How can one nation be so based?
How can one nation be so based?
Sounds like something a Muslim would do
But they're White Christians, so it's suddenly fine
fuck off ahmed
Fuck off achmed
I agree
Kill yourself Ahmed
Fuck off ahmed
I insult Islam and am called a Muslim
Jesus, no wonder a once satirical board has just been utilized for containment
fucking faggot muslim
please die of zika
Ahmed please
fuck off ahmed
If Islam was a white ideology Sup Forums would all convert.
Fucking racists, enjoy getting cucked by Jewry (which Islam strongly opposes) you literal useful idiots.
fuck off rasheed
Can't you see how hypocritical you are being?
This is only slightly better than SJWs denying men the same rights as women, and then calling them
sexist when they disagree.
Fuck me, you cunts are denser than a black hole
You think I could get away with a stunt like that at the next Burning Man Festival?
Polish visiting germanistan. Sure we are based. But we have also problems. We have a pretty big egdy fedora rising that does everything to shit on the church. Even though our church is probaly one of the best in the world. Here take the based priest
White have too much empathy, islam just pits one against everyone so no, it wouldn't work unless a major reform happened to it.
As a Pole I apologize for this. It's ok to have an opinion but you can't be a dick like this, I don't respect Poland for this.
yea keep saying that while your feminized homo nation turns into islamic state day by day
fuck off ahmed
My sides are in orbit
It's like run the jew
I actally agree. All of you are fucking retarded for focusing on a "problem" such as homosexuality.
Give me one GOOD reason why you hate homosexuals.
inb4 muh bible said so
And now I'm being drowned in Straya- wannabe shitposts
Look, I'm far from pro- Islam, but accepting one religion which does the same shit as another which is commonly hated is dumb.
Fucking anti secularists, going cuck and Ackmed, fuck off
lol fuck off leaf, you're not a pole
even if you were born there you clearly forgot how to be polish.
Confirmed 11/11
Fuck off achmed
cool clock
>one religion which does the same shit as another which is commonly hated is dumb
you're either retarded or brainwashed if you think catholic church is the same shit as islam.
go stick your dick somewhere, faggot
Deus vult, you fucking sandnigger cockkisser.
Burning down gay pride symbols isn't why we hate muslims. We hate muslims for being psychotic superstitious savages that set an entire region of the word back 5000 years and has been trying to destroy everyone else for its entire existence.
>How can one nation be so based?
The USA is the opposite.
hahaha did that dumb fucking norwegian stab his own horse? i can't even
It has no basis in Polish culture therefore if shouldn't be tolerated. I also think it's child abuse for 2 guys to have a baby and deprive it of its mother.
an actual muslim would set on fire gay people while they rape their mother or sister. But it's Bongistan, so it's suddenly fine
>How can one nation be so based?
Communist legacy. Look at Europe: only the formerly commie parts know the worth and function of borders.
>tfw algebra, alcohol, and algorithm are all arabic words
Their minds are perverted. I don't hate them, however I will not condone that behaviour.
Is that why Poland is a bastion of greatness?
I never defended Islam, I just can't ignore the patterns and similarities
>psychotic superstitious savages that set an entire region of the word back 5000 years and has been trying to destroy everyone else for its entire existence.
Sounds like an average hyperChrist Pole to me
Fuck off, Ahmed.
I think that nobody cares what i post. But i have nothing to do, so im going to post anyway.
Here is based Polish disco polo. Its about Polish jews that should fuck off to usa.
Nice clock Ahmed. Wanna come to the White House and hang out in the steam room?
>Implying that the people I'm talking about wouldn't do the same if they lived in a lawless country
fuck off Achmed.
LOL You're a Pole too so fuck off
screw off im not gay
"If you kill your leaf your leaf will win"
Leaf Leafeu
Fuck off Africaflag
Kill yourself leaf
>Sounds like something a Muslim would do
>But they're White Christians, so it's suddenly fine
When did everyone get the idea the Christianity was this passive, soggy wet noodle of a religion?
Even former East Germany is not as cucked as Western part.
This is not exactly how this lo...
hooray for us
Who cares if they're arabic words.
They didn't invent those things.
This sounds like the kind of thing that a left winger would invent to demonize something.
As someone who descends directly from Muhammed this is kinda offensive.
