Do Jewish people really hate non-jews (goyim) or is that just a Sup Forums meme?
Jew and non Jew relations
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The Talmud states that Jews can indulge in pedophilia, kill, steal from, enslave and loan money to via Usury to non-Jews only...
Non-jews are considered cattle by Talmudic Jews and the laws will back up this claim of enslavement...
I need answers preferably from actual Jewish people.
Not openly from my experience.
They do believe they're above or "aside" though,
they hate white people for sure.
>Do Jewish people really hate non-jews
Some do, but that's hardly the cause for concern.
The real issue is; they ALL value each other over the goys. They are extremely tribalistic.
If necessary they'll always help a jewish stranger over a gentile friend.
Some of my close friends are jews, we don't have any problems, but I know better than to ever FULLY trust them with anything vitally important.
Not really in Israel, maybe the very uneducated Mizrahim.
Idk about your filthy diaspora scum
I personally much prefer white people to Jews
>If necessary they'll always help a jewish stranger over a gentile friend.
You're 100% wrong.
Haredim are the reason I'm a Nazi sympathiser.
how many jewish friends did you have as a kid? How many jewish friends do you have now?
Talmud also says something along the lines of all Gentiles need to be wiped out. Jews hating everything and worshiping satan is not a meme, but as Christians we must still love them and pray for their salvation.
No we just consider you as dindus
Yea ok. That super size me guy got spat on and harassed when he went.
Oh, if you mean religious Jews then they are scum. I thought you meant ethnic secular Jews
No shit orthodox hate you, it's in their doctrine, see But generally speaking we're nice to tourists and love Americans, just don't mingle with the religious. But keep in mind I live in the most liberal city here
I'm sorry for whatever i did wrong.
1 and 0. That one Jewish "friend" started a job with Northwestern Mutual and tried to sell me a $150/mo life insurance policy. I kindly told him to fuck off...
the common jews are fucked up just the same as we are,
Don't listen to him, Goyim are qts
how fucking knew are you. try looking into the talmud.
They are basically little ignorant boys.
They are little Tommy who got kicked out of 102 high schools and still refuses to take a look at himself. Still points fingers at everone around him.
It was the schools fault, the teachers fault, anyones fault, but not little Tommies fault.
You are an anti-little-Tommy for criticizing him.
To expect to look at this asshole kid, little Tommy, who got kicked out of 102 high schools, and to believe that he was just an easy scapegoat, is an insult to human intelligence.
The more you research the jews the more laughable they become. They are little kids who have some sneaky tricks, but once the trick is revealed they start panicing and backstabbing each other. It's already starting and I enjoy every minute of the show.
They are socipaths as a group. They think they have a monopoly on pain.
"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time."
Karl Marx
Rebbe, die Menschen bist sehr mishigen
Today I was jogging in my closed community with my hat writing "Follow me" in Hebrew on it, some guy must have taken it literally tried to drive his motorcycle over me until he realized i was about to get his ass flipped down. he literally waited to see my reaction and got full throttle when I started running at him. Turns out villa 188, left a note with a flower on it because German Shepherd in yard and I am too lazy to wait at entrance to kick his goy-ass.
I wrote in Latin, because i can.
>writes this post
>his entire continent is run by little Tommy
"According to the present
constitution of this world, the Jew in truth is already more than emancipate: he rules, and
will rule, so long as Money remains the power before which all our doings and our
dealings lose their force. That the historical adversity [08] of the Jews and the rapacious
rawness of Christian-German potentates have brought this power within the hands of
Israel's sons — this needs no argument of ours to prove...
that this has also brought the public Art-taste of our time between the busy
fingers of the Jew, however, is the matter whose grounds we here have to consider."
Richard Wagner - Judaism in Art
his music is still banned in Israel.
somewhat closer.
don't worry goyim, when money is off and you have to use your credits that automatically scans your presence at the store, we would still be ruling because smarts.
A jew girl at my university is a massive SJW and hates white men. She constantly shares BLM posts and at the same time stuff from zionist pages. Although the Israelis seem ok, at least you guys mind your own business, kill as many Palis as you want, just leave me the fuck alone in ym own country and I will do the same to you. Seems fair even if you consider me cattle
still will never be happy though. Still will never find inner peace. No Money, power and vanity will change that.
Otto eininger (ustrian jew):
"Greatness is absent from the nature of the woman and the Jew, the greatness of morality, or the greatness of evil. In the Aryan man, the good and bad principles of Kant’s religious philosophy are ever present, ever in strife. In the Jew and the woman, good and evil are not distinct from one another … It would not be difficult to make a case for the view that the Jew is more saturated with femininity than the Aryan, to such an extent that the most manly Jew is more feminine than the least manly Aryan"
The Jewish identity in general is poisonous, but the Israeli one is kinda disconnected from it, and is mostly a national identity, as opposed to one that is based on a religion. Hence the diaspora scum comment.
