Hello, is anyone here Iron pilled? Pic related explains what the iron pill is, if your not iron pilled, then what are you?
The Iron pill
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>master of the third position...
Cool new word. What does it means?
I do not know what the third position is. I decided to upload pic related to help people out a bit.
You have to open that pic in a new tab to read it
This also may help if you don't know what a neo-paleo diet is.
You're a fucking imbecile.
That looks like a RPG, dude.
So, what is the iron pill for you? From that game pic it looks like lift+european+moderate drugs+neopagan.
Explain why, you can't just come on here and say I'm and imbecile without good reason, or are you a coward?
It's not rpg, some of it is lol, but some of it is serious.
fuck off with your pol meme fanfiction
Please do elaborate!
I prefer iron pill in combination of black pill
It's a symptom of autism to endlessly divide things into increasingly unnecessary subcategories.
Good to see there's some sensible people in the mix of all of these nat soc "red pilled" pig dogs.
Elaboration needed.
>black pill
Where can I read about that class? It is not in the main compilation posted before.
That's right actually what is this black pill?
I knew a whitepill irl, that shit was infuriating.
I got him to realize that there is someone pulling the strings, to which he just imagined it was the illuminati which he invisioned as some spiritual demons that run the music industry. Whenever I'd talk about symbolism he'd just say "Yeah, yeah, All-Seeing-Eye" and do the symbol and nod his head like he was the most enlightened person there was. I hope he died.
Ok but why does he dress like a faggot?
Some combo of green and iron pill with some red mixed in. For me, self-sustainability and regeneration of the self/Earth is most important. So yeah, I grow some of my own food in my organic garden, I try to avoid gmo's, exercise, meditate, get outside in nature, and have a hefty dose of spirituality, all mixed in with basic redpill doctrine.
Yeah whitepills are kind of annoying, they tend to follow (during presidential elections) either the "Lol, I'm le to funny for le both sides meme!!!11 XDXDXD" or the "Who cares about politics?" ( Just a protip
Your green and iron pill side is fine. But the red pill is just such cancer. It promotes the sexist and racist agenda which is filth we all want to stay away from.
I won't waste 20 minutes of my life, bro. I have shit to do. Can you explain in a paragraph or less what is that thing that you call "black pill"?
>visits a Manchurian polyester pony forum to post about his role playing fantasies
>not an imbecile
Nigger please
Spain is jealous. Brown people can't be iron pilled.
We haven't had an Iron Pill thread in awhile.
My sister is the latter. Shit is infuriating. She wanted Ron Paul to get elected because lel legalize weed xD, the whitepill friend I mentioned before was the prior "Voting doesn't count either way, it's all two-sides of the same coin, I'm just going to meditate and take snake oil I bought from some wiccan and that's going to uplift the spiritual energy of the nation (or some such stupid shit).
Can't be sexist against my own "oppressed" gender ;)
I grew up next to Gary, Indiana (its like Detroit's little brother). I'm no racist but I see how manufactured black culture is killing an entire race.
is this part of the memetic warfare? try and convince fags they're a higher level than being awake and actually support the nwo?
Sorry for taking so long to reply to your post, but my reply to it is : The way he dresses is irrelevant as long as he ain't naked. It's the opinion that matters. The spoils of riches and materialism is fine sometimes as long as you don't obsess over it. I admit I would hate my life without anime, internet, and video games but there not the center of my life. I have a job and I work out every day. No need to worry about the shirt I wear and the pants I wear. I could go into more detail but I would end up ranting and the post would probably be to long to post. . .
>what color of pill do you take Sup Forums?
I fucking go for a run and breath some fresh air and have a glass of water. I read, but I don't spend every free hour at the library.
Why don't you all shut the fuck up with your metaphors.
I'm not role playing though. Please leave the thread if your white pill cancer, because that's the vibe your giving me.
More like pretentious meme pill
the Black Pill is the pill of pure egoism, nihilism, and destruction summed in few words
I can't believe Ben Garrison agreed to go on this faggot's podcast
>Red pilled female.
