Good Pop Albums

I'll go first










what's your favorite song on the album? Mine's Walking on a Thin Line or If This Is It

The Pet Sounds of the 80's

When it comes to depressed gayboy music it didn't get better than this. All summer I listened to this, and a bunch of old Smiths and Cure shit to get myself desperate enough to start dating again. Worked well, desu.

fuck off this album is straight as fuck


gay culture in a nutshell. these guys have nothing going for them so they have to take media made by straight people and call it "gaycore"

They really went to shit

Fucking this and the best Heart of Rock n Roll or New Drug.

Also pic related


Kill yourself. because you liked this album and also because you reminded me that it existed.


I used to think this album is good too but it’s really trash. Just marginally better than the rest of their output




fight me