ITT: we predict WWIII

I'll start..

There will be 3 teams

Team 1
>Globalist shills
USA and EU lead by Hillary and Merkel. Possibly Germany, Belgium, France and Sweden for EU concern, and West and East coast countries for USA concern.

>Globalist puppets
Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Philippines (and secretly backed backed and supported by Israel and Saudi Arabia)

Team 2
>European Nationalists
Countries who already left the EU. (Possibly Hungary, Poland, Finland, Britain, Ireland and Denmark, maybe Netherlands)

>American Nationalists
Flyover states who declare independence from modern Hillary USA

>European resistance
Countries who are physically fighting independence from the EU. Most likely Portugal, Spain, south France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece.

>Post communist countries
Russia, former yugoslavia and baltics



>An Islamic brotherhood




(also secretly backed by Saudi Arabia, Israel and USA/EU elite Globalists)

ISIS (again, backed by elite overlords)

Other urls found in this thread:–Afghan_War

>Forgetting who would be a major participant in globalist shills

As long as we stay out I don't give a fuck.

USA / Poland (victors)
team subhuman
T*rkey / Germany (enternally butt hurt losers)

>Ireland leaves EU but netherlands is a maybe


>That pic
>There will never be FTL capable starships gently floating above your city
>You will never watch as a new starship leaves drydock for the first time.

Okay. Hungary refuses to accept refugees Poland then backs them Poland and Hungary form an alliance. Germany is like uh no you can't do that. Poland is like shut up Hnas remember we started world war 2 and you got fucked. Every country then attacks Germany just for being Germany and it is buried one and for all.

you'll be hiding under the table begging for scraps just like you are now so nothing changes for you i guess

our entire military is tied to nato you dumb bitch

we would never team up with them again

so.. whos the team 3 ?

i like the team i'm on tbqh

>There will be 3 teams

Stopped reading.

I doubt we'll ever get a WW3 in our lifetime. The political correctness is too dominant. Civil war? Yes it's overdue. America is going to have another civil war eventually.

>implaying that the speed of light is not a jewish conspirecy


Everyone vs. Everyone vs. Trigglybots

WW3 is already going on. It is different from other wars in that it is being fought in pieces. We just haven't gotten to the actual war fighting phase.

I know one part of it was the financial war which the US banks won, the other parts are debatable. Culture and policy wars are currently going on.

It all ends with elites getting their shit stolen again which is why they want the NWO in the first place to prevent their stuff from being stolen every 40ish years.

considering that shillary and merkel are the legitimate leaders of their respective countries + eu, meaning they got the US military. it looks pretty grim for the nationalists side of the war.

i imagine that after november we won't have too much left to talk about in the states. only one thing is left to do after talking fails.

as far as I'm concerned we passed the point of discourse long ago

don't have a coastline capital next time kek

germany starts it

where is australia?

God I hope there's no civil war, I'm hoping we can resolve this without a bloody fucking covil war. we'd lose so much

No way we'll ever be in team 2. Portuguese people are good socialist goyim, we must always suck up to the EU/USA overlords. Praise Jesus.

Russia will win. Again.

Can you imagine fellow Ameribros, fighting for this multicultural diverse, feminist society?

>muh NATO and Turkish alliance

You're fuxking backstabbing.

You'll turn your backs on the nationalist West, yet still shill for globalism overlords, and Islam too.

You fuckers are torn

>Ever has won

Yea dude, tnx for setting us 50 years in the past.

I would say that there would be some sort of East Europe alliance including Poland, Baltics and some other countries that would get rekt fast or remain fairly nautral for the duration of the war (And ultimately survives if they play their cards right)

If WWIII happen and we sell you food again, will you pay this time, Britain?

>leading wars

Women will surrender. They would never stand up and fight.

I don't want any war, fuck off.

Well let's exclude the Islamic Bro hood side

>Team 1
USA coasts
North France
South Korea

>Team 2
Southern European resistance
Post communist states
Britain (including Ireland, Australia, new Zealand and Canada)
Republican/conservative independent America

I mean, who you think wins?

