Pedo test

pedo test
What do you see Sup Forums?

>File name is Woman
>Pedo test
OP, you're a faggot and your mom is gey.

don't sage my thread motherfucker

I see my mother killing my father with a hypodermic needle.. Did I pass?

Looks like a woman in a hat. What the fuck else could it be?

yes, if you don't see any female other than the woman then you passed

There's nothing else it fucking could be, what the shit are you on about?

tell me what you see. There's more to it

It's literally just a woman in a hat. That's it.
There's nothing else it fucking could be.

try looking at it imagining the line on her neck as a mouth and her ear as an eye


found one pedo !!

except it turns into an old lady not a little kid?

You're a fag

Jay Leno?

Well you saw the kid too you fucking pedo. Other user can't see the kid, therefore innocent of underage fantasies

meant for

im 90% they are talking about the kid, because it actual looks like its there unlike the old lady who looks deformed and you can barely see her

>im 90%
sure I'm a pedo because I see the kid first. Normal people see the deformed woman

Dubs vs Dubs, faggot you're a nigger. You're mum is also a nugger.

I've ascended into a higher state of understanding, in which I am able to see both the old lady and the younger woman at the same time. But my sight is not the only sense that has improved to a supersense. I can hear conversations, that happened years ago or are yet to happen. I can smell scents from thousands of miles away. I can taste every atom in an apple, without ever putting it in my mouth. I can feel the next level cleanliness of my stainless t-shirt, it's a tide ad.

>I've ascended into a higher state of understanding
Teach us

Do you watch, Anime? You Sir, have a great IQ. Wait tide ad? You're a loli fag...



sorry no, not a pedo. You're alright. I'm drunk, confused the two


this test is pretty retarded. what old woman looks like this.

It's also retarded because the "little girl" looks like she's about 20.

OP is a fag machine sent back from the future to suck cocks.

you passed

maybe it's to spot pedos deliberately looking for options besides the girl they project their sick fantasies into? but, then again, thats quite the reach


but if i spotted both women, what does that make me? i need to know, the van is already parked outside my window

Better pedo test:

If you have this thread and a loli thread open at the same time, you're a pedrofile.

It's true. Am fag machine

>i spotted both women, what does that make me?
You are a pedo who also likes milfs. Just walk over to the van and don't make us chase you




I don't get it. I see both the woman in a hat and the old hag with the massive face.
