Hey /b, Renderthread tomorrow night. Just grabbed the updated Arya model...

Hey /b, Renderthread tomorrow night. Just grabbed the updated Arya model. Start thinking of some creative things for her.

Model looks superb. Costume looks fantastic!

Thanks user! I am excited to use it tomorrow. Oh btw I opened a deviant art account for more tasteful renders and to find me. renderanon.deviantart

I would do renders tonight but I have been tinkering with Arya, Fran (FFXII) and Aloy (Horizon) and I kinda ran out of time.

Will catch you tomorrow. But did you finish any of the last week shots like MM & Cat Girl?

I wonder how long until this model is used in r34

Well the thread tomorrow will be for R34 so at most 1 day.
I think I did, ill look through my renders I did this week. I did a few, but mostly fucking around with these new models.

This looks awesome, whats the model for? Like what program

Infact. ill give you a freebee. Wanna see the front or the rear. With or without pubes.

Not him but I vote for front, with

Is Saturday render threads a thing? Didn't hear a peep in the /3/ thread. I'll have to join ya!

Yea I have been doing it for about 3 months. I only am in /b so that would be why. I just take requests and show the models I have available then I try to OC porn.

Same DA that was linked earlier? Sweet.
What time are they usually up? PST/EST etc?

Same models. These are not my renders though. I try REALLY hard to make my shit look good.

2-3 hours earlier then now is usually when I post. On Fri or Sat nights.

To clarify, what you posted is not mine.

Any luck with webms op?

Arya frontal is almost done, I didn't change much with the pose. It looks pretty slick. Excited to share.

YES! I got them working. I just need to make some short loops to post. I don't have any atm but I got a program that can convert my vids to it. The hard part is getting it dropped to under 2mb

Can't wait!

I know your busy, but if anything else new had been worked on and is done would love to see.

What's your name or at least what you go by man so I can keep up to date with your work?

yeah, it was my own thrown together for a prior /3/ thread.

Did you buy all those from sangriart or are they posted on a site I'm not yet aware of?

I made a deviant art account this week as mentioned above. its renderanon.deviantart com

Here it is. I didn't shop it at all though

I really like what Sangriart does so I fully support his business and have bought all of his GOT models.

I respect that. Will probably pick up the Arya soon. Detail is pretty amazing.

Looks fan-fuckin-tastic unshopped my man, your good!

Absolutely killer. You did a full render it seems with no grain! !!

Yup, tomorrow hopefully we can have some more 'creative images' and ideas. Thank you for the compliment.

Yup I gave it 1300 iray iterations. Not as much as I normally do I try for 4-5k for really good quality stuff during the week.

I will see what I can find.

An ideoa for tomorrow cersei forcing jon and sansa into a threesome with arya

I like it, you almost got quads as well haha.

I'll be on the lookout for your thread, I gotta see abut this model, I want to port it to the program I use

Worth every penny, after about a month the models go on sharing sites, which is a shame because the guy deserves to get paid for his work its just so well done.

Alright doods see you tomorrow. Im up longer than I should be. Ill try make a few pre renders tomorrow but I have a pretty busy day.

Im lookin' now, its on sale so its only 9 bucks, I'll buy it from him, dont even know if i'll be able to port it but I want it lmao, night Sup Forumsro

Thank you! Good night

At the very least Daz Studio is free sooo you can still use it as intended.

Sweet, thanks a lot, lookin' forward to your thread tomorrow night!

make one of her masturbating. My god she looks more beautiful than the real thing.

haha I will, hop on tomorrow and request it.


Yup thats one of mine.

heres the last if you didn't have all 3

I remember thread when you rendered this monstrosity, it was fun


my god his nutsack is larger than her head.

Best tenatacle rape ever rendered

i have the weirdest boner right now. got any more?

I'm rubbing my ding ding now.


Looks 10x hotter than the real thing

always wanted to see that ass spread and hole gape; can you give me that?


this make pp into big pp