>Country, which not winning a single war

Some Anglo shit

Egypt would never join a WW. Fuck off JewK

Both you, I, and all your subhuman countrymen know the only reason you're part of this alliance is because of your geological location.
We don't actually need you or any of your worthless roach soldiers, just the terrain under it.

My point still stands, Russia is shit hole. Everything relateded to you is a shit hole. You have 2 decent spots to live - Moskov and St.Petersburg, rest is complete trash. In USA they at least had some economical growth.

I love it:

>Team 1 Globalist Shiils
Sign up Sup Forums for this. I jumped in a ROn Paul thread earlier today, and the amount of bootlickers i saw was frightening

Yep, we are a small nation with a small country and small army. That is why we are in every single West related alliance and have NATO patroling our airspace. What is your point here? That you would get bombed the second you step over the border by NATO troops?

Look Russia, I like you generally but don't spread idiocy.

If we hadn't intervened in WW1 and WW2 the Axis would have crushed Britain/France and then steamrolled you with their combined forces.

If Russia is a hole, then Latvia - the ass all world.

canada would be team 1, and it would def be team 1, again, they will be the ones with the merican military.

Let's wage war on those who want war. My country and people suffered enough because of wars. No more.

>NATO Troops
Pls, stop, very funny =)))
In NATO, only one country knows how to fight - Germany.

You are just embarrassing your self at this point. In current situation your country has only maximum of 20 years to live anyways. Die gracefully.

>paying debts

Forgot to add my image

Here's another angle:

USA (Trump) + Russia (Putin) + Saudi Arabia
Europe (Rothschilds) + ISIS remnants.

We already pay the holdouts. Read news kiddo.

WWIII Is already started in the Meme War gents

>in charge of winning anything

>mfw I can see the window I am in right now on that pic


>Expert in cities of Russia on Sup Forums

>To live at the expense of Americans.
>To assign the achievements currently.

Congratulations OP, not only you are autistic, you are also pretty fucking dumb.

>O! Russia is bombing mujahideen in Afghanistan. Time for us to give them a few Stingers that they don't even need to make Russians surrender

Yes-yes. We've already seen it...

I have been to your country, Ivan. I have seen St. Petersburg, Moskav, Omsk, Novasibirsk and Kazan. So you can stop shilling that you have any city with decent living conditions outside of those 2. + The fucking villiges between them are stone age. Why do you think all the rich russians come here?

Starts 2020, nuclear holocause of all cities in 2022.

Save yourselves.

I have traveled all over your country in 2 days. Your even worse than Ukraine country.

was much in because?

aaaand this:–Afghan_War

I honestly don't think Japan would ever try to willfully and earnestly project power even if they were ordered to by the United States.

They are far far too reclusive and their entire geopolitical stance up to this point has been Isolationist Nationalism, and to let other world powers compete.

Also in a complete total war Scenario i would be willing to bet the post-communist and V4 Nations would remain neutral for as long as possible.

Dont assume that everyone automatically joins a side in a global war.

Yes, Ivan, like you would get a visa to come here. And not even true. Too much of propoganda for you there, buddy. But it is not your own fault, the system likes to keep them stupid and obidient anyways.

35% of our population is Obese.
30-40% of our population is non-white.
Half of the people in my age group (mid 20's) are socialists.

We've got a LOT of fat to trim user.
The forest has overgrown, and a cleansing fire is overdue.

>siding with Egypt

Poos Vs Loos

>ITT: we predict WWIII

Understand me. Americans suffer an inferiority complex. They are trying to gain a foothold in the world, but they are very funny. Yes, they have a lot of money, because they were on another continent country, yet we fought. But their money - plain paper, the dollar is not fixed to gold, and America is the leader in global debt.

>you might live long enough to take part in the nationalist-socialist union of eastern europeans and disaffected working class white westerners to do battle with the globalist capitalists and their immigrant hordes

don't be ridiculous. step one for team 2 would be the invasion of Mexico. This would completely cut off team 1's supply of farmable land for wheat and grains (even if we go full sherman with the scorched earth policy).

this would also decimate the drug trade (intentional due to puritan leanings), which would effectively leave the Mexicans without any noticeable leaders. even if Team 1 invades/aids them they'd still be facing starvation since the flyover states are where the majority of the farmland resides and you can't easily harvest crops from a war zone.

desu turkey could fuck any western war plans up by simply saying no to using their land. They control a bit of cyprus too and could easily take it over. That's a strategic airbase gone. Not to mention you'd never get any land based soldiers to Asia without turkey

So a Western superpower alliance vs an Eastern superpower alliance vs a couple of small irrelevant countries?

