> Somali Mudslime has just almost beheaded someone
> Still skulking around with a knife
> Fuck, missed
> Fuck, missed
Are other nations police forces this incompetent/cowardly? Feels bad man
> Somali Mudslime has just almost beheaded someone
> Still skulking around with a knife
> Fuck, missed
> Fuck, missed
Are other nations police forces this incompetent/cowardly? Feels bad man
Britain is such a fucking joke.
Our police are equally as incompetent but we don't have Muslims causing trouble just polish farm hands that steal stuff out of people's garden sheds to sell
Also thanks to the Polish dude who filmed this and the Latvian guy with the backpack, for not being pussies
Try this in America with our police.
A bullet cost less than multiple years of prison care.
imagine if this was in the us
well you have to understand that the guvment allocates their best officers to fight real crimes, like people not paying their telly license and not fighintg violent criminals.
He would swiss cheese! Also nice flag
you know, im pretty sure american cops wouldve seen this type of thing as a blessing.
>automatic human target practice
I always read the local paper for the comfy as fuck reports from the courts. The previous week was all shoplifting and assault. This week there were 6 fines for not paying the TV license and 2 people got prosecuted for drink driving.
Our cops wouldve shot him dead.
Oh god this hurts to watch.
>Bin that knife r'now mate or I'll shock ya
As soon as he lunged at someone American cops would have neutralized the threat and been back in time to finish their coffee
German police usually carry guns. Why don't your police use them?
At least our police still has guns
This nigger should have died crying for his mother in a pool of his own blood.
im dying
Let me guess, London. Down in the rural communities we would have just shot him or battered him, fucking spineless city boys
Cops would just lose their shit if this happened. First they would shoot him dead, then they would all tackle him, then confirm he is dead and handcuff him, and then call in 5 swat teams.
Wew many rare flags today, enjoy your sovereignty while it lasts gents
why didn't they just taze him in the leg?
because british police doesnt have guns you idiot
green lebanon
Just bash his damn head in for fucks sake.
What a fucking embarrassment
we are not sovereign there was a massive protest and outrage about it last year when we lost it
What the fuck happened to truncheons?
In the good old days the bobbies (police) carried clubs and would beat the shit out of you with them for any misdemeanor
Seems like even a truncheon would have been more effective than the multiple failed tazer attempts
How long since your ship has sunk?
As if it wasn't enough to rub it in the guy who had his throat slit is called fucking Lyle Zimmerman. Yanks, never, ever give up your guns.
And don't let any more fucking muslims in. This guy arrived as a refugee aged 6.
just wow
is he okay or nah?
its lack of training, because they will have had pepper spray and an extendable baton on them, they opted for the taser as an instant resolve but didn't count on them failing, they had no back up plan in mind because clearly something went awry in their training for such scenarios.
but hindsight is 20/20 and not being in that situation I guess its easy to judge, US police always go for the shooting option which is also due to poor training.
london is a shit hole we should just beg russia or someone to nuke it.
can you imagine if he had a conceal carry and just blew that nigger brain out??
damn i wish i was american
Well this is great job actually they dont go nuts over a little knife..
> "Thank god I didn't have a gun on me that day." -- Nobody, ever.
He was yelling "this is for Syria" different POV
So your cops don't carry guns. Why don't they carry whoopin sticks? Just rush the guy and beat him senseless. Fuck, they could've tackled him when he was facing away from them about four different times.
No, we always double or triple-tap when tasering and our boys always hit their marks
Idiots need to learn that knives are not something you treat with a fucking toy that doesn't work half the time.
Yeah, he lived. Lucky af though. The knife was blunt so he couldn't go full Lee Rigby, just sawed a few times and then gave up.
>You ain't no Muslim
tbqh it would be fitting if the Anglos eventually paid for their attrocities commited they whilst being allied to saudi arabia.
>"You aint no Mooslim bruv"
Actually m8...
I want to play golf on your island
Piss poor.
Anyone have that webm of that darkie surrounded by police and he has a knife and makes then basically all run away?
