Holy shit.
Canadians just BTFO'd Trump. His racist supporters are NOT going to be happy about this video...
Holy shit.
Canadians just BTFO'd Trump. His racist supporters are NOT going to be happy about this video...
Other urls found in this thread:
>serious talk
I'm still not sick of winning Donald
That's it. I am now #ArtilleryForHillary
Do not watch that video. Do not give Buzzfeed a view.
>Buzzfeed + Cucknadians
I have never seen a more vile combination of progressivism and faggotry
did they apoplogize afterwards?
>first canadian is a faggot
>le orange haired ebul racist man meme
>rob ford was worst mayor toronto ever had
>dear americans listen to us up in DUDE WEED land because we totally know what's best for you
great video (((Buzzfeed))), totally not retarded at all
Holy shit. That guy is the most cucked sounding man i've ever heard. he even looks like a huge pussy ass loser.
what the fuck is going on, i want to HIT THEM
oh theyre all canadians
>canadian economy is tanking
>getting flooded with shitskins
>parliament will probably dissolve this year due to liberal incompetence
>"listen to us goys!"
not an argument
>Americans angry you have to deal with ~50% anti white marxists
>In Canada 65% of the population are anti-white marxists and the rest of us have no hope of fighting back
It'll probably get worse before it gets better. Ignore the political realm and count your blessings, everything will be ok. :^)
>Canadians already fear the annexing of Canada
I love this election
Why would America listen to anybody who isn't America? We are # 1. Everyone is is just jealous haters.
send help
t. leaf
>increasing America's cuck quotient
Seems like an unforced error senpai
Go back to tumbler you faggot
Can someone post a mirror/dailymotion link?
>Absolutely no arguments
Just sayin, you guys are really fucking terrible at posting on here. All of your marketable phrases and such come off as out of touch, corny but most of all, desperate.
Just sayin...
>inb4 President Hillary Clinton annexes Canada to secure more Democrat voters
>dear americans, make sure you vote because your vote counts
Oh don't worry, I will.
Vote Trump
>implying that the Conservatives are not anti-white Marxists
>Just sayin
Stop saying that.
Thread is lacking in niggers.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>the Jews are the enemy
>Trump is our best choice
>the Jews support Trump
For the last several months I've started seeing Israel posters as comrades. Everything I know is upside down. I don't know what to do anymore, hold me Sup Forums.
Trudeau and the liberal agenda will cause a Canadian Trump to appear.
Banish all Jews to Israel for and we'll give em back redpilled
or keep them ashkenazi bois with their fancy genes
And this shit is beyond trite.
We get it, you're a plant here to obfuscate.
Just sayin'...
I know it sounds shallow and lame, but I urge you to all downvote this fucking video, there are so many normies from age 13-20's that will start questioning things if their favorite channels who make videos about Trump that are just ad hominem and lies start getting tons of dislikes and short negative comments.
Did you really just bump your own pimply asshole of a thread?
You stink at this.
Fuck off, PRV
Fuck you, you fucking retarded leaf faggot piece of shit. You make a shit name for the actual decent Canadians on this board. Quit pitifully crying at Australia's feet and begging him to teach you his ways.
Kys faggot. I hope your shitty country burns. Oh wait...
Wow buzzfeed and Canadians. I literally couldn't care less about these people's opinions. Sage this shitty thread.
Do I really want to watch this bullshit?
Why are they ragging on Rob Ford? Rob Ford did great things for Toronto, regardless of his personal habits.
By comparing Trump to Rob Ford, you've actually made Trump look good.
Canada sucks.
See the video below about the "diversity" that attacked those peaceful Trump supporters in San Jose.
Now play a little mental game and reverse the races.
What if the woman who got assaulted with eggs were black?
What if the terrorists were white and the people attacked were black?
Prison for all. 30 years at least.
But the attackers were brown, waving a Mexican flag.
So the San Jose leadership blames (wait for it) the TRUMP supporters and Trump himself for having political views that the terrorists didn't like.
What the FUCK, America?
What happened?
It will only get worse unless we get Trump elected and the illegals deported the hell out of here.
Build the wall.
Please build that wall.
stop with the destroy, it just makes him stronger and it's boring
I have
In that picture user
Also pisses me off when some brown guy/girl talks about "us Canadians". It's a case of "No dickhead, my family was hear first. You don't speak for me."
>deny reality and everything will be fine
>country who elected a literal retard
>criticizing anyone
report these kike threads
>but muh harmful guns
>but you ebil fascist you wont allow socialized healthcare and maple syrup and le weed
>unless you are exactly like us then you are ebil intolerant xenophobe xDDDD
Are you kidding me?