Those I hate the most(aside from the religious). They have no right talking about my nation while also giving us a bad name world wide.
Pretty much the only good kind of Jew is a secular Israeli or a rightwing autoantisemite
All Jews are poisonous.
sounds good to me.
Correction: their equivalent of returning to Heaven is that if they enslave all goyim, the world will "return" to being Heaven.
All tripfags are irrelevant
Cool. Are you that guy I was talking to one night on this about the national religious and CK2?
I would much prefer woman to hang around, I meant it's you afterall that is famous for great sausage fests of "greatness of morality, or the greatness of evil the good and bad principles of Kant’s religious philosophy where good and evil are not distinct from one another" where people fuck and puke and shit all around while molesting workers.
Tob shebbe goyim harog.
>Jews point fingers and blame
>my society is bad because of Jews
>when money is off
Wagner was referring to the end of days when Christ comes back to this world, judges man based on their deeds, and the wicked ones are sent to oblivion.
Glad we both agree you subversive kike.
All the jews I know love white people
its actually faggot blacks, whites and mexicans we have to deal with
Nope but good game
>Baseless buzzwords
Must be an elder scrolls fan then
that's euphemism, again and after, you seem like you know a thing or two, modernity bored a desire of change that parted the nominal hence there you got post-modern and milennia after and you are still going to be scanned for your credits goyim.
Get out more.
I'm not sure if you were being ironic, but your post literally made no sense in English.
Are ashkenazis Khazars or Semites ?
I mean are the palestinians not the original jews who converted to Islam and you guys are nomads who converted from tengrism ?
You are reading the Talmud all wrong moron. All those passages are presented as an argument that is later refuted.
don't jews believe non-jews have no soul? and since jewishness is an ethnicity as well as a religion, simply converting to judaism will not give a non-jew a soul. that seems pretty damn hateful to me.
Original Jews are probably the Mizrahim and Sfaradim.
Idk, we're either 75% euro and 25% shitskin as some research suggests, or really just Khazars. Either way, crypto goys.
Fuck it
Bullshit, the Jewish religion is vile and religious Jews view Goyim as less than farm animals.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
But I know that there hasn't been a great artist, philosopher, or great mind at all ever since your people took over and completely molested the brains of the western world through media and social manipulation.
There is no more culture. No more morality. Where you show up the morality goes down.
If you saw the quote above about Kants principles. What you think happens when a person who naturally has a good moral compas is forced from birth to immoral and illogical thinking by the society he lives in?
It fucks your head.
That's why pol is so liberating. That's why Donald Trump is so great. He remided people of how good it feels to thnk logical.
And then your idiot tribe fully exposed themself when 99% of jewish conservatives prefer Hillary over Trump. They prefer a democrat they can control over a republican they can't control.
They made it offical once and for all, that they are playing both sides. And now there is no going back my friend.
Everytime I read an Article pushing for diversity in Europe/USA the author has a jewish name.
And now after all that they can't believe they are facing backlash on twitter.
Again, ignorant little kids who refuse to take a look in the mirror...
Hitler was right.
Jew here. I like goyim. Can we settle this now?
One of my dad's best friends is actually jewish(and a millionaire aswell).His sister, married a christian man, and she therefore converted to christianity in order to have an orthodox religious marriage.Ever since that he'd scarcely ever talk to her, and now that her family is in a really tight budget, he won't give a single penny to her, albeit being richer than ever.Also ever since my family dropped from wealthy status, he stopped talking to us, although my dad helped him get out of jail(he was involved in a scandal of you guessed it, money) and although they were friends for 3 decades.So no, it's not a meme.Once a jew, always a jew.
yes, but i think only older jews.
I'm sure there are some jewish bigots out there, but in general, no, we don't hate gentiles.
Judaism, despite all the "chosen people" shit, doesn't really care about what other people do or believe.
Judaism is "old-fashioned" in being a particular religion, a religion associated with one society. On the one hand this can lead to chauvinism, like native tribes who believe they were the first-created humans, but on the other hand we don't believe we have the ONE TRUE ANSWER and need to spread it.
"Universal" religions like Christianity and Islam, on the other hand, will try to force their religion on others, which is often very, very bad.
So many witnesses over 2 millennia.
Talmudic and elites maybe, my Euro ancestors worked with Jews and got rich with them.
Fucking commies ruined everything.
That's fucking terrible
your family is in debts with him right?
Why would you trust a distrusted, power hungry, manipulative people?
that ass.
>but as Christians we must still love them
God, Christfags are so cucked
Nice digits.
