Do you also have this impression that Ethan is a typical backstabbing "friend" that would shit all over you for a...

do you also have this impression that Ethan is a typical backstabbing "friend" that would shit all over you for a simple mistake

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Yes, the more i see of him the more i think he's a cunt.

He shits all over people on twitter from time to time so I would assume so yeah.

he criticised Pewdiepie for saying nigger but then went on his podcast said it 100 times and was like"no it is okay when I say it because I am quoting"

Pewdiepie used it as an insult, if you just say it describing something or quoting it's a different thing

In the podcast with Comment Etiquette and JacksFilms he says it every 2 seconds and you clearly tell thye are getting uncomfortable with it. Even Idubbbz asked him to tone it down when he was on

I wouldn't trust him from here to the door. He is not a friend. He will betray you the moment it is possible to benefit off it. That is why I no longer watch him.

That is exactly how the law works aswell, it has to do with intent.

If you're qouting you are trying to give a correct interpretation of reality, just because you are reading of something, doesnt mean you share the opinions of the text.

If you are on the other hand, using a word as an insult, means that you have a negative biast against this word. You call some one a retard because you believe that retards are inferior to a normal individual.
By calling someone a nigger as an insult means that you think of niggers as less then normal.


All the time. Doesn't stop me from watching tho

First of all, I don't personally care about people saying nigger, but when people like him insult others for using the word inappropriately then turn around and make excuses in order to use the word, it gets a bit stupid.
I could make a video right now saying it's not Ok to say the word NIGGER, NIGGER is a bad word and we shouldn't be calling people NIGGERS every two seconds. You know? I have black friends and I don't call them NIGGERS, it's mean and it hurts, stop calling people NIGGERS and using the word NIGGER in your vocabulary.

You could interpret that video a few ways.
1: I made an excuse to use the word nigger over and over again.
2: I am 100% retarded and have no awareness.
3: I did all of this unintentionally because I am not a nice person.

what fucked me up in some of the podcasts is how he often used I or me talking about their channel while hila is sitting next to him.

Yeah but he is the kind of guy who waits for someone to say nigger and then uses it as an opportunity to say it

he is so desperate to say Nigger all the time, if you want to say it just say it don't be like Ethan

He's a swarmy little jew, what do you expect?

"The jew cries in pain as he stabs you in the back"


He is a jew

He's kinda boring. He pretty much leaches off Post Malone to stay relevant now.

He's a jew, ofc he will. Jews lack a backbone and will act friendly as long as they can make a profit out of you.

vid somewhat related
jew leeches out on Hercules to make a profit

yeah he's a piece of shit that attacks any other youtubers that are starting to get popular because he's "insecure"

also why does anyone watch him? none of his stuff is interesting. The only thing hes done is wear those stupid hats, but that's not even funny. and his videos are all just him talking about incredibly boring stuff for like 10 minutes. ive never been able to finish a video

he doesnt deserve hila
she's the only redeeming part of h3h3


you can get a feel of exactly he is behind closed doors by reading is hypocrtical skype exchange with leafyishere.

lol I wouldn't judge anyone based on how they treat leafy, you could shit in all his clean underwear and start his washer with hammers in it and he'd deserve it

H3H3 is just sam hyde for people who watch rick and morty

narcissist. Most youtubers seem to be.

hes literally a piece of shit, he changed a lot after the H3 podcast. Him and Pewdiepie were friends but did you see the podcast where he got drunk and just kept talking shit about Pewdiepie for saying "nigger" by accident?

Yeah the kike is a fucking piece of shit. He thinks he is the best and all. Im sure Hila is pretty pissed off at him, often.

Im surprised that they are still together honestly. Also, he is literally an autism-berg.
Hes got tourettes

ever since that shit where he took a big shit on JonTron, yeah, before that he was literally my favorite

JonTron could break into my house and murder my grandma in front of my eyes and I would still love the guy

yeah i still love jontron
ethan brought him on his podcast which was like "wow yeah jontrons coming back i'm happy about that and they're still cool together nice"
but then halfway through, ethan was pressing him for questions about what he said even though JT said he didnt want to get into it....and Ethans jew really shined through....really became less authentic and more eh....jewy.

I'm just waiting for the day when we get an H3 content cop. it'll be the spiciest yet.

it was like he was there to have fun and they did have fun but Ethan kept pushing him for something he wasn't comfortable talking about


He used to be on the up and up. What can you expect from a conniving Jew?

In the ricegum content cop, idubbbz mentioned waiting longer to make the video since he knew ricegum would just keep fucking up.

There's already a bit of ammo to make one now on H3, but I imagine if ethan continues the way he is, there will be a ton of shit in a year

his "fame" went to his head. h3h3 used to be a great channel before he became the self appointed guardian of morality on the internet