Umm, maybe, I don't know.
>sorry pillows
Fucking numale shits should be sorry for plaguing this earth
When I think of buzz feed in just think of some poor cuck who's only permitted to jerk off once a week while the buzz (the vibrator) feeds his wife's pussy.
That's totally normal right haha?
>"what do you think about the nominee?"
>people list superficial things
>he's like racist?
>rest of the video is literally nothing, apparently random words without context
>mfw this video communicates literally no information
Dear Canada,
As a foreign country, your opinion holds no merit against the will of our people.
Fuck off.
>they all look like faggots
>no actual arguments
Sounds like the classic liberal argument to me.
Really makes me think...
>Open video
>Biggest faggot ive ever seen in the first second
>Followed by a fat woman
>Followed by the definition of 'Nu-Male Cuckold"
Is this really how the world sees this shitty country?
Any truth to this?
Stop shutting up pol, shill
Sometimes I suspect that foreigners actually want Trump to be elected. Why else would they insist on lecturing a country NOTORIOUS for resenting foreign lectures?
Making fun of his hair and his tone
Do not talk about the issues
Elected Trudeau
When will this moving to Canada meme die. New Zealand is far better
This info graphic makes me want to vote for him even more
>A group of women tell me how to vote
Fun fact, that's how he was elected
Harper decided that he would go after him solely on inexperience as well as prioritizing dude weed and didnt much go after actual issues. Made sure to compliment his hair at the end of every commercial though, because fucking I dont know apparently his campaign thought that was a negative.
They left out how he hates Common Core for one thing. He wants to improve education, so not sure about dept. of education budget cuts.
Leaves out some other stuff, but most of the rest seems right AFAIK.
Even the min wage thing? I seem to recall people making a stink about him being open to raising it
>What Canadians Want to say About Trump
more like
>What LGBT millennials from Toronto Want to Say about Trump
Sounds like Obama in 08
>Canada can only fit so many people
>Unless you are brown/muslim
Smalltown Alberta
Everyone here loves Trump
You could not have come up with a more shallow and liberal video anywhere else. I don't understand what Buzzfeed is trying to do as 99% of Americans don't ever think about Canada in their day to dat lives
It was done to make it seem like he was just a pretty boy. to discredit him as a leader.
Who cares what Canadians think? They and their country are shit. Trust me, I would know.
He hasn't talked about it much to my knowledge and it's not listed on his website, so I would guess he doesn't think it's incredibly important. He did say in November that he thinks it'll probably have to stay as it is.
Saying he's "open" to something doesn't mean anything, good way to avoid questions you know will raise trouble with any answer.
Based Gavin already BTFO this video, sorry:
I wish we could just send them over to alberta
Copy That
>what Canadians want to say about Trump
speak for yourselves, retards
Those "people" are traitors to this country. They should be taken out to some field in Saskatchewan and have a bullet put in their skulls
>first top comment
The night he announces he's dropping out of the race is gonna be a trip. I know bernouts on suicide watch is a meme, but this time I think its gonna be real.
His supporters won't be happy or upset over this video, because they won't watch it.
I want to go back, it was awesome and I'm not even Jewish
Is this circus of a country talking shit about the God Emperor?
I've never seen such a bunch of faggots and basic bitches.
>See thumb
>Looks like a fag
>Open video
>2 seconds in
>faggot acts like flamboyant faggot
This is the type Trudope is trying win over
>a nice pool in a barren shit hole
might as well just go to Vegas m8
Just post the one of them banging already
You need to know that Canadians are politically retarded. My friends complain about DT for literaly no reason other than "He's a racist meanie!" Liberals tend to lack information so they argue off emotion, which is why none of these clowns said anything to actually "BTFO" Trump.
Never Forget.
this senpai. Toronto and Vancouver are cucked, most of the middle of the country (and the maritimes I suspect) are not leftist fags
after they are annexed what should we rename them?
As someone whose been to Toronto a few times, I can say without question that it is among the most degenerate shitholes in the world, and it is of no surprise that it is the birthplace of the SlutWalk.
It'd be nice to snoop into the databases of Apple and Google to see all of their footage of every white woman in Toronto fucking a nigger, since we know the phones send some data home from the cameras in regular intervals, and we know most Toronto women are so secular, cultureless, and loose, that their cunts have "equal" tattooed on one labia and "opportunity" on the other.
What an embarrassment Canada is. It's one thing for a nation of brainless niggers to elect a nigger because he's one of them; that I can understand. But, for a nation to collectively decide to elect a drama teacher who spouts the most banal shit...
Well, I suppose it's just going to go down in history of another prime example of how the West's coffin was nailed when they gave women the vote.