I dare you to say one bad thing about Muslim women

I dare you to say one bad thing about Muslim women

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>that pic
The women's right movement fought so they could wear revealing clothing like shorts, shirts, etc., and now you want to take it all back and go back to how it all was before? Are you really going to throw away years of women's rights movement just like that?

They are alpha males desu, they can have all our white wimmenz if they want

Why is she talking to me without her husband/father present?

They're muslim

They blow people up.

Actually, only men can be suicidal bombers.
It's haram for women

>women's rights
>not cultural marxism



none of those in the right pic are jews though. And people acting like that are the reason why feminism is looked down upon. If it werent for them it would be a great movement

As always cuckolds who likes their wife to dress half naked will not like her.

Who's behind this post?

>free to cover it
>in most Muslim countries, they get assaulted or killed if the men think they haven't covered it enough
>these women think they're championing liberty by helping such men spread their culture

>I want them to be degenerate just like our women.

And who's forcing Muslim males to have beard? Women?

I think we should fight that too...

They are worth half of a man


They're whores.
How's that, monkey?

To be honest lads most muslims I meet tend to be pretty redpill.

No degeneracy, just want a pure wife and raise a good home.

Personally I enjoy my bacon and the occasional beer, but with more muslim influx liberals will get btfo.

Their against trans, homos and cuckolds. They believe men should be able to provide for their families and women help the man and create a lot of kids.

I dont want them taking over my country, but the keks from seeing liberals being btfo is tempting though

I find most brown women to be exceptionally hairy, like Italians and Greeks

Your mom is a bigger whore than any of them

I don't care if they cover their heads, but her implying that they only do so as a free choice is clearly disingenuous.

>Muslim women.
>Free to show her body.
Tippity top kek.

They breed muslim men

You mean they do it for anything that God?

I mean why Muslims pray 5 times (5 is the minimum), and fast a whole month, no alcohol, no pork... and when it comes to putting a veil in your head "Naah there's no way they do it for themselves"...

I get the Christianity "Me doing something for good? No way...", you will never get it...

They are often very hypocritical and become very angry because of a gender related joke from you while happily supporting their own reactionary politicians.

>You mean they do it for anything that God?
you said it yourself, they do it for their god. Islam is a cancerous, violent and primitive religion.

They walk as slow as my fucking digestive tract in ASDA the stupid binbag wearing cunts.

Get out of the fucking way and stop waddling around like a god damn slug, you cancerous tumour of a human.

Your fedora is showing

Actually they're violent in general, OP just started off the thread with the hijab. Some Muslim countries have complained to the UN that not being able to have legal penalties for apostasy violates their freedom of religion.

They're still whores but they're better at covering their tracks.

It's not often that though. It's more if you don't cover your head your own muslims brothers will rape you because you're like exposed meat.

It's actually muslim men forcing muslim men to have beards. They think that growing a beard = masculinity.

They are the extreme in redpill. Instead of wanting to discourage from degenerate behaviour they go and assault or outright murder others.
Sure it would be nice to see liberals get btfo but eventually they'll turn on you because you're not muslim.

>dammit abu hajaar, if you don't keep your head down, we have to start all over

Dog bless Abu Hajaar. He's in a better place now (hell.)

There's no penalty for apostasy in Islam. Except from Shieks like you...

You like it or not. It's staying around for some time... sad life for you...

>It's actually muslim men forcing muslim men to have beards. They think that growing a beard = masculinity.

>Implying a Muslim can be forced by anyone or anything beside God

You really think it was Allah that made your ancestors convert and not the Umayyad soldier screaming 'convert or die'?

Forcing probably not the best word. But strongly encouraged by imam's or other elder muslims. Mainly prevalent for wahabbi's or salafis. They believe you aren't a real man and will not even look at or talk to you.

>There's no penalty for apostasy in Islam

That isn't true, they've had women wear bombs made to look like pregnant bulges

>There's no penalty for apostasy in Islam
wew lad

They turn boys into sandniggers and girls into muslim women.

