I'm trying to stream a PS2 game (Neopets The Darkest Faerie) to my friend using the Roxio GameCapture HD Pro...

I'm trying to stream a PS2 game (Neopets The Darkest Faerie) to my friend using the Roxio GameCapture HD Pro, but I keep running into the same problem. The audio and video plays perfectly fine on the TV, but only the audio plays on the Roxio program.

On the Roxio program it's set to Component with 480p res. On the PS2 it's set to Y Cb/Pb Cr/Pr with screen res of 16:9. All of my cables are component (I tried HDMI cable, same exact result). All of my drivers are updated currently, and all of my ports are working fully. My laptop is powerful and my PS2 is new, as are my cables.

I'm too poor to buy a different game capture card, and I really want to show this game to my friend very badly. I bought this stupid thing a very long time ago when it was still useful, so please don't tell me that I made a mistake in buying it instead of an 'El Gato' or whatever else. Any help is appreciated!! =D

I'm posting here because I got archived immediately in where this was actually relevant.

Did you try restarting your computer?

That's a 'turn your computer off and on again' joke, isn't it? I didn't realize I was running a comedy show here. Why don't you try and reply with something helpful next time?

Did you update your drivers?

So you didn't restart your computer? That is probably the issue.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that Sup Forums was populated by people with the reading comprehension of a 10 year-old. It says in the post that the drivers are updated. (Also, yes I know that you're baiting me.)

Emulate it on pc

You're retarded if you think that restarting your computer won't solve most of the issues

My computer is strong but not that strong

Obviously you aren’t sending that shit capture box 480p

you're playing Neopets. you have no high ground here, my dude


ps2 output is typically 480i not 480p change the setting to interlaced on the capture card not progressive.

Look over here, an edgy teen that uses the word retarded. Aren't you special? You can insult someone. Can't find that on the internet.

Dude I love Neopets. Best shit ever. You literally cannot go wrong with it

Component and composite are two different things. Make sure you are connected correctly.

>my pc not strong enough

I CAN run it on an emulator, it just lags so heavily that I'd have a better time watching a slideshow presentation of the gameplay.


How to change to 480i ??

First world problems

Kek you fucked

Well sorry that I'm not starving to death or dying from malaria. I just want to play this game for my friend so we can have a bit of a gaff.

Ehhh, whatever. I'll just try to save up as much money as I can to buy a different capture card then, though it'll take a really long time. I can say for certain that this was more helpful than Reddit ever was so thanks genuinely for the couple minutes of entertainment!!

i would try other programs to make sure if the capture card is broken.
i personally think it's the software.
try virtualdub.