Any of the last remaining Bernouts here actually still holding out hope for this cuck?
Any of the last remaining Bernouts here actually still holding out hope for this cuck?
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Bernie's holding out for a 2017
I hope they are. Gotta fight all the way to the end, and they've done an impressive job of sending the party into a tizzy. Hopefully it'll give the non-cuck wing of the party the balls to stand up for itself.
I sure wouldn't mind having D be a viable voting option more often.
I can't wait for the 7th
and the 25th of july the riots footage will be great 50% black city
But blacks don't actually like Bernie
But they love riots
Not a Bernout.
I'd rather see him run than Killary. I hope she rots in jail and he gets an honest chance. Social-communist-whatever. I still think he's better than Killary.
Doing my best LARPing a bernout to try to persuade his cucks to support Jill ((Stein)) when the old commie gets BTFO
But Bernie is the ultimate cuck. He drank the Kool-Aid. He genuinely believes the lies that liberals use to dupe their voters. A vote for Bernie is a vote for a comforting fantasy that slowly kills us all
I want him to go out with a bang like that blonde dude did in Gurren Lagann.
social communist you say? pretty sure hes a social democrat. just like every democrat.
I personally have been all-in for Trump for many months. But I respect the that Bernie has managed to energize his particular base like never before and at least force a somewhat more sophisticated political atmosphere an dialogue, even I think his particular platform and proposed solutions are lacking.
And like I said, even more important is to keep wedging the globalist wall st. faction of the D party out off their stranglehold over what could possibly become a decent party over time.
Crashin' Bern Day soon, fellow Sup Forumsacks. How do you plan on celebrating?
bombing syria
That's not a very sophisticated argument, but it's easy to see why people make that kind of assumption.
its actually not an argument
if you look at the polls Bernie beats them both. he should run even if the party choose Hillary. He should run as a real 3rd party candidate. Trump will win against Hillary anyway so why not run.
It's too late to do a real 3rd party run.
It would cost too much of his donations also its a little late to try do that in the race
I try to follow you politics, (you being the empire and all) but i can't see anything stopping him from doing that, am i wrong in that? i know he won't have the backing of a party this late, but does that stop him? i find it strange if you can't vote for him if he keeps running. according to every poll i have seen, he beats them both, so why not keep Berning?
the man is old as fuck, so i don't think he is going to save his donations.
Is it anything that would stop him from saying fuck it, and keep going? i mean any laws?
There are certain deadlines to get on the ballot. Nothing stops us from being able to write him in during the final general election, but that's extremely unlikely to work because most people who even bother voting in the first place just press an existing button or tic an existing box or whatever.
There probably are not even close to enough write-in forms in existence to even make them worth counting at all.
Good luck pilot.
Don't enter any ADZs now.
Well he'd have to get on the ballot as an independent in all the states, and the deadline for over half of those states is already over. He could just tell people to write his name in but they don't count write ins.
His time is over unless Hillary picks him as VP (most likely not going to happen)
but if he keeps going, why would he not be put on the ballot with just a name and a box to tick of?
I know there is a difference between poll numbers, and primary votes, but damn, he would win, as the numbers are today. he must have filed all the papers to get on the ballot to be in the primaries, so that is not enough to get in the big race?
That's just not how our election system works.
And actually that's another reason why I'm glad he's running. There's a lot to complain about how our elections work, so getting more people to care about it should hopefully get more people thinking about possible improvements. I was really surprised at how many people never knew about the DNC's superdelagate system. I never knew about the RNC's convention process until Trump started rampaging through.
whats the point of the election if you can't keep running to the end? i see that it helps to get the power of a party behind you, but if you could win anyway, why should you not be able to run? this two party system you have, got to stop. why in the fuck would you let the 0,01% choose the two candidates you can choose from. this is a rich mans trick
sanders is a cuck. I love the word. it was made for him.
fuckin cuck sanders!
guys, im telling you this as a friend, you really need to change your system, and soon. following your county makes me think about the fall of rome, and the french revolution.
Post these polls.
>rich mans trick
Funny you mention that. I forget how exactly the story goes, but it's documented within the first few hundred pages or so of, "Tragedy and Hope" by Carol Quigley how basically the same crowd that owns the Federal Reserve Bank systematically bought control over one party and then the other so that they'd have one of their guys at the helm regardless of the vote.
It's quite a thrill to see that this election cycle has rattled their cages a bit.