You might want to read the Quran

they're gay lol

>It's haram for women
Maybe it is according to the book , but in reality it has been plenty of female islamic suicde bombers (not as "common" as male, but still)

>They are taught that women who wear short skirts or tight trousers are "available." They are taught that they have the right to be disrespectful towards women.
>In the Muslim world it is still the norm that women raise children. These women have values which are often the cause of their own suffering, but they are so internalized that these women pass these values on to their sons as well as their daughters


damned if you do, damned if you don't brhue.

Look at it this way, I'm an infidel. If she takes me she's not a true Muslim, not true to her God and if she can't be trusted to uphold her religion how can she be trusted to uphold a relationship or other values?

Or she is a true Muslim, and wishes death upon me or is indifferent to her people wishing death upon me because I'm an infidel.

>in most Muslim countries, they get assaulted or killed if the men think they haven't covered it enough
Youve never been to a Muslim country. If you did you wouldnt be saying retarded shit like that. Women walk around without the scarf all over the middle east. Its only Saudi Arabia where its illegal to do so.


>no source
There is no punishment for apostasy in the Quran. Prove me wrong

They're Muslim.

Muslim women cover themselves up because they have to. A lot of them , would totally get naked and walk around like sluts given the chance


>In Islamic law (sharia), the view among the majority of medieval jurists was that a male apostate must be put to death unless he suffers from a mental disorder or converted under duress, for example, due to an imminent danger of being killed.

I was in the thread where this meme started, great times, great meme

shit man you don't even know the quran, you're almost as bad a jews.

Quran (4:89) - "They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper."

Quran (9:11-12) - "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. And if they break their pledges after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief - Lo! they have no binding oaths - in order that they may desist."

Other verses that seem to support the many Hadith that establish the death sentence for apostates are Quran verses 2:217, 9:73-74, 88:21, 5:54, 9:66.

>majority of medieval jurists
>medieval jurists
Bring me one piece of evidence from the Quran or Sahih Hadith that says you can kill someone simply for leaving Islam. I dont care what some crusty fucker did centuries after Muhammad died.
Muslims are supposed to follow the Quran and Muhammad, not random guys who cannot claim any legitimacy.
Youll come to find that Muhammad never once called for an apostate to be harmed or bothered let alone killed.

>Quran (4:89)
That refers to a battle, do you think deserters should be spared?
>Quran (9:11-12)
That refers to the meccan soldiers who were ordered to put down their arms after they turned their back on the Muslim army.
Read the tafseer for the verses you post. Its actually referred to in the video I posted here

They're muslim women.
That's two bad things.

Bukhari (52:260): Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "

Does that work? What mythical context is undoubtedly missing here?

Muslims nations are still in medieval times since they still have apostasy laws.

Heres another good one

Of course, theyre uneducated fucks who can barely read let alone take the time to take the book they claim to believe in.
Most Muslims dont even speak Arabic.

They're Muslims.


be less stupid, if you have no answer, just don't answer.

I think I broke the thread.

>not sahih bukhari
I dont think you know how hadith works. If a hadith is sahih its "generally" accepted but still open to debate. If it isnt sahih, its disregarded completely. Many hadith were recorded but proven to be falsified, hence their classification

They exist.

Apparently this is a Sahih Bukhari, according to the website I found it on and many others that list this passage.

they are all inbred

Their clits were brutally chopped off with knives when they were girls, and their labia were sewed until the day they are married as a greasy 40 year-old sheik's 5th wife.
They are not bad persons, they are victims.

Well shit youre actually right.
In any case Quran>hadith no matter what the case, and the Quran is pretty clear about it.
After a little research I found that that narration referred to a search for some guy that was fleeing after people got word that he was planning to kill Muhammad. Im guessing "somebody" referred to the soldiers they took along with them, in which case it would be treason and apostasy, not just apostasy

He's talking about desertion, not apostasy; don't forget Muhammad was a general as well. The death penalty is a pretty strict punishment for desertion but it wasn't particularly uncommon around that time period. Even in the countries where apostasy is punishable by death, it's rarely (if ever) practiced.

