Knowledge is Power

The more you learn, the more powerful you become.

People who attend Ivy League schools, and live among the elite rich (the 1%), are exposed to truths that we average people cannot even imagine. This is a fact.

We are now seeing a battle between two very powerful sorcerers; Trump vs Hillary.

Hillary Clinton uses nature magic, as most elder female mages do. She also has the backing of the middle east, she has an Arab apprentice, and uses blood magic to kill her enemies.

Donald J Trump uses alchemy and ancient magic used by well known alchemists like Trimethius (a Jewish mage who fought Jesus for the title of Messiah in a competition of miracles; flying, walking on water, etc) and books like the Magus.

Trump's magic is more powerful, but Hillary's magic is deadly.

What gives Trump an edge is his advanced intellect (his brother is a professor at MIT and father was a financial genius), but Hillary has an army of dark & powerful forces.

I can't predict who will win.

All I know is, we are in the midst of one of the greatest spiritual fights in all of human history, since the days of Merlin and Archimedes.

Believe what you want, but this is what is going on behind the scenes. If anyone knows people in elite society (Manhattan rich socialites, etc), they will confirm these things.

Other urls found in this thread:!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA!hQVFBDbT!f3gOa3LUAHJXJJbFZfDytg!9Z9WkTSB

>Being this autistic

You really are a colossal faggot OP.

delet this

>You really are a colossal faggot OP.

The uninitiated always react this way.

Namaste, little sister.

You know OP, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you may just not be a colossal faggot.

Post some sources supporting your rhetoric.

Despite photographic evidence, millions of people will reject this shit actually happens in high society

Magic is real, but the ignorant masses stay asleep

You'll see some African and spiritualist (Santeria) still practicing old world magic in the ghettos, but people are too scared to look into it.

That's Necromancy and Spirits

Yes OP, but you said Hillary uses nature magic..... no.

If demons and child sacrifice is nature, maybe.

Trump uses celestial magic and has several Americans praying for him. Hillary has a bunch of Zionists doing stuff to kids and directing dark energy to her.

Delet now final warning

>Post some sources supporting your rhetoric.

It's all over the internet; do your own research.

Have you ever heard of the Rubayat of Omar Kayyham?

Oxford and Harvard students do. The elite are taught these things.

A copy of the Rubayat is worth a million dollars.

These things are done on purpose so the "normal" citizen has no access to these books.

Read. The more you read, the more you learn, and the more powerful you become.

do you think trumps brother who died was a sacrafice of sorts?

>If demons and child sacrifice is nature, maybe.

That is correct; nature magic is life and death, birth and child sacrifices, blood magic.

Nature magic is birth, death and "resurrection", not just flora and fauna. It's a feminine magic and part of the ancient matriarch religions.

Alchemy is a patriarch religion based on chemical attributes and physics of our reality.

Damn are you a wizard OP?

What about meme magic?

>do you think trumps brother who died was a sacrafice of sorts?

No. I think Trump started as a normal rich kid, but as he became more and more wealthy, traveling to China and the East, he learned a lot from ancient mages in India and the Asian countries.

Trump began the pursuit for the philosopher's stone and the golden alchemical secret, and quickly realized the true power was in knowledge and wealth of information about the world and our true history.

Trump would be like Merlin if he lived in the ancient times. He sits and reads all day long, like a Sup Forums fag, that's why he's so in tune with the human psyche online, unlike Hillary, who spends her time in lavishness and blood rituals.

>meme magic



>What about meme magic?

Actually, interestingly enough, "meme magic" is a real thing; it is a manifestation of your combined spiritual energies to materialize a reality sought after vigorously in your hearts and minds.

Meme magic is basically the same thing when a bunch of people would come together and "hummmmmm", concentrating on the same thing, and trying to manifest something into existence.

That's what you guys are doing online and here on Sup Forums

Meme magic is a real exercise in spiritual manifestation of reality.

not me, my kundalini is erect



Yes, brother. These things are real, but more and more people are no longer reading, and this information is being lost and never taken seriously anymore.

If you go to Ivy League schools, or just enjoy reading and learning things ravishingly online, then you are basically how the old hermits and mages became powerful in the ancient times.

They read. They learned.

Knowledge is power. Read. read. read. read.

Not just the news; old books from times forgotten.