The tazer is only good on a slow moving target and even then if it doesn't hit the skin it is pointless and pepper spray is useless unless you get the eyes full blast.
Truncheons are great and the ones that extend even better because it means you can beat the crap out of them from longer range and even battle people and thugs who have knives.
>you ain't no mooslim bruv
the new britcuck national anthem ladies and gentlemen
Person who shouted this wasn't even muslim
It went viral anyway
how new are you?
Why did that fine gentleman not bin his knife?
Goddammit Nigel, get your shit together. You're like that embarrassing uncle nobody wants to invite to family BBQs.
It was symbolic movement he get fed-up with is life and go for the suicide by police but it aint work like that ..
a fucking leaf
these people needs to be put down
No, the shooting is due to not giving a fuck about the life of a perp who is trying to kill YOU
This is what happens to niggers with knives in the great land of America.
The United States is the most based country on earth.
Well they got him.. Pagan never go along well with Muslims I wonder what you think about others ?!
>captcha chose pictures with trees
But kraut, didn't you know? As soon as they remove guns, all the crime just disappears!
Seriously though Brits are your police even trained?
>euros are actually proud that their police didn't kill him
Nice Flag !
Mark is a well known Sup Forums shitposter who is breaking the terms of his parole by being on the Internwebs.
>Bind dat knife m8
>Bin it, m8y
>Dun make me tez ya, m8
>Dats it
>Imma call for backup to tez ya
>Just need to wait 8 minutes
>Meantime, Bin it m8y!
>US police always go for the shooting option which is also due to poor training.
Let's be perfectly honest
UK option perfectly executed:
>man still gets multiple swats at somebody with the knife
>is arrested, tried, and fed in prison until he will be released back on social benefits
US option perfectly executed:
>man gets shot
>no longer a burden on society
lol cant believe it. What will they do when they have to face armed bank robber?
But knives are illegal there!
All these rares today I should start collecting flags
Muslim are brother in faith to Jews and Christian .. there is only Pagans who spit on there faces .. I understand your point of view but its all the same shit .. YOU ALL WRONG
House Bolton will rule the North for a thousand years to come
>He didn't bin that knife.
Weapon control prevents stabbings guys.
>taser him
>falls down on top of knife
idk man they went pretty fucking nuts.
such danger
mudslims say non mudslims are the worst creatures. Fuck off Achmad
>US police always go for the shooting option which is also due to poor training.
No it's because their training puts the life of the officer and nearby civilians above that of the criminal. You'd be fucking retarded to want it any other way.
What a fucking embarrassment, Nigel. If at all possible you need to leave that shithole
Exactly. U brandish a weapon against armed police in the us. You better be on good terms with God.
Hahahaha memes are real and autism strikes again
aand nothing of any value was lost...
britfags need to learn a few lessons.
Wait .. you said non white are the worst they said goy are the worst the other said the Muslims are the worst .. ALWAYS the same song Typical ...
>Cop hiding behind a guy waving a backpack
fucking wew.
KYS already, I feel ashamed to have been born there.
Here he would be shoot very quickly if it just one police, more than three and he would get the beating of his life.
Kindly ask them to release any hostages and, if they please, visit the local police department later.
Notice how the police spend half the video hiding behind the Polish civilian filming
This fucking country, kurwa
>tfw this faggot would have a bullet in his brain if he pulled that shit in AMERICA
I'm sick and tired of your shit, Europe.
Time to annex you.
They would have let him stab them if they weren't racist
Its called diversity and its 2016, come on people
Maybe the U.K. should try banning knives again?
I always come away from British police stories with the impression that these guys are just a nightmare, but they'd be comical if they weren't paid bullies. They're like the bad guys in a Zorro sort of serial and there is no Zorro.
They have to call in an armed unit, normal police officers just have stuff like batons and a stab vest
No. I think only british police don't carry guns in europe.
In the Netherlands that guy would be shot.
We need a no knife zone, but we'll make it the size of the entire country