Why do Americans respect military so much? In Canada, the army is the last resort of losers who couldn't get into uni or get a real job.
Why do Americans respect military so much? In Canada...
Bump. Honestly curious because I don't get what the big deal is.
Other countries hate us. Gotta make sure we can still swing a big stick. Thank you for your service militarybros.
Do you smoke crack op? You need to know a fuckload of math for the army.
Haha good joke friend. I guess having to know multiplication AND division is a lot of math for soldiers.
Because I was an officer and I have a degree so the combined military experience and degree make me your boss now
I work in software. Being loud and bullying others won't get you far in this industry.
USARC here. It's because we volunteer to put ourselves in harms way to help keep the mudslimes on the defensive, so they're not balls deep in your goats and blowing up your house every week.
But, conversely, bombing the villages that your co-worker's parents probably come from would mean less software workers down the line and less competition.
>the army is the last resort of losers who couldn't get into uni or get a real job
Exactly. Technically, we're all "unregulated militia" and have access to better weapons anyway, so we don't need the military.
If you stay out of their homes, they'll stay out of yours. It's a really simple concept I thought most Americans would learn after 9/11.
Also, you're in reserves. Meaning you don't even do anything, you just sit there waiting for a war that never happens. So much for putting ourselves in harm's way.
>Chinese and Indians
Unless you fought in Korea, you've done nothing to help my employment situation.
>I work in software
don't we all op, I'm working in software right now. Lol you fucking stupid retard.
I don't think you get how Islam works. They'll still try to forcefully convert us. If we kill them all then they'll stay out of our homes.
>If you stay out of their homes, they'll stay out of yours.
Then, why niggers?
Checkmate atheists.
>If you stay out of their homes, they'll stay out of yours.
Leaf education
Yeah no. My Muslim friends are chill people to hand out with.
Because you sailed into their homes on the west coast of Africa and kidnapped their children? My point still stands.
You probably make autistic websites, your idea of software is html and css.
Just kill yourself shitskin.
Come on, leaf, are you even trying anympre?
Unlike Canada's """""army""""", the US army actually see's battle.
You volunteer to serve the Jew for welfare queen bennies
Because there have been major campaigns of "support the troops" launched by the government during times of war and an incubated sense of fear regarding terrorists. Children in schools are also often encouraged/required to write letters to soldiers thanking them.
i didnt realize whites were rounding up niggers, given it was niggers that sold themselves to jews who then sold them to a small section of whites in the southern U.S
you're also some tech cuck who likely can't get a job and are pissed off that your highschool friends went into the military and have a stable life
I make $80k/year.
Only because lobbyists from Lockheed need to test out their latest toy.
>didn't get an office job that pays you lots of monies that work exclusively in your comfy, manufactured civilization
>instead learn basic survival and combat skills
>must be a loser without a "reel" job
Because our military had responsibilities and needs to police the world.
>lying on the internet to strangers anonymously
What company do you work for, that big prestigious canadian software developer right?
Lol get the fuck out of here idiot.
because they're quite selfless and are willing to lay themselves down for their country.
>I make 80k/year
Read, I make 27k/year after taxes.
No actually... He was right. Higher levels of military function require much higher levels of education.
It's why you serve > get education paid for > go back because it's literally a kick ass amount of work.
What fucking part of Canada do you waiver from that Military folk arn't highly respected?
A man or woman in uniform can walk into pretty much any store and have their milk paid for, or go to the coffee shop and get a cup free. The pay is good when you take it as a career and care about it (your fucking country).
Some of the most intelligent people I know are higher ups, some of the least intelligent people I know have 'Masters' degrees.
>I'm a limpwristed cuck that's going to train a pooinloo how to do my job soon
>bragging about this on the internet
Nice b8 leaf
Because during Vietnam al the liberal cucks ran to Canada and all the Canadian men joined the US army.
We kept the men while the hippies fled north to faggotland, and now the hosers are wondering why nobody wants to join their pussy military