Why are men so bias against women, especially assuming they have no intelligence?

Why are men so bias against women, especially assuming they have no intelligence?

Why are men bias against foreign ideologies?

anyone that thinks a nondefinite integral results in pi is a complete and udder waste of space

How many intelligent females do you interact with

So you're saying you've don't interact with females? Because all women are intelligent.

poor bait attempt cunt

They aren't, but thanks for playing.

you mean 'biased'
they have no intelligence
they have no strength
all they have is emotional manipulation

fucking shills

Not all of us hold such biases, faggot.

Because instead of studying MINT you see girls chosing to study to literally become a kindergarden teacher and yes, this is the norm.
There are (thank god!) a rising number of exceptions, but as things stand the vast majority of chicks is either lazy or stupid. (or both)

I actually listened to an interesting psychology lecture on something related to this........ When women see a man, they see the individual man... They're judging his status, his look etc... she's all about HIM... When men see the woman he likes she is a representation of his idea of what a woman should be. Men want to be liked by all women.... Women want to be liked by "that one guy"...

It’s a fact that men have larger brains than women . Get over it

Many men are emotionally retarded and many women are logically retarded

lol larger in size but IQ is essentially identical.... Men and Women are different in terms of strengths and weaknesses but they're very similar



"Math Informatics Nature-Sciences Technology" aka actually useful degrees

I find this interesting because I'm emotionally retarded now, and I know several mates who are too.... The thing is, we don't start off this way for the most part... Most men are genuinely nice, chivalrous, fedora-tipping white knights until some girl fucks with us, like this user said . Get taken for a ride by the feels a few times, and you get calloused to the idea of 'love' and being all about one woman.
In all fairness, it's not always a woman that does it, it could be a parent or bully or anyone you close to or implicitly care for and trust... But the idea is the same.

A balance of logic and emotion is where it's at. Women will admire being nice but also need their primal needs to be fulfilled. As well as their emotions validated. Emotionally, you should be able to identify her emotions, validate and sometimes relate to her emotions to make you seem like an interesting person. Logically you should be able to provide security to some extent and fulfill her sexual needs. Notice how dumb women focus on the emotional part and cunts focus on the logical part? Balance homie

This is probably best expressed by this image, that I saved off Sup Forums, because of its clearly expressed thinking, erudite understanding and deep analysis of this vexing question.