Jobs after womens studies and gender studies

Hello Sup Forums, today I want to ask some of you what kind of jobs are available after majoring in Woman's studies and Gender studies? Do they even pay good for it?

summer fags gtfo

Oh and I tried googling it and only found some bullshit about why you SHOULD major in gender studies, none of the reasons have the word "job" in it..

MC Donald always hire so you have that

>what kind of jobs are available after majoring in Woman's studies and Gender studies?
Flipping burgers, if you can avoid mentioning your degree in the job application.

Are you literally retarded?

You can get a job as a Professional Privilege Checker or there is always positions open for Propagators of Victim Complexes.

Well I think the Gender Studies professors majored in that

so maybe you're lucky and can one day replace your gender studies professor or some shit I don't know...

Human Resources. I'm not even joking.

I did enrolled in Women Studies at Monash a year ago. My political views turned to Fascism during this year. Now what to do? I have like 3 more years to go and naturalization in 4 years.

Change degree to something useful.

This has been my impression as well.

I am a gender studies major (call me out I know). I did it for the easy grades and pussy. Gonna get my masters in it and get a cozy teaching job at my university.

NGO and government.

Like any other major, if you work hard/are intelligent, you can get a decent paying job.

I have a friend who majored in Gender Studies and works for women's-based NGO; spends a quarter of her time in Brussels and on foreign postings and the rest in Australia. She's third year out of uni on about 65k. Directors and higher ups gets minimum 200k+ other benefits.

What's your thesis going to be on? Please make it something hilarious and see how much funding you can get.

I should say, that it provides a lot of lay with mad Aussie cunts and they are not SJW tier. Maybe I can subvert it to Fascism. Just imagine the headlines. Russian Australian undergraduate student created Australian Women's Union of Fascist. AWUF sounds based.

>glorious fag-hating mudstomping last bastion of the "white" race flag

>wymyn studies

It's like the kokholds already won

Asking retarded questions, Swedish, believes in summer. Yep, it all checks out.

This!! The gender tards crave power to force their ideology on others. Human resources is one of their prime targets.

Subsidized government programs are a good thing to exploit. Do not work against the current, work with it. If the government subsidizes courses glorifying boi pussy than do that and teach it and you make easy $$$.

My friend is doing a human ressources major. He wanted to do business but sucks at math so he chose that lol


>what kind of jobs are available after majoring in Woman's studies and Gender studies? Do they even pay good for it?

These days they get jobs in the new KGB offices cleverly named as shit like "Diversity Consultant" or "Secretary of Tolerance and Equality in X" in various levels of government and even some businesses.

Most of these people are women, or nonwhite women filling yet more nonsense jobs with fake titles that essentially give them carte blanche to get up legislators' asses and force Marxism on local institutions.

It's living, breathing cancer. And they get paid very, very well to do this.

If you use that first degree to get a masters in gender studies, I think a professional bridge jumper is a pretty guarenteed job

Professional privilege checker
Patriarchy investigator
Victim complex denial specialist

its pretty funny how teenagers think a career in academic maths or pure sciencies is worth some money. it aint son. its almost as bad as social sciences/humanities. maths career is worse even.

>what is an actuary

I was a classical liberal (probably that's why I chose Australia) before and I believed that advancement of western women is a force for elevating society, decreasing poverty, crime, providing healthy sexual culture. It's actually true in some way. Now I turned Mosley-tier.

if you're a woman and get a degree in something like that you are pretty much guaranteed a government desk job with 0% chance of being made redundant

cam whore.

>Womans studies
>Advancing society
>Providing healthy sexual culture
What fancy fanny world were you in?

Remember, Australia is the nation with illegal abortion.

our country being total shithole doesn't mean math sucks bro

Tried asking /biz/?

speech restrictions, gun grab and censorship piss me off, hope one day Australia will have I and II amendment equivalent.