Thank you for showing me onwards to Omar Khayyam. I was completely unaware of his existence.

Knowledge is power indeed.


>esoteric masturbation
Sorry man. I'd rather spread my Aryan seed and produce a lot of offspring. That way I achieve immortality and influence in the world. My very existence has purpose. I change the fate of the world by giving it my seed turned flesh.

But you can shrivel up in your hermit huts reading magic books, if you like.

The internet is the mediator. This spiritual war will fizzle when we all learn to let go of history.

I too have been spreading my ANGLO seed, ARYAN FILTH.

Esoteric magic has brought the corrupting influence of the power of my people to the aquatic denizens of this world - can the same be said about you?

But can Christianity successfully fight magic???????
Serious question

I'm ignorant of these powers but would I be incorrect to equate the natural magic with the dark chthonic forces of Greek religion vs the masculine Greek powers of enlightenment, order, light, and civilization?

In your opinion is this your description and understanding of current events as you see them or are you claiming that both Trump and Clintion are 100% aware of these magics and actively practice them and see themselves as you do?

"Christianity" will always overcome evil, that's how it was designed.

Get this... Christianity doesn't need Christians to save the world. It does it simply by existing. Something as small of a reminder as, oh say, the year.

idk just some thots.

Where is a good place to start reading?

I'm guessing I should start with a copy of the Emerald Tablets, Hermes Trismegistus, and the Rubaiyat?
How close was William Cooper's understanding of the occult?

Are the tenets of free masonry more akin to alchemy, nature, or both?

The sacred triangle alludes to wisdom and gentleness through the mother/earth/church/bride/matriarch (horizontal side of the triangle), wisdom through trial by man/father/god/life experience (the vertical leg of the triangle) while the hypotenuse represents your ascension/journey through wisdom by combining both elements.


Have fun...!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA!hQVFBDbT!f3gOa3LUAHJXJJbFZfDytg!9Z9WkTSB

Start with the Hermetic Tradition by Julius Evola. The Hermeticists wrote in code. Unless you naturally understand the meaning of the sentence "The wise man adds the missing element to sulfur to produce gold" (hint: not literal gold or sulfur), you need a cipher. Evola explains the meaning of the hermetic proverbs and gives you the knowledge needed to read them on your own.

Oh, and probably learn Latin and Greek.

>thinking ivy league schools are special

Hhahahaha they let niggers into those now. The ivy league stopped being prestigious after the hippie movement.

What do you think does magic do in real life?

Did you know that there is no evidence whatsoever of the existence of ghosts/angels/demons/spirits of any sort in all recorded history?

>stuff to kids
What "stuff", and to what end?

If that were true lightsabers would be a real thing.

What about witches?

>did you know that no one recorded the existence of something that is deliberately kept hidden from the public?
>I know! I was surprised too!

How could you possibly hide "magic" and "ghosts" if they existed? Ghosts alone would manifest to anyone anywhere is they were real.

Kidnapp, Torture, Rape, Sacrifice, etc.

Why? What for? Whose kids? By whom?...

This. Newton, the Templars, the Rosicrucians, to some extent the Masons - they purposefully misled unwanted investigators. Hermeticism was disguised as alchemy. The Tradition lived on into the Middle Ages and Renaissance, sometimes only vestigially, but the reason for this was the care taken by the Great Masters. Many, many ancient writers (even those not usually associated with occultism) wrote with two audiences in mind: the average educated man and the reader searching for transcendent truth.

The enlightened and the profane.

So, William Cooper understood the medium, but not the content.

I've been looking for you guys. Nobody on /x/ will bite.

So I've been all over Professor Susskind's continuation of Buckminster Fuller's work on the Isotropic Vector Matrix, and Nassim Haramein's work on the Tetragrammaton. I've also been all over the zen buddhism and hinduism. After graham hancock it's pretty obvious that humans before 10,000 years ago had a tetragrammaton, and used to to arrange large stones and part the seas.

Who has it? Is it in fort knox? Is that what the gold is for, to insulate the gravity radiation?

Is there anything that the Kabbalistic, hermetic or gnostic traditions can add to my understanding?



Right now I'm worried that this Yildiz fellow has figured out the secret of the tetragrammaton and used it to create a gravity generator similar to the Ark of the Covenant or the flywheel at coral island.

