Is Macri a good president?

Is Macri a good president?

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ur mom was a good president (last night)

Mas o menos bueno

Argentina has esentially the peronist parties (actually subdivided on a number of little parties, each one with their unique point of view about it, but they all unify under whoever wins the elections), and the non peronist parties.
The non peronists only get to govern when the peronists have been in power for too long and turn corrupt. And then the people, used to the peronist way of life vote for them once again.

I get the feeling Macri is trying to stop that dichotomy and make his party last for decades, and be truly it's own thing instead of a "non-peronist". That's why he's trying to create long term policies, but at the same time he's taking too long on my opinion to get rid of the clientelist an populist policies that peronism infused on the population for decades.
He's trying not to lose too much public opinion, and the policies that would destroy inflation and deficit as fast as possible are suffering because of it.


He's great

what are peronist policies, in practice?



gibsmedat in exchange for votes


invasion silenciosa~ todo acorde a lo planeado


>the people that hate macri the most are usually lower class that got their subsidization and social plans taken away
>or middle class, that only had jobs because the last government threatened companies that fired their lazy people
>now they're all running away to Uruguay

making Argentina great again

>politics discussions on Sup Forums that have nothing to do with alt right, or trump, or whatever the little bubble of politics they always talk about

They've been coming since 2012 Lautaro

Los argentinos son todos escoria, gentuza, basura humana. Mitad indígenas mitad italianos de los bajos fondos. Son la gentuza más vil y miserable de la puta tierra, todos y cada uno de ellos no merece otra cosa que no sea la muerte; un muerte lenta y dolorosa.

all the communist left liberals faggots are escaping to uruguay feels real good

Depends. He is pretty much the same as the last three.

>t. 45% inflation

if you don't know shit shut the fuck up stupid gypsy
>mitad italianos
otro gallego burro, nosotros somos todos amerindios papu lee un libro antes de revelar tu autismo

we have high inflation thanks to the koshner's are you new on Argentine politics?

'Argentina? Eso es una puta mierda, debimos haber permanecido fieles a España, pero ya no hay vuelta atrás y estamos condenados a la miseria.

José de San Martín, justo antes de morir'

>mitad italianos
Read books and stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums, autistic piece of shit.
We are Amerindians.

san martin se cogia lolis españolas eso si es verdad

What do you mean by clientelist?


No soy el pero es verdad
an easily corruptible way of doing politics, gives you strong and blind support among the poorest people especially

Me llamo Jorge de San Martín y sé a ciencia cierta que mi tatarabuelo no hizo eso de lo que le acusas.

the fucking jews really got us good for years thank god mauri is going to send them all in jail for useless corrupts

feels good

not even close, don't talk out of your ass, Manolete

delet this
this is the kind of people you're getting

que hijos de puta jajajaaiajaj




fa, tan mal está España?

If you say so

wtf I forgot Uruguay has access to a river, you can't actually see me right now, but I'm turning green with envy
>tfw landlocked country
>tfw will never know what if feels like to have a water body right next to you

I mean, Uruguay is like... a superpower, you know? Offices AND water access? What's next? Houses made out of bricks and mortar?

I'm just posting the pic, no fat indios like you have over there.

And now that you mentioned it, go try to take a swim in the river plate in Bs As, enjoy your third eye and the endless smell of shit

Yeah, that happens on every big city sitting near a river.
Now please, since I've seen you like to claim some sort of superiority through pointing out that there are Argentinians trying to get into Uruguay, do me a favor and fetch me the data on the number of Uruguayans trying to get to Argentina each year.
I've asked this on the past too, never seemed to get an answer oddly enough

nah he's just another kike

Very good