Yes, I agree. That's why it's so important that more people start thinking about what it should or should not change to.
Sign the petition to indict crooked hillary
Maybe bernouts would be doing a lot better if they used their energy supporting bernie instead of attacking people.
I think this is close to the end, for the right/left lie in the us. tump killed the right wing, and hillary will, by loosing to Trump,end the "fake" left. i see hope for you guys.
im not going to say i know whats best for you, but i like mah social democracy.
>Caring about American Politics
Listen I understand you don't want our huge influx of American refugees but its none of your concern right now.
He's only 3 years older than trump. He just doesn't dye his hair.
I would not be unhappy to see both parties break up. In my opinion they are both criminal organizations serving the same master, and they have perverted and exploited our country and its people to a traitorous degree. We are in the hands of low-quality apparatchiks of the sort that wouldn't be able to stop the empire from collapsing even if they did not intentionally want it to collapse.
I don't think your style of social democracy would work here. We're a different kind of place and a different kind of people. But a large number of people admire that it seems to basically be working well for you, myself included.
He might be the VP for hillary
he is 5 years older. but still, he is to old to save the money. if he wanted more money there would be easier ways to get it.
yea, both parties are full of thiefs and henchmen of the rich. the problem is not incompetence, it's all done on purpose. you should let the empire fall, and save the country. learn from the continent that tried this shit before.
Sure it would work, you have the money and toy have the skill to do this, you where on the right way for a long time, until reagan killed the dream.
>let the empire fall
That's part of the problem. If the empire just falls chaotically, then the whole world descends into chaos for lack of empire. That puts the country at risk as well. So in my opinion we're really facing a global crisis, and that's why we're sliding ever closer to the next outright world war and a global financial collapse.
So far in recorded history, humanity has always recovered from this. Maybe it's a necessary thing. But it's going to hurt a lot more this time around, and, as you say, it's intentional. It forms the basis for the next great attempt at a global revolution and something even closer to a one world government.
thats why you should let it fall. if you fight it it will be chaos, but if you let it, you can control it.
humanity will survive it all, but it would be nice to not let everything go to shit. i just want people to not just read the history, but learn from it. "plz god, let us have nice things"
democrats are communist and deserve to hang.
Chaning up your club house name doesn't change the fact that it's still the same 5 12 year old and still the same faggoty clubhouse which wasn't even built by them, but someone else.
Yeah, I held that kind of opinion more firmly about a decade ago. I think it's still an option considering that the powers that be are still running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Maybe I just got old, but I've taken to thinking that we should at least give something a little bit more strategic a shot now that more people understand that we're headed straight for an iceburg. I think, for instance, that the Brexit is an outstanding idea. It's reasonably geopolitically safe to manage while still forcing some kind of a change to get a more realistic system for everybody.
The EU is suffering from the same sickness as the US. Money taking over, and it's the same fucking people running the US. The EU should fall and come back as what we wanted it to be, Britain leaving will just make the british even poorer, and the EU will keep going on, with the germans at the helm.
The UK has the financial capital of the world (City of London) as well as a "special relationship" with the world's superpower (US). Any big transition like that is going to bring some hardship, but I have no doubt that they will be fine, and quite possibly come out far ahead.
Greece, by contrast, is much more difficult. Not only would that more directly trigger a financial meltdown, but it's a tiny economy on its own and would quickly be taken advantage of, and then then geopolitically the West would stand to lose territory during a time of weakness.
So yes the EU in its current incarnation must fall, but that's really for the EU to sort out. With the UK back out, then the EU becomes clearly unsustainable with only Germany left trying to run it, and so now all the other countries have much more bargaining power if they can figure out a good plan (they will have to anyway).
All the while, they still have de facto NATO protection and free Federal Reserve funding because the US has a geopolitical need to keep the whole thing from turning into a shitshow, and it keeps us on top if the EU is having a hard time anyway. In other words, we wouldn't let it go too far, and we'd be more inclined to help restore order than to continue destabilizing around the edges.
I think there's great potential for a little bit of disorder to get countries back to helpful collaboration and acting in their own national self interest.
And it would also help stop TTIP, which is a danger of enormous proportion. Also one of the best features of Bernie's platform (since this is supposed to be a Bernie thread, afterall). Even Trump publicly praising Bernie on this, continuing his change of stance to stay off the attack.