Please stop, I don't like when people think that women shouldn't run for president because
And I ABSOLUTELY HATE when they think they need to follow the stereotypical house wife stereotype. You don't HAVE to have kids, you don't HAVE to be a housewife. Do what YOU want, but the red pill agenda promotes otherwise. And before you pull "tits or gtfo." I'm a man, men don't have tits.
>I grew up next to Gary, Indiana (its like Detroit's little brother). I'm no racist but I see how manufactured black culture is killing an entire race.
It's not only blacks doing rap and all of that gangster shit. Mexicans, Whites, they all do the same thing. Your giving me kind of a xenophobic vibe here, if you than kind of cancer to this country I would wonder why I bother trying to save your kind.
"i won't waste 20 minutes of my life" says the guy using Sup Forums
You know redpill doesn't automatically mean you think all women and minorities should die. I just have a healthy skepticism and critical eye of Feminism & Dragons 3.5e.
I've been trying to tame Evola's tiger but its tough going
Is this literally your fist day here?
> nihilism
Can't say I agree fully with the black pill though, I can agree with some of it's principles though.
Christ, I bet you play VtM, you horrid mental cripple.
if you swallow an iron pill you shit an iron pill out
I know that. But the red pill agenda does think that men are superior to women, specifically white men, which is complete and total bullshit. Race is mostly irrelevant to me, but if I had to pick a masterrace then it would be Asians, (this is coming from a white man) because China is much more advanced than America and so is Japan.
Such as autistic and non autistic? You're on Sup Forums, there's no need for two categories.
He meant that he ain't going to watch a 20 minute video. There's alot of people who use Sup Forums and have a life. Specifically the brown pills, and iron pills. Sad to admit this, but also the disgusting white pills. I'm the exact same way I would not watch a 20 minute video just to learn about one small thing, I would prefer a short summary.
Played it on PC a very long time ago
"Enlightened" red pill ideologists are open to anyone being redpilled. It's the scummy low level ones that think in prejudices, failing to see there's plenty of women and minorities on their (enlightened) side too.
I agree with you completely, regardless of the pill you took.
God what a bunch of new fags. I remember when being a Sup Forumslack meant reading obsure philosophy attaining Oneness with self. Iron pill is Sort of like a pagan Buddhism, I even discussed this shit on a thread about a year back and started writing on it for a philosophical journal. Ain't finished but this very concept is what drew me to pol
Now it's all bootlicking trumpets yelling cuck.
>As for your black pill, it's basically like what that one linkin park fan you knew at school would always mutter. It's about cynicism and self victimisation, the idea you're the last paladin in a world of wickedness and girls don't go out with you because they're blinded by evil. Also everything's shit and if you died it would SO totally matter in the world because the last true person that embodied goodness would be gone. It's a shit idea and shouldn't be listened to
What happens to Iron Pill if you put him in an MRI machine?
I think you should try the cyanide pill.
Can you elaborate on what this "enlightened" side of the redpill is? I'm confused, so you not a pig dog national socialist who supports the KKK from the comfort of his moms basement, but your still a redpill?
I don't get what your trying to imply here.
>I remember when being a Sup Forumslack meant reading obsure philosophy attaining Oneness with self.
Yeahp. I feel like Sup Forums used to be a ~130 IQ board, now we're down to 90 IQ on par with Sup Forums.
I'm an oldfag so the only pill I took was a fiber pill. Got to stay regular.
Someone, (the person who said he was one) explained to me what it is, sorry for making you type that out pal :(. Have a bird for compensation.
What's the path of degeneracy that killed Zyzz?
>I don't care about politics lol XDDDDD as long as I get to do what I want I won't vote even though the founding fathers fought for it tooth and nail XDDDD
I see.
See you're falling into the thought that "all redpills are KKK nationalists" which is like saying "all Muslims are terrorists" or "all Republicans are Christian gun-hoarders" you see? Don't fall for that thinking which makes you diminish an ideology into a stereotype of people, labeled, and divided.
MRI machines and metals are natural enemies.
I bet you want to you sad creation.
Black pill.
Burn bright, die young.
No, the fiber pill is to PREVENT cancer.
cia pill is the only true pill, rest can fuck off
Nationalism isn't a bad thing, as I never said that, nationalism is great! Take pride in you country, I do to mine. . . And I'm a Christian who owns a sword (guns aren't my thing) your totally misinterpreting what I'm saying, so please elaborate on what you are. . .