This whole thing started with a shroom trip for me, i was a atheist before that.

You mean the ark?

>Thank you for showing me onwards to Omar Khayyam. I was completely unaware of his existence.

Honestly, this reply really made my day.

I'm glad I was able to share some knowledge with you today. Best wishes.

These are the now translated version that omit key pages and illustrations ONLY available in real life in the libraries of Oxford and Harvard, or in a few places were scanned for viewers online at the Oxford Library online, but no these books sold on Amazon are translations and not the original books with the original secrets used by cultists and followers of the Rubbayat.

Read more about it online. The rabbit hole goes so deep, right into the CIA and MI6, who used to use the Rubbayat as a code book, since most people never heard of it.

Google "Tamad Shud"

That should get you started, friend.


I'm a Christian but I think you should go back to being an atheist. Us theists don't want you.

>Omar Khayyam
Yes but also the device itself, god, the tetragrammaton. The tetrahedral gravity device. Also the geometric shape, as it appears in archeological sites all over the world.

Is there anything in gnostic or hermetic materials regarding these things? Do you have anything to share?

That's classified.

So, to the profane it would be an obelisk or the penis of Osiris?

I'm sorry, did I stumble into /x/ again? I didn't? Oh. Then GTFO

So OP.. Something just happened... First I copy pasted "Tamud Shud" from your post and searched it in google. Visited the wiki page for about 5 minutes and came back to the thread.

Next, I copy and pasted "Rubayat of Omar Kayyham" from and pasted it in google and "coke" pasted.... What the actual fuck, I never googled coke or copyed that text?


Why is it for sale on amazon for $2 then. Edited down?

Nvm, didnt update thread for a while

I just know one thing for sure, this election is bringing in full forces that exist/existed in the world.

This thread is being slid, weird

I once spent a week trying to solve that case. I discovered that verse 46 (iirc) is related to the code. (For example, it contains the only instance of the letter x, matching the x in the code.)
'AB' appears a few times in the code. Also 'ABOX'. Clearly there is some connection to Alfred Boxall.
The most mundane explanation is that someone was inspired by 46 to write a verse (of love poetry?) and wrote down the first letters of each word as a mnemonic.

White or black tantra?


Let me show you where your pic ACTUALLY goes OP

>see here

The rest of your post is (all of the stuff written by (You), is utter bullshit though and you need to GO BACK TO

Wish we could build a firewall to keep you all out and make Sup Forums great again.

Magic is real

It's as simple as lighting a candle and praying for a sick or lost loved on... sacrificing a living being (calf, goat, chicken, all the way up to a human child or female).

Blood magic, alchemy, Santeria, African voodoo, etc.

It's all real...but the masses are kept in the dark about just how powerful some mages are after years of studying and tutelage.

The elite learn everything from enhanced financial education, human manipulation, curses, summoning, all the way to alchemical secrets and blood sacrifices.

This stuff is recorded in all of our religious texts and historical artifacts, and people "know" about the blood sacrifices and other enchantments, but we are taught to think of it all as hogwash so we never pursue it.

Honestly this conspiracy shit is funny and all, but you have to consider the psychological damage it might do to the schizophrenic basement dwellers who are almost certainly browsing right now.

Why would sorcerers care?

I started in an academic pursuit studying religion and wanting to become a Christian minister.

Eventually, I found myself immersed in ancient books, and despite my beliefs, I was too curious not to continue learning ancient secrets.

As someone else posted, learn Latin, Greek and Hebrew if you can, read old texts, and someone posted links, start with those.

A lot of magic has to do with logic and math.

I would highly recommend Euclid's Elements.

Read Euclid's Geometry and practice logic to enhance your mental abilities and intellectual perceptions.

Everyone forgets Euclid for some reason.

>but we are taught to think of it all as hogwash so we never pursue it.
Even if it were real, God doesn't allow it.

I end my turn.

it's 4 a.m and i'm reading this. fuck what am i doing with my life

How do I become immortal OP?
Teach us some magic.

>The ivy league stopped being prestigious after the hippie movement.

You're wrong. Many of these traditions have simply been moved to private schools, such as where Obama's daughters are attending, which is a special school where "normal" people can't go.

There are special schools, clubs and elite houses where normal people can't go to.

You can't just walk into Sidwell Friends School or any of those private schools, within the Ivy League universities.