Oh ok Idrc just curious, I'm a northern taig anyways and my fathers family is black Irish (Basically Spanish soilders who got shipwrecked in Ireland and probably raped the local women). All that shit about who has the right to that land in the middle east is none of my business, what is right and wrong in the world is literally just based on arbitary power dynamics. At least you guys have love and respect for your country and people. Lol as for the last Jewish guy I talked about I told him about the Northern Irish republicans who hate Israel, they are marxists who want to import millions of muslims into Ireland because they think they will join them in some revolution against the Brits. Btw if you work for the JIDF don't report me, I am anti cuck in my own country not anti semitic or anti Israeli
he doesn't really refer to it is all i am saying.
you cannot read wagner without consideration to his time and himself. his depiction of "after" is nothing but the desire of change of his time and expectation of a change by himself, (that is of modernity).
There are no influential Jewish presence in your banks, media or planck inst. but your rates of nobel is dropping. what do say to that? globalism? is germany ganged up by the world jewry?
You support trump and hate jewish influence, good goy. sanders will be such an anti-israeli compared to trump, zizek would look more anti-semitic than chomsky is.
what you would hear is:
"but bernie himself is a jew"
we all saw obama man.
I can't really sympathize with Europe after all that colonialism, sorry.
Actually we got greek'd,Albeit earning 10k per month,(we're clothing merchants), the people we supplied never paid us after the crisis kicked in, so they owe us about 150k euros.Unfortuantely, the law here states that you can force a person to pay his debts or go in jail, but said money go to the state for some odd reason.
I go to Brown University and I have spent a lot of time around jews. Most of them hold really liberal views when it comes to America but for more nationalist when it comes to Israel. Every diversity, LGBT, or anti-white initiative here is run by kikes. For those those that browse Sup Forums but do not regularly interact with jews I'm telling you that the memes are real and that Sup Forums is always right.
I don't work for JIDF I'm just happy to see anyone from the island here because I really love your culture and want you uncucked.
And you can be antisemetic I've come to realise you all have pretty good reasons, and I think that inside I knew that all along.
i want to get along with you all but you need to sort them elite out that fuck the world up for keks they are giving you all a bad rep
Disarmingly friendly kikes like you are the worst.
>Oh, I totally understand goyim
ahmed pls
I really hate those guys, honestly if they don't come here soon you can shoah them again
I mean
I don't really see an alternative at this point if they keep acting like that. Not to mention that they're flying way to close to the sun lately
I understand your paranoia, but I wasn't ever Jewish and never liked them myself, and I grew up as a Russian Israeli, and pretty much disconnected from the culture here. I don't see myself as a Jew, maybe that's it.
btw I love America too. sry
>there is no influetial jewish presence in your banks
lol what
>you support Trump and hate jewish influence bla bla sanders will be anti israel
I don't care about Israel. I care about the survival of western civilization.
I have no Idea if Trump really is pro Israel or not (I wouldn't care if he is), but I know that it would be absolutely stupid for him to go after Israel or the Jews right now. Nothing to gain and everything to lose.
I know that he has woken up 100 million Americans to lobbyism (bribery), to the manipulative media traitors, to the establishment, to the politician puppets.
He has done so much damage to those who are trying to destroy the western world, that it is unthinkable that he is controlled and part of the plan.
is enlisting at 25 too old for olim?
America is shit and forever altered from it's glory, and no one will understand why it declined in 50 years because racism is bad.
wagner belonged to the romantic movement, modernism started right around his death and was a response to romanticism.
For olim probably not.
I actually see a future where separatism and nationalism comes back, as well as scientific taboos dissolving - it's already kind of happening. At any case, I hope America will at least retrieve some of it's former glory after Trump will show you that an America First mindset actually works very well and feels very natural.
Why do all your people not go to Israel at this point ? I thought bini is pushing for that they seem really angry all over Europe also the muslims hate them.
Yeah our people are fucked at this point, marxism is on the rise big time here, some of us want the island to be like what your people did to make Israel probably because only a minority of us actually live here, we also have a diasporia but really the only people who want us independent are marxists who will shit the country away. Everyone else is massive EU supporter.
oh, you google'd it and come back. good. now go back inter-laps and influence of each others. because that quote made here is.
wtf do you even israel?
>Do Jewish people really hate non-jews (goyim) or is that just a Sup Forums meme?
everything you read about jews here on pol is fact
you can take that to the bank goyim
Do you call them the curlies? My brother said they all did when living in Israel
>Why do all your people not go to Israel at this point ?
I suspect that they are comfortable in their wealth, special status(read: shoah guilt) and the lack of war. At some cases leftism I guess.
And the EU situation is utter shit. It honestly depresses me, I've always respected Europe and even wanted to visit a white London(although I couldn't put it in those words when I was little I realized that's what's missing now).
I can only hope that you will go nationalist out of instinct and fear at this point, but the hope is faint.
I'm not an ole hadash m8. Send them a mail or something.
Nah we called them pinguins
Post dick and a shekel.
>Post dick
I fell into this trap before, no thanks
There is a Jew at my work and he gets pissed at everything more than others, he also doesn't work very hard.