I'll start..
There will be 3 teams
Team 1
>Globalist shills
USA and EU lead by Hillary and Merkel. Possibly Germany, Belgium, France and Sweden for EU concern, and West and East coast countries for USA concern.
>Globalist puppets
Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Philippines (and secretly backed backed and supported by Israel and Saudi Arabia)
Team 2
>European Nationalists
Countries who already left the EU. (Possibly Hungary, Poland, Finland, Britain, Ireland and Denmark, maybe Netherlands)
>American Nationalists
Flyover states who declare independence from modern Hillary USA
>European resistance
Countries who are physically fighting independence from the EU. Most likely Portugal, Spain, south France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece.
>Post communist countries
Russia, former yugoslavia and baltics
>An Islamic brotherhood
(also secretly backed by Saudi Arabia, Israel and USA/EU elite Globalists)
ISIS (again, backed by elite overlords)