It's like schools within schools and not open to anyone without invitation or family connections.

-9001 LP

I win you fucking faggot lollolollol

It's important to remember that your movement constructs incredible bliss. Intuition explains spontaneous possibilities but orderliness imparts reality to the flow of excellence. Non-judgment reflects intrinsic observations because perceptual reality is beyond subtle abstract beauty.

>What do you think does magic do in real life?

Magic comes down to this:

"The art of transforming energy into reality."

Basically, you are using knowledge, spirituality, and your very will, to drive something into existence.

These abilities can be reinforced with aides such as talismans or sacrifices, but in the end it's just a transfer of energy, by a conscious being (which you are) into existence.

Like "meme magic".

It's the practice of creation from thought and desire.


Dont mind if I do

I've been pursuing various spiritual paths for a few years now, mostly through meditation. Shit changed when I had my first contact with a conscious other worldly being on Ayahuasca about 6 months ago.

Before that I was a athiest, as in believing that humans were the top level consciousness on this planet. I noticed something about the people who ran the rituals in the jungle retreat I went to. They focused a lot on geometry, incantations, chants, and ceremonies with crystals and glass.

I wish I could understand the nuances of what I experienced, I felt like a cock roach being led through an apple store. I saw the visible universe get flipped on a 4D plane and separated into fucking photoshop-type layers.

After learning that such a powerful substance exists and is accesible FROM A FUCKING VINE, I want to learn more about acutally practicing metaphysics.

Do you have any form of contact you'd share OP? Would love to take part in a mastermind type group or study

>"The art of transforming energy into reality."

So energy isn't reality already?

>Did you know that there is no evidence whatsoever of the existence of ghosts/angels/demons/spirits of any sort in all recorded history?

Yet all of recorded history mentions ghosts/angels/demons/spirits

A witness to a crime is evidence of that crime

Witness to the reality of magic and what we call "the paranormal" (which is just us not understanding something) is evidence of it's existence

You think humans have fought for all of human history, sacrificed virgins and babies, summoned demons and ghosts by King David and Solomon, mages and the 3 magi mentioned in biblical texts...

...yet you believe it's all just delusion?

How flawed is your logic if you constantly receive witness testimony to events yet you deny it's existence?

You are blind, because you don't wish to see.

"He that hath eyes. let him see."

Why does having a perceptual experience of something make you think that thing actually exists? If I fly in a dream, I don't think I was wrong that I can't fly. I realize it was my imagination.

>A witness to a crime is evidence of that crime

Witness testimony has been shown many many times to be very unreliable. Also witnesses sometimes tell opposite stories.

>A lot of magic has to do with logic and math.

So I have an advantage because I studied math and physics in university? Neat.

>I would highly recommend Euclid's Elements.

I did a project on compass and ruler constructions once. If I recall, they originate from that book. Pretty interesting how much you can do with those two tools.

I also tend to carry an old bible around everywhere hoping for extra spiritual power.
I think I'm ready.

I think a more accurate description would be the transformation of potential energy into actualized energy.

Can you explain to me how to learn this stuff? What might I read?


My friend, the tetragrammaton is a physical description of an event or "being", not of this earth.

Similar to a 4-dimensional geometric shape; you can theorize how it would appear, but it is simply impossible to contemplate it's reality, due to your biological limitations which can only process 3-dimensional reality.

Don't get frustrated.

The secret is so accept your physical limitation, to know it does exist, and to study it through the eyes of others, without attempting to do the impossible.

The tetragrammaton is, believe it or not, similar to a Chinese finger trap; it is meant to trap you mentally, purposefully, until you stop fighting it and walk away peacefully.

This is the truth of the Tetragrammaton.

It is a mirror into your own finality.

Only then, can you attempt to open your mind to things you can never understand, but first you must accept that never understanding is a reality you cannot escape.

Best wishes, fellow philosopher and truth seeker.

lol fuck you

A very good argument, one I would constantly use before I had my perceptual experience.

I started lucid dreaming when I was 15, got really into the basic shit like reality checking, spawning stuff in dreams, having sex with celebs (all within the experience obviously..)

I even did shrooms, acid, mescaline, and a few other RC psychadelics.

But DMT is something different. It was like I popped through to somewhere different, and had contact with a conscious being.