>Ireland in a war
Not gonna happen. There will probably be good lot of volunteers who go north to sign up with the Brits though.

Your Country welcomes Russian tourists. You don't know?

>plain paper
3 parts cotton, 1 part linen

>WW3 wont be a fake war faught against hologram aliens
>The NWO Globalist wont implement martial law around the entire world
WW3 is gonna be lit

And again, American does not understand the essence... Your thinking is limited, so our missiles are better.

>European resistance
>Most likely Portugal, Spain, south France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece
Literally Roman Empire, make the Mediterranean Race great again

Not really anymore. We canceled your humor and music events aswell. I heard they go to Crimea now. The rich come here for permanent residences tho, since we allow it if they have bussiness worth at least 250k? euros or smt and that has been a smash hit amonst them. (I wonder why)

That's not true. A Russian would need a EU passport or UNLP to enter Latvia without a visa.

>It's already was!
It is very difficult to understand you. Your English is very bad.


good joke

That's too close to home for the leafs

AKP sides with Morsi, right ?

Of course, why I know the English language? My country is more of Pluto...

Yea, I live in the beach turist city (You know what i'm talking about) and I don't hear russian tourists now anymore. Only People from Scandinavia and Germans.


Thats retarded senpai, an external threat would unify the US in short order and your Muslim alliance would be wiped out in no time

The most likely scenario at this moment is China/Russia/Iran vs US/EU/Saudi Arabia/Japan with the rest of the world allying themselves to one of those blocs

At the moment you have ceased to arouse big interest. In the world the Situation became tense.

I want a third world war desu.

all we ever hear of growing up was our ancestors getting involved in brave exploits in faraway lands, for god and country.
With this iPhone and starbucks generation I feel fat and lazy and useless

Yes, he sides with Muslim Brotherhood. He even cried on TV after the coup d'etat.

Russians are not allowed to come without a visa unless they are EU citizens or have special permission from the UN.

Get Drunk.

You didn't know? Russia is LONGER PLANET PLUTO. My country is Europe+Europe+Europe+Europe...
I'm sure you absolutely do not know my language. Although my country is bigger than your country.

WWIII is going to be USA vs China, and it will probably happen sometime during the 2050's-60's due to the resource wars.

Naturally both powers will try to grab Venezuela, Antarctica and Africa, but the real reason is that the global finacial system will be rocked by continuous crisis during the 2020's-50's due to lack of growth in the west, lack of jobs and automation of work, as well as the unstable fiat money scheme of the west.

The cause of the war will probably be North Korea, an oil crisis will make it extremely unstable and probably a famine will break out, with revolts, the paranoid Korean leader will get ousted or attacked, but he will remain in power thanks to the army. His paranoia will trigger an attack on South Korea, and everything will go to hell from there.

Russia will remain neutral as it is a fading great power, as will India (no stakes in such a war).

US will have UK, Israel,Japan, S.Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines on it's side, but no Europe as the EU will have been split into different parts already by that time.

While China will be controlling the majority of Central Africa and have an active relation with Mexico over Mexican secessionists in the US border (an effective proxy war will have already been broken up there). Other Chinese allies could be Taiwan, Venezuela, and possibly Iran/Turkey (if they still exist at this point).

The US will initiate nuclear first strike, as China will not have enough nukes( it currently has only 400 nukes) to penetrate the US missile defense shield, with possibly only 5-10 nukes penetrating it, destroying Washington DC and some parts of the West Coast.

China will be obliterated and carved up into smaller states, but the US will suffer a devastating Civil War some years later.

I cannot understand you.

If we do get a third world war it will probably be a WWI esque slaughter for nothing, I wouldnt get too hyped up for it