Waiting for fam to go to sleep so I can sneak out and smoke

>Waiting for fam to go to sleep so I can sneak out and smoke.

>This is my friday night routine every week.

How do u fagets hide ur love for this magnificent flower?

I'm an adult so I don't live with my parents and can smoke freely

I gave up the herbal jew and now live a more productive and satisfying life

>the herbal jew
thank you for helping me quit

Thats so nice... I am an adult but I live with my parents ): but yeah I j smoke freely

Kinda unrelated, but my dad used to smoke a ton of pot and i wanna convince him to at least smoke a joint with me, any advice?

I said a long time ago
"You can't stop me"

OP here,
If pot is ever brought up between u 2 just offer it.

They're going to see you on the surveillance camera

Yea my sisters like to snitch and my parents are Christian so if they find out im pretty much kicked out.

So be it

it has been, maybe next time i go down to his place i'll bring a pre rolled, and just wait for him to have a few beers. I don't think hes gotten stoned since the 80s and would probably love it.

trips also i feel you man i use to wait until my parents go to bed now i just go outside and smoke they know i get high anyways but i still try and hide it as a sign of respect.

If he’s drunk im sure he would be down:

Yea and also I can’t snoke in my car because my sister uses it and im too poor to afford air freshener

dont risk it cars are getting harder to smoke in its considered a dui where i live i usually go to my back yard with a laptop and sometimes i spend a good 2 hours smoking and watching all sort of shit and i also hop on here.

My family does however own an old truck that we never drive im thinkin of hotboxing tonight.

Trips, I love weed but I get panic attacks if I smoke too much, I feel like theres something wrong with my heart and I freak the fuck out because i zone out and feel my heart pounding. I know theres probably nothing wrong because ive smoked lots of weed before when im around people and i feel great and relaxed but when in alone in my crib I get really nervous because I anticipate a panic attack, it doesn't always happen but most of the times I smoke a bit of a joint of a real small bowl because I freak out.

Op here
One time when I was high, I jerked off and my heart was going deadass 200 bpm I thought i was gonna die lol.

This was literally me word for word, It progressed to the point where I could smoke the smallest amount, and still end up freaking out. ended up just quitting all together.

funny, for me it was always the opposite.

Op again
I can agree that when I smoke alone, my thoughts are a lot deeper and I an more sensitive.

Lmao, i used to do that alot as a teen but since i didnt really care about anything because i was so fucking stoned. Now im a sensitive little cunt, I always think before I act.

Yea I quit for a long time when I got my first panic attack and because I had never had one it freaked me the fuck out. But ive since got back to it ive learned to cope with it and its slowly gradually getting less and less reoccurring, do you still smoke or you stoped indefinitely?

Go out drinking with him

Guaranteed to work

But if your faggot ass can't handle at least a 6 pack forget it

Nah, I still don't. I want to, like it was fun to chill with friends high and shit. But not only did my heart rate scare the shit out of me into panic attacks, but my panic attacks while high included uncontrollable shaking. Scares the fuck out of me.

do it just remember to keep the windows rolled down for the whole night afterwards

When i lived at home I smoked the amount I could hit without leaving a smokey bowl, then blew it through a sploof, out of the window.
It took my mom 4 years to catch me, the night I didn't.

Yea man i feel you, the best advice i can give you is this. Look if you go out and run your heart rate goes up and it'll stay that way for a while but hey thats healthy and yet youre not dead, now im not saying that smoking is healthy because it makes your heart pump like crazy, no the point is that if your fine after a run then your heart racing while you smoke shouldnt be that bad either, as for the shakes thats common during a panic attack, your body goes into flight or fight mode because youre scared but thats ok its happened to me and thousands of other people.

By not being in highschool

Appreciate it man, It definitely traumatized me, I find myself checking my heart rate often now for no apparent reason. Just gotta work myself out of this fear so I can hopefully one day have a nice bowl after work again

I'm 20. Live at home but my parents understand that an adult can do what they want (to an extent. Their house their few rules) so I smoke weed and am high around them they don't really care

I wish I had weed. Just moved 2 months ago and have no connects now.

Not having a plan is worse than any drug. Disrupt yourself.


Get caught so many times that your parents become desensitized to it
Worked for me back in the day, they will never actually kick you out

Smoking a literal kief and dab joint it's gr8m8