Im going to try and help the whole "Athiesm VS relgion" debate that is always being posted on Sup Forums by saying what...

Im going to try and help the whole "Athiesm VS relgion" debate that is always being posted on Sup Forums by saying what i think is true Athism,in a polite and respectful manner. This will be several posts long.
===================================The broadest definiton of "Athiesm" is that that said person who practices Athiesm has the belief that no spirits,gods or higher beings exist.
Here is the Wikipedia definition of Athiesm.
{Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities.Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist.In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.Atheism is contrasted with theism,which, in its most general form, is the belief that at least one deity exists.} When anons make these threads,they tend to use the common misconseption that ALL Atheists are scientists and/or use science to explain the creation of life and the universe.
Some people are Athiests becuase they cannot understand a religion or simply are in the process of choosing one to belive and they use "Athiest" as a blanket term for themselves until they have chosen a religion.
while it is unfortunate that some Athiestic people are very loud about it and they are always bashing religion,those are the ones who ruin the otherwise neutral face of Athiesm.
I for one think these "Athiests" are not true Athiests as they simply use Athiesm to hide behind and yell at and bash religion.
Now i'm going to put it out that,yes i am a firm follower of the Athiest mindset,i don't go around bashing the various religions and calling them out.
While i do find all religions to be quite silly,i still respect them.
Yes,i think a all-powerful god that is unseen or unheard by us as humans is nonsense,and i do firmly follow the evolution and Big Bang ideas. I do think we modern Homo Sapiens evolved from tree swinging apes and monkeys.

I do think that at the start of time a gargantuan explosion created the universe as we know it,atoms and life,over the commonly accepted age of 13.8 billion years.
Yes,i do know that Jesus Christ was a real person but i do not belive that any God exists in Christianity,Buhddism,Islam,Hebrew or any other religion.
while i do accept scientific facts and i follow them,i dont openley bash religion.
Everybody should be able to practice whatever they please,wether that is the absense of gods or the precense of gods.
I hope this clears up some of the confusion on athiesm and why it is commonly called a relgion.
(if Athiesm was a relgion then that would ruin the whole reason for Athiesm)

>we evolved from rocks that appeared from nowhere

The first sentence proves creation. Where did all of that matter and energy come from? What made it explode? How could all of these complex life forms come to be from a series of mathematically impossible accidents? Atheism is flawed from beginning to end.

Science: Nothing is coincidental everything can be explained

Atheists: it's all an accident guys, we came from nothing

Also Niel Denigger Tyson says the Earth is pear shaped, so get on with the times

>It's the current year

Let's assume the volume of this existence just exists, that this XYZt space time is just natural and base all of our assumptions on that...

You take so much for granted, and refuse to accept its impossible existence as evidence... Like you're blinded by evil or something

look,im not trying to be rude but i feel as these posts are bait.
i just cant understand a god or higher being.
i like facts more that a shared hope of somebody
and yes,while scientists still dont exactly understand where that ball of pure energy that created our universe came from,we will probbaly never know until time travel is possible.

Are you really as desperately insecure as you seem to be?

God reminds me of a Kewpie Doll...

We can describe everything up too the big bang with math, now why the fuck was there a ball of concentrated super energy chilling who the fuck knows

A cute Kewpie Doll! Which is everywhere, all at once!

Cheerful and nice! Sugar and spice!

Who could question the existence of Kewpie Dolls??

look anons no matter how much bait and hate towards me is posted i created this thread to have a polite,calm and meaningful conversation about the universe and evolution,not petty arguments over who is right and wrong.
i choose to follow facts and science,not gods and shared hope
i have respect for religious people and i wont hate on them
now can we please be civil and have a worthwhile conversation?

If you can explain it with precise math that further proves the high possibility of an intelligent creator

>i just cant understand a god or higher being
Yet you accept a regular being, or consciousness, as possible. Why do you exist with self awareness but can't comprehend (from a state of being created) that something doesn't come from nothing and a being must come from a creator?

i like this user,here is your (You)
like i was saying,we have no idea why a ball of energy was just floating around in the void but everything else we have a pretty fim understanding on.
plus,if i cant settle this then my final rebuttle is Backround Radiation
when the universe was created that explosion left tons of radiation behind that still lingers today

this argument makes no sense. i call bait and/or poor shitposting. good day.
no i dont. where did i say i accept a being?
i have repeated several times i think a higer being or god is bogus!

>e have no idea why a ball of energy was just floating around
Before the big bang there was no time, there was no anything, sooooo... The cause of it inextricably must exist outside of time as we understand it.

This is the first cause. I choose to name this first cause "God". You can call it something else if you like, but denying it is illogical. The existence of a creation force I self-evident. Any disagreements are semantics or you being illogical.

>no i dont. where did i say i accept a being?
Are you arguing you dont exist? You need to be on antipsychotic drugs asap if true.

well i will respectfully reply and say i deny your claim.
i choose to follow the common idea that when our universe ends it all comes back together to form that ball of energy and boom,another universe.
now can we PLEASE stop arguing like children?

A-not theist-believer in deities

Not believer in deities

HOW FUCKING RETARDED IS Sup Forums to make a discussion about this?

It's like some pretentious faggot attempting to discern meaning from a piece of shit modern art installation

>well i will respectfully reply and say i deny your claim
"I deny the big bang had a cause"
This lays plain your inability to use logic and rational thought progression. I am sad for you
>.i choose to follow the common idea that when our universe ends it all comes back together to form that ball of energy and boom,another universe.
Big crunch theory was btfo decades ago.
> can we PLEASE stop arguing like children?
I dont follow, I'm trying to be as respectful as possible with someone of your depth.