For example, when you talk to a human being, how do you know your actually talking to a human being? It could be an advanced AI robot in a meat suit right? But you assume it's conscious from your intuition and past experiences.

Meeting the entity was a little like that. The main factor was this: After having the experience of contact with this entity, multiple people there (one from Africa, one from Canada, and one from Norway) described it in the exact same way.

It was a female entity with a sense of humor, who knew every thought you had ever had, and could see throughout the timeline of your life. The fact that other people experienced this same "presence" as you in the same space will really bend your view of your life.

People think they know how a 14 billion year old universe works because they've been on a planet full of apes for 18-30 rotations of the planet.

Anyway, I knew I would be skeptical because I naturally am. I knew returning to my life would make me attempt to "circumvent" my experience and explain it. So I wrote like 8 journal pages recording my experience and how despite my future judgments of the past, it was very real in the present.

Shut up, faggot.


Damn. Nice.

Would you copypasta the trip report here? Sounds awesome

Yes, fellow code broker, I too spent a lot of time attempting to break the code of secrets.

It is quite fascinating indeed, but the mystery led me to the secret societies of elite schools, with their own wine drinking clubs, with illustrations...just so interesting.

I found scanned books where they would illustrate a "program book", pick a meal, pick a wine, and speak of philosophy and art that only the super rich knew of back in those days without the internet.

No, this is related to Sup Forums because we are discussing how Trump and Hillary use magic to further their ambitions.

For example, what of the emails where Hillary mentions a magical practice, which most people took as code or a joke, but it's magic.

It's related to politics and the current elections.

Matter = Energy = Information = Memes

Meme magic is simply crowdsourced magic.

Trump's victory is only assured if he survives the darkness that will happen in the next three months. I wish I had more than a third eye representation of the future but I see him now, I see a future with him as president, but there is a piece of bad feeling evil in between now and that future, where I can not see him.

Caution is best.

>Read. The more you read, the more you learn, and the more powerful you become.

Not if you read stupid bullshit about people in the past who thought they had magical powers.

Jesus fucking Christ. Reading textbooks and history books (real ones, not stuff exclusive to the folklore and new-age section) gives you more information, I don't know if you will literally level up though.

At what level will I unlock fireball?

Do you also believe the goal of alchemy is to turn magic into gold?
Did you get confused while watching GoT?

OP, if you are even remotely close to a proof, i would like to see it.

>It's all over the internet; do your own research.

Internet makes invalid almost anything real.

>Have you ever heard of the Rubayat of Omar Kayyham?

No, i didn't, i don't want to hear about any of the less succesful versions of H.P Lovecraft.

>Oxford and Harvard students do. The elite are taught these things.

How do you know? Because of the internet?

>A copy of the Rubayat is worth a million dollars.

Just a million dollars for magic powers? You sould really retarded.

>These things are done on purpose so the "normal" citizen has no access to these books.

How do you know, are you an oxford student/graduated? Go find that "magic" million dollars secret page of the book and post a pic with timestap.

>Read. The more you read, the more you learn, and the more powerful you become.

I hope you weren't reading internet ocultism blogs, because know your autism is more powerful than anyone's else.

>The uninitiated always react this way.

Are you an initiated? Can you do magic? Show me a magic trick, right here, right now. Burn at least a fucking paper of my desk and i will absolutely believe you, and i will become your slave.

>Despite photographic evidence, millions of people will reject this shit actually happens in high society

Show me something not 2011 blog worth, and you'll may be right.

>Magic is real, but the ignorant masses stay asleep

You sound like an fedora faggot taking about atheism.

>You'll see some African and spiritualist (Santeria) still practicing old world magic in the ghettos, but people are too scared to look into it.

I see some bullshit in my screen because retarded shits like that, every poor country has their own rituals, nothing new, nothing useful.

>That's Necromancy and Spirits

Thay's something that looks like an usual screensaver of an auti/x/tic kid.

C'om Sup Forums /x/ that's the best you got?

>Even if it were real, God doesn't allow it.

Not true. It is in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that God allowed King David, Solomon and others to summon the dead and other magical practices.

It also clearly states in the New Testament that a few will have gifts and abilities which will allow them to help others find the light of salvation.

I know what I'm talking about; I'm a religion major and went to Christian seminary when I was in college.