>"special relationship"
the "special relationship" was shown to be nothing in 1982. But the british was the first to dismantle an empire.
the greeks just need to collect taxes (not just a meem)
NATO keeps all of us "safe" but i am among the few, that thinks NATO must go to. Russia has never been our enemy.
There's still a lot of tight collaboration within the Anglosphere. We need them and they need us.
I would revise Greek tax collection to getting rid of Greek corruption. The problem is when you get that bad, austerity only makes it worse, and people become even more corrupt along the way. Greece is a whole separate topic, but when things get bad enough that default wouldn't hurt anybody but the creditors. As always, when Grexit comes around, we find that we're all kind of cornered into doing nothing for a variety of external reasons. But that's a topic unto itself. They should use this reprieve as an opportunity to plan ahead.
And I agree that NATO is no longer useful and that we need a more useful relationship with Russia. The worst possible thing for Sweden and Finland would be to join. In fact, I suspect that Norway is the easy default kingpin to lead mutually-helpful agreements among Scandinavian countries to ride out whatever rough times are ahead.
There is hope for all you Bernouts. Hillary is soon to be indicted on federal racketeering and treason charges.
>mfw Tuesday
>Bernie Sanders management people was trying to fix an event where Bernie parachutes inside the arena with a big bull strapped on behind him
>But they later remembered that Sanders would probably die of a heart attack half way down
Kek'd. Who would support an old and dying socialist?
I'm here.
It's actually possible in this election. The Libertarian party is actually polling in the double digits.
That's because the Libertarian Party already got set up to run as a 3rd party ahead of time. Bernie is not in a position to do that.
I like weed, too, but don't make LP look bad. It's kind of my default voting option if there isn't a good reason to vote establishment.
I can get behind the idea of throwing old useless socialist out a plane.
Women and children first
Archived copy of deleted HuffPo article regarding Shillary's indictment.
We're going to win the nomination one way or another.
>a cuck with a bull strapped behind him
So wait, does he REALLY in actuality and not through delusion goggles have a chance to the democrat nomination through California?
Never give up. Pretend you're a red blooded, fun-owning American, knowing that he's never going to give up his funs.
What does kool aid mean to you americans? Is it a branded drink or has it always meant believing in nonsense?
Even if he won 100% of delegates from now until the end, he would still come up short.
>thinks any of those are valid
It is a branded drink, with funny memes.
But there was a crazy cult that decided to all drink poisoned kool-aid out of sheer belief that they would get to like go to their own version of Heaven through mass-suicide.
So that's what we mean about when people believe in something so hard without thinking that they wind up drinking the Kool-Aid
Is still hoping that he makes a come back
And by he I mean
ahh cheers mate
Voting for him in the california primary, but if he doesnt will im voting trump in november
They're the ones assaulting Trump supporters in the streets.
>Voting for a literal cuck to be commander and chief of the world's only superpower
I will never understand this.
I take those to be the typical Soros-funded rent-a-mob acting on behalf of the Hillary campaign.
His polocies will help ME and the people like me the most.
It doesnt really matter if were a super power or not
if bernie died, would the berniebros still believe he could get the nomination and become president?
Ask Hillary voters. This country's going to elect a president who got cucked on national television.
Fkn obviously not.
He has a chance now because hillary hasnt reached the delegates yet.
I bet you've never worked a day in your life.
Or maybe having billions of dollars allows one to simply be healthier.
And maybe Trump just naturally is a lot healthier.
I'm still holding out hope.
Even if he doesn't win the nomination this year, there's always next year.
No i have. When i was a teenager.
Dad made me get a job when iturned 16, but he died when i was 20 so my mom doesnt make me work
The baddest song in the USA, with the baddest man in the USA! Donald Trump: Bad Street USA! Watch!
I'm feeling the Bern and it hurts like shit!!!
If it worked with Reagan, why wouldn't Bernie run the country from the other side?
I'm voting for Bernman this Tuesday. No way in hell Hillary is winning this.
Can't wait to see Hillary destroy the Enabler: The Candidate and win the nomination.
H8llary wont win california.
Its feeling the bern!!!
There goes crazy bernie. I call him craaaazy bernie.
craaaaaaazy bernie
there go the remnants
(sry berners, don't take our memes upsetly)
We dont. I just dont understand why a lot of trumpkins attack us alienating the support hes going to recieve from us.
Beats me, but I find it's pretty typical that you have to put up with a bunch of Pavlovian attacks from "the other side" whatever it might be before you can have a normal interaction among fellows.