Oh, I'm sorry dude. Nevermind.
You sure about that? I'm not sure what your trying to get at. . .
>the fiber pill is to PREVENT cancer.
Is that true? I hear Tulmeric is beneficial as preventative for cancers and Alzheimers.
Looks like the thread is auto pruning. . .
Down to the archives we go.
Why not a crossbow or other ranged weapon?
Conservative moral and political values, critical of 3rd wave feminism, advocate of free-speech and anonymity, critical of Israel and Zionism, aware of a globalist agenda, aware of top down corruption in politics, every race and country should have healthy nationalism and self-interest, active against using and eating products made with bodily poisons, thinks new wave of liberalism is destructive, aware of liberal slant in education and media, pro-2nd amendment, for small amounts of legal migration but against illegal migration and the EU refugee crisis....etc.... I can go on. And these beliefs of mine are concurrent to "red pill" beliefs.
I have to use my physical strength to swing my sword. I do 250 pushups every day so my swing is strong. And the pushups are only one of the workouts I do that improves my strength.
The pill shit is just a meme bro.
I do like the one's where Iron Pill goes Super Saiyan and fights degeneracy though lol.
I'm not all critical of 3rd wave feminism, I only agree with them on one thing and that's that the wage gap is a bunch of bullshit. I'm not a conservative, but neo-cons are just fine (people like Marco Rubio and John Kasich) and only for small amounts of legal migration? That's where I stopped, you xenophobic fool.
No it isn't it defines your political position. PLease leave because your giving off a strong white pill vibe. We hate white pill cancer around these parts.
It defines your autism
Bruh, you don't know any thing about me. Kind of foolish to make claims like that. For example, I'm perfectly fine with the fact my block has whites, Mexicans, eastern European immigrants, and blacks all living together without incident. Everyone takes care of their own shit and no one bother anyone. I'm not scared of ooga-booga OTHERS
i take lotsa klonopin
White pill cancer detected. Now ignoring all of your posts.
Just colon cancer. Doesn't do anything for preventing other cancers.
But you said you only want small legal immigration even though this country not only was founded on illegal immigration because we stole land from the Native Americans, it was built on legal immigration. You still are xenophobic whether you like it or not due to your stance on immigration.
mostly green with a bit of brown. Camo pill I guess?
Your not cancerous, enlightened a little bit. Your fine.
It's 1492: the post.
We've gone through periods of high immigration and periods of low immigration. We do what is most useful for the nation, not what is most beneficial for the rest of the world. Time for another low immigration period.
I'm literate, apparently.
Thanks for proving my point that your a xenophobe.
I don't want millions of people, undocumented, coming into the country as it's a concern of national security, you dingus. You can't let every-fucking-body in, because some of these people are part of violent gangs or terror operations or multiple-offender criminals. I'm fine with people wanting to come here legally, like my ancestors did 100 years ago, getting documented, and background checked before being let in. We live in a world where there's killers and religious extremists and crime lords and insurgent cells. Not a good idea to be okay with each and every single person coming to your country. Let's be rational.
I type real fast excuse my bad spelling.
>I don't want millions of people, undocumented,
I specifically stated legal immigration. Do you have a problem with your vision? Get some glasses.
>avoids all GMOs
Ignorant faggot buying into the organic scam detected.
How is my view xenophobic if I'm okay with legal immigration and living with people of different race and national background around me?
Remember, even legal immigration has limits. Your country, state, county, and city has to be stable enough to accept immigrants. It has to have proper infrastructure, enough affordable housing, enough hospital beds, opportunities for them to find jobs, ESL classes, special training for public officers/teachers/EMTs/etc to respond to people that might have differences in language and culture, etc, and enough money to fund these things.
Once again, you're not thinking rationally.
I really wish this shitty meme would go away. That entire list of various types of "pilled" is just another display of autism, right up there with sonic OCs. Just stop, you are not some unique special snowflake.
You said you only wanted a small amount of legal immigration though. Your bringing us in circles here.
White pill cancer detected please leave the premises immediately.
Only members of the Germanic tribe can be völkisch and take the iron pill.