romanian hits edition
old thread was decent for once
/balk/ why are you so fucking booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring?
>old thread was decent for once
Agreed - leafbeytism ofc
*YAAAAWNS very slowly and very LOUDLY*
Needs update
you could have made this a mammi edition and oyu chose gypsy fidget spinners
my crotch... smells lewd...
пии пи пи пи пи
i dont know but the overall enthusiams of balk trying to invite mammi is below what is required
he looks very subdanubian
might be balkan (islamic) import
We can be homies too if you post some greek qts
Why is Sup Forums so shit compared to Sup Forums?
You can literally create a thread called "What went wrong?", a map of Yugoslavia as the image and it will be a blast.
Here, only faggotry.
Malaka that is a huge tease
sugeti pula tiganilor turci
Malaka post sauce now before I arm my zabas
Ill ask again, should I as first car?
bmw sucks
usually it does yes but i heard e46 is solid
post the twins sauce malakaaaaa
bmws keep breaking down
you'll spend more money fixing it compared to what you'll pay to buy it
as i said it depends on the model
e46 are an exception
at least thats what ive been reading here and there
oy vey sokeres
cf fratele meu tigan
lmao triggering monkeys XD
me n the lads
post it
baka frogposter
Du-ten pizda ma-tii de macaronar. Sa-ti iau ciorile in pula
Wanna get her profile?
Fac pariu ca esti tigan din braila. Vezi ca sor-ta e pe chaturbate
ai vrea tu să fii țigan din Brăila
yes plz
how do you write ch in romanian?
galati > braila sfs
de câte ori a fost carla's dreams la Galați? Așa ziceam și eu
post some more romanian
ima make a roll your own
anyone got a good dracula?
>he also hates Sofia
What a coincidence, so do I.
[spoiler]t. sofian[/spoiler]
ill become a wagecuck tomorrow
>no leafbey
am o intrebare mai buna
de ce sunt brailenii moldoveni?
when im not at work i feel empty. i cant work all the time because i cant drink at work. what do i do?
yeah it's really outdated
eu sunt vampir tu esti dracula, eu sug sange tu sugi PULA
кaквo e зaбa бe
leafbey should be number 2. also montenegrini is a total bro
>tfw other great shitposters like klime and that one romanian are no longer with us
He's still around
He is mentally challenged
Get me the twins sauce and I will show you
i wish
Serbs got btfo in Kosovo elections
estem țăgani defapt frate
>serbs are a minority
>got btfo
not really suprised 2bh
connectr e din puerto rico, nu mai fi supi :*
here's baby's first dani mocanu show
drink at work, that's how I do it. I'm an alcoholic now, but at least I'm havinf a great time
Dimineaţa Ilenuţa
Îşi scoală de zor văcuţa,
O apucă de frânghie
Şi la câmp cu ea o-mbie.
– Hai văcuţă la plimba
Unde e verdeaţă mare,
Să paşti multă iarbă deasă,
Să faci smântânică grasă.
Smântânica tare-mi place –
Mama tort din ea îmi face,
Tort gustos îţi dau şi ţie,
Iar tu lăptişorul mie.
im an alcoholic too, but i love the work and i have plenty of time to drink at home
Didn't mean that
then you are not a true alcoholic. Alcohol is shit anyway, I wish I could quit
i wished that too desu, now i dont. life is fucked up and alcohol sometimes is a bliss. btw what do you drink and how much? i dont drink that much but i do need to be on like 2 beers all the time if i can
I was tempting to ask you to say "Jenna Coleman is my Queen" but fuck it
Here it is, priyatel
Fb /elisabet.ainatzoglou
Her sister
Fb /eirhnh.ainatzoglou
>tfw my kitty is laying on my stomach and purring
post your pussy
balk Macos are so cute aside from wanting to genocide Albanians
>deleted just in time
Jenna Coleman is my Queen
s-sorry im too paranoid of being recognized
beer because is cheap and easy to get. Ironically, I started drinking spirits and I got so drunk that I didn't want to drink for days, without hungovers and shit. But I quit because it's expensive and if you drink that everybody can smell it on you.
I can actually go for a day or two without drinking and be fully functional, but it's always in the back of my mind, "I need a drink". That scares me hence this AA post
do you have a mother who hates alcohol?
no, she doesn't drink at all, but she sees how much I drink and doesn't say anything except when I'm piss drunk. I think is actually my moldovan(from Romania) genes. My grandfather drank a lot, but wasn't a drunk
Holy shit he said it :Oo
No she ain't desu
That's cause your grandfather drank to enjoy yourself instead of drinking to get drunk
Do what I do and avoid cheap alcohol if you can. I also enjoy alcohol but I pace myself out and when I feel like I'm gonna get shitfaced, I stop and wait a bit to recover before I continue.
what happened, did you finally move to your ancestral land of italy or are you on vacation?
Are you a macedonian celebrity?
It's the opposite, I've been living in Italy for 12 years. I'm actually going in vacation to Romania in august
i wanna know if you like me girl
exact asta fac si eu. Foarte rar ma fac muci. Tocmai de aia ziceam ca sunt alcoolic, simt nevoia sa beau ca sa functionez normal, ceea ce nu e bine deloc.