Anyone else feels like they need a break from music and Sup Forums in general?

I've been obsessed with Sup Forums and music for years now and I've come to the realization that I'm not really living anymore, I'm living vicariously through music and the internet, I spend most of my time with earbuds on looking for that adrenaline rush, I have no friends, I have no girlfriend and my life is completely consumed by music, always looking for something new and exciting, trying to stimulate a life, friends, success and experiences, I thought I was going to make music as a living at a young age as it was the only thing that made me happy, but now I'm realizing just how stupid and vain I was, I feel so alone and isolated from the world and I see everyone around me do the same, Is everyone else going through this? Or is it just me reinforcing my aspie bullshit/behavior?

Then do something about it

Get musical friends and do music shit irl with them

I've felt similar user and I think a lot of others have too. Taking a break from the internet can be really good to clear your head and get reoriented with reality and everything. I definitely noticed a positive change in my life when I started spending less time on my computer/phone and put my focus on more "real life" activities. You don't need to give up your passion for music or anything, but maybe just try to rebalance things in a healthier way.

Just as a side note though, even if you don't end make a living from it, it can still be really positive to make your own music. It can be a really nice release to just focus on making some tunes/playing an instrument and not worry about anything for a little while. When I've been down in the past I've found it helpful to play piano or make beats and just vibe out for a little bit.

>should i have a break from Sup Forums?
>i should ask Sup Forums about it

are you a Grimes fan?

you just have terrible understanding on what happiness is and how to attain it, and your will is weak, train yourself, become better and you'll start seeing achievements, reality is not something that just come out of nowhere, it's something you create.

work at a record store and out snob everyone
the dream....

Everything feels empty though, the people I talk too in a day to day life seems disconnected as I do at times, it's really sad to see everyone so addicted to smartphones, it''s just sad man.
It's hard to make friends once your out off school and working, people are way too preoccupied with their life and shit.

I've been thinking about moving into the city, somewhere more alive, I feel this insane rush to live and have fun, but the people I know are incredibly boring, I feel caged and stuck.
You never leave Sup Forums, you just can't, everyone knows this, this is more of a dialogue.
Your right, I've had a taste of true achievement in the past and it's amazing, I used to be one of the top employees in my past job, I burned the fuck out and I'm just confused now, everything was going great and then I fucked everything up.

it's actually easy as fuck to leave if you have good friends or a relationship where you can say almost anything like you can here, not fucked up shit per se but just discussing anything on your mind. sorry if that's a bummer but it's true. you have to something to leave to, but once you do this place feels less and less worth it.

whats wrong with being consumed by internet and music?
why should i feel that i have to find a girlfriend or have friends to enjoy life, when im completely content listening to music and browsing Sup Forums

It's going to get old man, your enjoying it know and that's fine, but your probably not growing as a person, your not living through new experiences, you will probably regret it in the future, looking back.

What do you care? Don't you feel completely content?

>good friends
That's that dream, everyone seems disconnected though, I haven't had a decent conversation in months, this is the reality of my generation.

I'm 21. I got lucky and successfully snatched the tail of the high school friend train just as it was about to leave for good and I have some deep bonds. Drugs helped a ton, honestly. Not that that's the only route, but it worked out for me. Still haven't had a real relationship though. And I don't know what to say about your situation, but there are other young people like me also craving that human connection. They're all over here, but you'll never meet them, or you might not even want to. The real thing is not easy, sadly. I still had a lot of dead years.

And I hope I don't come across arrogant or something, I'm also here at this hour even though i've at least spent a lot of time practicing. I'm not unfucked or anything, I'm just lucky enough to have integrated myself with other likeminded young people and some relatively cool normies, and not by compromising myself and faking, though I've gotten some habits along the way.


If you're into music, start going to shows and talking to people. Music is meant to be social.

nigga this is stage 1 Sup Forums woke, you're not going to do anything.

This cycle will repeat.

Do you do this? You are not the only person like you, could easily run into someone who also just worked up the nerve to go see whats happening and hang out. Plenty of bands got going like that, to say nothing of general music connects.

this is a real good positive thread, good job guys

anyway, op, if you really have no connections, you might as well move to a city. plenty of new people to meet, new musical scenes to explore. you ever been to a nightclub? go! go to a good one, where they're playing music you like, undoubtedly you'll meet someone like you.

dont just hope for something better, make that better yourself. in the kindest way possible

you know what you need to do
drop everything and get to new york
create like a madman
get recognized or OD on the street
the true path

Thanks for the youtube tutorial on success, I'm cured of depression now !

i was actually making fun of myself a bit, not a real suggestion, not trying to magically compel your brain to work correctly over the internet. that's another thing entirely.

I've met lots of people from going to gigs. Most of are still acquaintances but they're familiar faces I can have a casual chat with when I'm smoking outside between sets.

I'm sorry to hear your troubles homie.

Grass is always greener though. Having friends doesn't always equate to meaningful relationships. Obviously companionship is a drug like no other, but sometimes I wish I could pick myself up and supplant myself in another group of friends. We all love music and have played in bands together, but its getting to that time where people are beginning to get older and older. These bonds we formed so long ago don't feel as meaningful or useful as they once did. More relations more problems as far as I'm concerned.

I have friends and I still can't leave. But they don't get much out either...

thanks for the blog thread friend, i too have been feeling this way recently, i used to love making music and the feeling of pride if i think I've created something good and I realised I've replaced that with making playlists and trying to discover as much new music as possible. like ok i am now able to say that "new artist a" sounds a lot like "early b mixed with some c and a little d" but who cares? is it making me happy to see an anonymous opinion online somewhat support my own findings as "an independent critiquer" and therefore validate all the time i spend on it? sometimes I'll see a popular youtuber do a video on an artist's discography and think finally my years of persistence will be rewarded for the next twenty minutes but then they critique it all wrong and i realise what's the point? am i going to do a reply video explaining why this guy is full of shit? no, but every time i listen to those albums from now on that youtuber will be living rent free in my head as i ponder over his opinions and wonder if i am the one who's wrong. i think i might as well have fun because my happiness is done

why dont you go talk about what you're feeling to someone you consider a 'friend'? Talk about how you feel disconnected and think other people are too. Stop being a pussy and thinking you might get judged or whatever cause that isnt how you make friends. Talk about your real thoughts and feelings and be authentic

why dont you write your own reviews or some shit. Seems like that'd be a helpful outlet for your current thoughts

You need to set some limits for yourself and stick to a plan. I don't know enough about you to say exactly what's right for you, but a good plan would likely include:
-limiting the amount of time you spend on the internet
-limiting the amount of time you spend isolated by headphones/earbuds
-increased exercise/strength training for hormonal balance
-forcing yourself to spend more time in public/social situations. (You will become more comfortable with this as time goes on, guaranteed)
-smoking less weed/drinking less alcohol (if applicable)
-getting a job if you don't already have one

Right now you're a victim of inertia. You've been veging out for so long that doing anything seems way harder than it actually is. I've been where you are. I'm an older millennial and I'm guessing you're a millennial too. We are a generation raised on instant gratification and the path of least resistance. We have no self-discipline. You need to cultivate some discipline because nobody else is going to do it for you at this point. It's definitely not too late to start.

What is wrong with you?