>Trump is losing to Hillary by a two digit margin
Looks like the wall won't be build sorry Ameribros.
>Trump is losing to Hillary by a two digit margin
Looks like the wall won't be build sorry Ameribros.
Have a free bump and a (you) because you speak spanish and eat beans.
That's alright Mexico. You'll get right wing vigilante squads relocating to the border instead.
>two digit margin
First that's bullshit. Second, you do realize the general campaign hasn't even started yet, riighhhtt? Nice try Mexifag
>Mexican Intellectuals Mathmatics
You're a dirty, filthy, subhuman, brown, sweaty, greasy, brown, degenerate, brown, dirty, repulsive Mexican.
4.8 is two digits dumbass
W-whoa there leaf
holy shit is trump btfo?
I'm white as fuck actually. Like the lot of Mexicans.
eat shit ahmed
Yup. And just consider how different things are now compared to 2008. By 2024, they will be that much different from how they are now, all in the direction of more tolerance, progress, and diversity.
>mexican intellectual
>inb4 50 pics of white-ish looking people in mexico
>all posted by a filthy shit encrusted brown hand trying to show how white he is
>by a two digit margin
K. Taco please.
>not biased
Stop sending us your brownskins. You didn't want them, why would we?
Bro 63% of the Mexicans are white, it's not as if it is hard to find pictures of white people to post.
Even the leaf know we are subhumans, the only thing we deserve is genocide
Maybe you personally don't but the owners of factories, farms and trans-national enterprises love them and loby to ha e more and more of them.
Because we have dumbass politicians who actually marry and keep their ugly trolls. (Jeb)
On top of that our people are so fucking illiterate that they think it's racism to want to deport illegal immigrants when illegal has nothing to do with race. It just so happens that most illegals happen to be Brown shits.
For fuck's sake we also have illegals coming in from Russia but nope we're supposedly only talking about the shitstains that not even Mexico wanted when all illegals should be deported for breaking the law.
ill give you a hint, business owners wont run this country much longer either
Nah, man, I will not whoa! Fuck these pieces of shit and their delusional pride. You Americans have accomplished so much and you're not allowed to be proud but the cartel fodder mexican is encouraged to celebrate his existence?!!! FUCK THAT! DIE MEXICO!
fuck off, kike shill. nobody is or will fall for it.
Donald Trump, which is deemed by some naive polacks as the saviour of America, is literally a businessman.
if they say there Mexican Canadian or Mexican American, sad news for ya bro if you moved back to mexico you be a canadian/american spick, not a spick who visited the west
so all in all what im trying to say is fuck mexico and if your really a spick with citizenship you should agree or go back and watch what happens
He may be a dirty, filthy, subhuman, brown, sweaty, greasy, brown, degenerate, brown, dirty, repulsive Mexican, but at least he's no leaf
You don't know what are you talking about, Americans are very patriotic.
Well, you got me there tbqh, but at least I'm no leaf
Did you even look at the picture? Try reading it again. They oversampled dems
Ever heard of a Putsch beaner?
We WILL put Trump on the Iron Throne come Hell or Highwater
hey fucking dumb greenback, you cant be a patriotic american or canadian, flying a mexiacan flag in etither country, your just a outsider here, and if you went back youd be a outsider there.
in general fuck you
If you just remove Rasmussen polls from that average, Clinton's lead jumps to +7.
No, Reuters just did a poll that isn't representative of the actual population.
Mexican intellectuals
I expect the gap to fully close after all the taconigger riots in CA.
>two-digit margin
>mexico shilling mexican women
>posts his 237th picture of mexican woman
Are you drunk?
Why do women make the stupidest fucking faces? The one on the left looks like she has down syndrome, the one on the right looks like she really wants to suck your dick but is afraid to ask
Canadian """""education"""""
All the white faggots that are protesting at Trump rallies should be forced to watch all these cartel videos.
They're neck and neck and haven't even begun the debate period yet. The period where Trump's going to question Clinton on national TV about the last 30 scandals she was involved in.
Image is from realclearpolitics
No one in that picture is white, Arturo.
You are retarded.
Not even remotely is that true
stay on your side shitskin
>mexican mathematicians
Tell the truth.
Does Trump have any realistic chance?
next you'll be telling me 3.888888888888888888888888888888888888888 is twenty digits
Wow, you're right! You and all your essays should run up north now that the coast is clear. Before November, of course. We look forward to seeing you here. Before November.
Wow what a shitty poll. Thanks.
sign the petition to indict hillary clinton
>mfw this poll hits enough signatures on november when hillary is elected