I mean, in the strictest since sure but don't pretend like hadith aren't canon. If muslims only followed the quran islam wouldn't have half the problems it has today

It's because they're shitty apologists

They fuck with their clothes on and they have hairy asses

Holy shit you are retarded, I am a muslim. Bukhari is sahih, and has been collected for centuries.

I leave in victory. Good day

*tips fedora*

>If muslims only followed the quran islam wouldn't have half the problems it has today
Of course, unfortunately you have people who think hadith are just as legitimate as the quran and thats where the problems arise.
All of it stems from the spread of wahhabi clerics in my opinion. They get funded by petrodollars and spread their shitty ideology across the globe.
Thanks Great Britain!

She's not free to cover it, she's forced to

associate with muslim men.

Bukhari=/=sahih bukhari
He gave the wrong citation, theyre two different book sets. There is a distinction.

>I dare you to say one bad thing about Muslim women
they don't put out easily.

>one bad thing
> Muslim
> women

You already said two bad things about muslim women.

Yea wahhabism is cancer. All salafi crap can fuck off actually. It's a shame quranism never really caught on

It's annoying as shit when muslim women adamantly wear hijabs even when it's extremely inconvenient and awkward but still wear tight fitting western clothing and makeup.

Those fucking rags are supposed to symbolize modesty, but most muslim women I see are just archetypal slutty vain bitches who wear the hijab to flaunt how unique and modest they think they are when they're just generally a cunt.


They smell like shit

I have watched your videos. But I still think you have a major uphill battle when trying to drill this into the average muslim as well the wahhabis and salafis. If you aren't arab you won't be seen as a 'true' muslim in the wahabbi eyes.

Can we load them onto the trains and gas them please?

they're muslim

>Those fucking rags are supposed to symbolize modesty
It's just a piece of clothing; it doesn't have to symbolize anything if they don't want it to. Most muslim women just treat it as another accessory.

>archetypal slutty vain bitches
Slutty probably isn't the right word, but vain certainly.

Muslims in the U.S. used to vote Republican until the war in Iraq. Muslims are actually the reason George W. Bush won the first time. Without the Muslim vote in Florida, he would have lost.

But now they flock to the liberals and dems even though they have nothing in common

He did lose lol

2000 election

>He thinks Saudi Arabia is the only country with Sharia Law enforced
Saudi Arabia is one a few that enforces it for non-Muslims
Iraq, Iran and others still enforce it, dress code included for muslims

>But I still think you have a major uphill battle when trying to drill this into the average muslim as well the wahhabis and salafis
Of course. Theyre extremists and they take advantage of their knowledge of arabic to spread their ideology to other races who dont speak it since they see arabs as the "original muslims" and simply take their word for it.
These fuckers were actually foretold of by Muhammad along with surrogate pregnancies.
>‘That the female slave should give birth to her mistress, and you see poor, naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats competing in making tall buildings.’
>And that you see deaf, dumb, blind, barefoot shepherds of sheep competing with each other in building as if the kings of people.
>Messenger of Allah, who are these you describe
>They are the Arabs

england helped wahhabis/alsaud clan against egypt and turkey, they took hejaz with their help destroyed a lot of islamic legacy and shrines and buildings. personally i think alsaud are a trojan horse


guess I could use a few trælls to work on the field and do some housework and be avaliable for the fucks.

Careful not to put children on them though, and carefully pick the trælls and inspect them because they are known to be inbred. Lit cousin fuckers

The only Sunni Muslim you'll find who doesn't follow Hadith is only someone you'll find online and they would be ostracized by every other Muslim.

Without the Hadtih (Mainly Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) Wudu and Salat wouldn't be known.

So if a Muslim says Hadith aren't required of legitimate, then that opens up to saying you can pray any way you want and that you can do hajj however you want.

Did you not read the sticky?
If a hadith is in clear violation of the Quran, Muslims have every right to discard it. To say otherwise is to liken hadith to the quran.

>These things are bullshit but I cant explain why

Thats not even what a slippery slope is, we allow gays 5 years later we will be having legaL pedophiles

They did not make soap out of jews thus the holocaust never happend