>Sounds like an average hyperChrist Pole to me
the fuck are you talking about?
how is standing up for christian values, for life and family the same as blowing yourself up to kill innocent people?
So, a quick Google search and it happens that this isn't a Polish tradition just vandalism of an art installation that wasn't even about homosexuality.
So yeah, don't believe believe everything you see because it appears in .jpg format.
38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
didn't they burn that homo rainbow down only one time?
I didn't think it was a tradition.
Our flag is a disguise to keep Mudslimes and Nigger OUT.
We are literally the Whitest nation in Europe, our language is the closest to Sanskrit, our territory haven't been replaced by any major genetic shifts since last Ice Age.
Again, fuck off Achmed.
>It has no basis in polish culture there fore it should not be tolerated
I don't think homosexuality has been a basis in ANY culture, but that doesn't mean that you have to beat the shit out of every homosexual person you meet. It's not their fault that they were born homosexual you know?
Or are you seriously going to imply that people can just change their sexual orientation by will?
> I also think it's child abuse for 2 guys to have a baby and deprive it of its mother.
On this I will have to agree with you.
I don't think it's natural for children to grow up in a double man family.
>If Islam was a white ideology Sup Forums would all convert.
Yeah, because if there's one thing white people need its to start killing each other again.
If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if
Because blowing yourself up is part of standing up for Muslim values
Both religions seem to put some emphasis on hatred and oppression
I'm probably whiter than you mate. Keep gargling that Jew semen though and remember in 20 years when your daughter is forced to undress in the same room as a 60yr old trannie that your literal cuck religion did absolutely nothing to stop it.
Meanwhile Muslims will be fucking one of their 3 wives after a long hard day of executing degenerate nigger lovers like yourself just like god wanted.
It was in Roman and Greek culture.
Dude! I am Polish and am fine with gay people.
They did already 3 times if i remember right.
Fuck off Pajeet
Tell that to Popek, but he's one of the outliers.
Oh please, perverted? Every human has perverted thoughts every now and again, it's compleetly natural, how else would we have the urge to reproduce?
Atleast you don't mindlessly hate them for something they cannot control.
You were conquered by Persians dude in like 300BC
Based Poland.
It is, but levists rebuild this every time. And it wasn't burned once. People was trying to burn it all the time, not just in independence day
They installed sprinklers or something, but now it is gone and you can't get drunk in the bar while waiting for people to burn it down anymore.
Nationalsocialism was the closest ideology to Islam, just replace Muhammad (pbuh) with Hitler (HH).
I didn't not say they should be beat up or even jailed for homo stuff. But it should not be paraded around like it represents the pinnacle achievement of western civilization.
People respond like that because of the fear that it will usurp their true culture, which it kind of has in the west.
off the fuck ahmed
>It's not possible to not hate hosexual and hate SJW/Feminsm Cancer at the same time.
>Both religions seem to put some emphasis on hatred and oppression
not true at all.
if you ever went to a catholic church, you'd know that all they talk about is love.
if only poles weren't functionally retarded
Popek is literaly Untermenschen music. But most of his views are people that find it funny. I always play it when im drunk at a party. But hearing it sober is probaly the most degenerate thing.
if it were muslims it wouldnt include drink and definitely involve a beheading or two
Psalm 144
No not based! I am Polish and personally ashamed of this.
As someone who descends from Muhammed don't care Islam to Nazism
Fuck you I'm Polish im not retarded.
stfu subhuman
>I'm a Pole and a waste of space
Oh fuck, looks like the Vancouver Police missed one
>*stolen ideas from indians and Persians
I agree with you. The lgbt parrades are compleetly retarded, it's as if they are trying to pull a quick feminism where they try to get more privileges for being homosexual.
They should have the same privileges as everyone else, not more.
We were part of the Khaganate.
John Oliver pls go
Give me a good reason why you think I should be forced to give a shit, let alone accept faggots changing laws? Give me one reason.
Stop parading it around as some achievement or collective celebration. It's not. If we really did want to beat the shit out of all of you we would have already done so.
Playing the victim is the number one indicator of an abuser.
Muslims aren't allowed to drink or celebrate.
go back to wykop you discusting scumbag.
dont ever call yourself a pole, youre nothing more than a canadian cuck
Nice proxy Australia
Love this
It won't be possible for you EUcucks to hate anything soon. It's ok though, Jesus will return soon and save us all from those evil Muslims that are ruining the world.