Describe your political views in two words, Sup Forums
I'll start
>Utilitarian nationalist
Describe your political views in two words, Sup Forums
National Syndicalist
Fuck welfare.
Compassionate Equalist
Jimmy Neutron.
Physical Removal
Constitution based federal republic.
Classical Liberal fused with traditionalism
Nationalistic Moderate
Strength & Honour.
Stupid Racists
National Revivalist
Barrier Constructionist.
Dont care
No survivors
Please delete this, it offends me.
Seig Zeon
Nationalist Globalist
or perhaps
Nationalist Genocidalist
Paki Purger
Ultra NEET
dr doom
National Socialist
>inb4 edgy
United Planet
>on Sup Forums
nigger, half the people on here are nazis
Fuck off
National liberal :DDDDD
jimmy neutron creeps the fuck out of me
these animations are fucking weird
/thread haha
Nationalist Libertarian
Libertarian Nationalist
Mein Negro
Burkean conservative
Uninformed Cuck
Misanthropic Hermit
On Sup Forums, national socialist
Irl i don't care about anything. Let the world burn.
>tips katana
Dirk Diggler
tinfoil hat
National Enquirer
bohemian nazi
Occam's Razor
Consequentialist Libertarian
Barnsean Noble
Liberal Nationalist
Remove kebab
Traditional Catholic
National Socialist
Islamic Gommunism
Unabashed Liberal
National Socialist.
>America first.
>Other countries (except Israel) second.
Islamic Nazism
"My best ally"
National Socialist
Ben? Is that you?
Hates everyone
National Socialdemocrat
>its not two words
Fuck off
National Imperialist
Traditionalist Libertarian
Virtue ethics is the only way.
Individualist Anarchist
National Democrat.
National Libertarian
Independent moderate
>Virtue ethics is the only way.
But what are the ethics that must be considered the ideal?
The ideal as to what is 'good' and what is 'evil' are based on the consensus of one's community, as shown by the fact some people view some things as 'good' while others view the same thing as 'evil'
If virtues are thereby subjective, then how can one truly live a virtuous life if those virtues dont coincide with other's virtues?
The only meaningful one can truly measure the good a society provides its people is through its utility.
Christian pacifist.
Reactionary Generalist
Jeffersonian constitutionalist
I'm the ultimate hipster
Remove kebab
Wow thats pretty gay, user
Jacksonian Localist
Nice double dubs
I still hate you though
Statist Reactionary
Remove Jew
Kill Browns
Good goy
christian monarchist
Bold choice, lads.
Reform Party
Kek Priest
National Libertarian
Nationalist Utilitarianism
I don't see how utilitarianism avoids this problem. Who defines "utility" or the "good" we're supposed to maximize? Fairness? Pleasure? Preference satisfaction?
I like virtue ethics because it tells you how to live a good life rather than being a theory that you apply to specific situation.
Being somewhat of a libertarian, I think you have to find someway to really promote ethics in a way that even the plebbest of plebs can relate to, and the best way to do this is to create some sort of ideal to aspire to (ex: Jesus). "Live like this guy" is much easier to digest than "maximize utility in all circumstances."
National Conservative
car bomb
Libertarian Socialist
International socialist.
Second amendment