you breaks your connection to the divine
What primitive nonsense is this?
I hope these men and women are from the countries where they'll get raped, mugged and threatened by muslim rapefugees
>and raising money for the whore assailant's defense fund.
They're literally throwing their money away.
No matter what she's getting slapped with felony assault because it's on fucking video.
Let them give her money. It just makes it even more hilarious.
Thought this said 'piss in front of them' when I first read. Started laughing at the thought of someone just pissing in a bush next to a muslim who was praying on the ground. Disappointed to be corrected.
If you're a muslim piloting a plane, could you not crash it into a building? That would be cool
>not walking in front of them and stealing the energy of their prayer to make yourself stronger
I'll respect Muslims when they stop blowing up civilians, raping women en mass, stoning gays and worshiping a pedophile warlord. Until then they can fuck off.
> muslim praying in public
> has a bag in front of him
> praying in public
> has a fucking suspicious bag
I'd better run away and call the police
The internet.
There's a fucking button right next to a post to image search summerfag
I'll go behind them and kick them in the rear
OP.... if I see a muslim praying in the middle of the street with a package or bundle in front of them, I'm not going anywhere near them.
>a qt blonde girl will never, ever let your cum drool down her face while she grabs her tits
I'm glad 0 of these fucking ragheads exist where I'm I swear I'd go on a murder spree
Stop being such a fucking pussy then, if you can't get laid in 2016 you deserve death.
What should I do if see a Christian praying in public
You dumb fucking faggot
It really depends on where the praying Muslim is at and what constitutes "not stepping in front of them".
Im not an autistic retard like most of you fucks, so I dont begrudge trivial gestures to communicate civility and respect, but Im not going to bend over backwards to accommodate somebody in a public space trying to make it all their own.
This is the only right answer, and if you have a different one, you are an anti-social parasite.
i'm already 22, ive resigned to being a wizard
What the fuck
yeah uh
if you're a muslim and you see a non-muslim country far off in the distance with a comprehensive safety net for its public, could you please not pass your obligation to your descendants to fix your own nation by fleeing to it?
go make your nation like theirs, but not inside theirs.
>muslim praying in the middle of the street
I'd kick them over and run, they wouldn't catch you
>Allah is all-powerful
>reception in heaven goes to zero bars if you walk in front of someone praying
underrated post
I'm so glad I've never seen a Muslim praying in public.
I wish I knew where this passive aggressive faggot lived so that I could catch him praying and leave a nice plate of ham in front of him when he bows down.
>praying in public
fucking showoffs, literally the opposite of what you're supposed to do
lol his name is 'a boner'
>not putting all that xp into luck so you can earn xp faster
Gentlemen, this is the greatest gaff of the century. This means that it is possible to cut them off from their hive mind.
Or maybe it's like the Lich King and we would have to find a new Lich King
Christianity: And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
>"Don't beat yourself up for not knowing shit that my religion teaches its followers to do, make sure you act like a Muslim though"
The fucking nerve of these parasites.
Airports mostly.
Typically by the taxi stand.
At my college, I noticed that the couple of muslim students found a semi-private place in the corner of an unused quad to pray. It seems like if somebody walking in front of you is that big a deal, you could just find a place where nobody would do it.
Also this, . I'm sure Allah (Glorious and merciful is he. Death upon his enemies), doesn't really mind if somebody walks in front of you. In fact, he's probably just thrilled that you're taking the time to follow his rules on prayer.
Being around Muslims makes you an extremely low-status part of *their* society.
Hijra is conquest by migration and domination by out-populating the natives.
Hijra is the central story of Islam.
So can I just walk back and forth in front of them and pretend I don't know where I'm going and that would interrupt their communications?
This guy is an idiot.
Muslim here by the way.
I just reported you to the Canadian assholes league.
Get buggered.
Some people can be so inconsiderate
Even a German flag?
>Muslim here by the way.
>German Flag
Story checks out.
nah dude just stand in front of them, you'll steal all their prayer power and become god.
source: see flag.
I'm really glad I saw this screen cap, now I know exactly how to piss them off.
I knew the future was going to be weird and possibly awful when I graduated 10 years ago, I had no idea exactly how fucking weird and the exactly flavor of awful is totally unique in history.
>These people have had nothing but disdain if not outright violent behavior towards us for years
>they wipe their asses with their hands
>they stampede each-other for a chance to get close to a old shed
>they completely lose their shit if you make fun of them
Hay guiz don't say stuff like that you're just Islamaphobic.
Yeah, I am. Those people are fucking loony.
We can tell.
What's it like living on Norfolk Island?
This may have made sense when they all lived five miles from the shitty rock they pray to in desert city and the only thing that could possibly be inbetween them was a sand dune. Now though it's almost impossible for someone not to be inbetween them and the thing they're praying to.
This is true.
Remember anons, every time a white person gets arrested for compressing air into sound waves that make people's feelings get hurt, a young white an discovers his power level.
isnt that to mecco tho?
I've experienced this several times.
Seriously user, if you can't get laid please do us all a favor and hire a pro. Not some street walking whore, but a nice, sexy, call girl.
Because if you don't lose your virginity, you will lose your mind (seriously).
If I go 20 feet in front of a praying muslim and place some bacon on the ground there, will allah be greatly offended with the muslim and smite him?
This makes me want to crop-dust praying muslims.