Personality type thread, post yours

Personality type thread, post yours.
Pic related is mine, will I make it in life Sup Forumsro?

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Go away fbi


INTJs are infinitely better


Incredibly sensitive dude to the point where I put other people's time and energy ahead of my own. Have very strong visions for how I want my life to be, yet I let self-limiting beliefs and habits hold me back. That's ok, though. It's all a process for me, and working toward spiritual and mental growth is what makes me happy.



hello friends and fellow infps

I'm an ENFP. No one cares!

tell us about your life




Seconded. Proof? Am INTJ-T.

So many introverts. I'm noticing a pattern.

This seems very wrong



Well now, this is no surprise.

ISFJ here, took a couple tests, that's what I always get.

"The Debater personality type is the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see. Debaters don’t do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategic goal, but for the simple reason that it’s fun. No one loves the process of mental sparring more than Debaters, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points."

God reading this made me feel like such a fucking sperg.


ENTP and ENTJ are really the only useful ones

Describes me quite well actually. But personality types are just correlational. It is time to rid myself of all these correlational weaknesses described in my type’s overview.

I got ENFP-T





you're pretty much a little smarter ENTJ but a complete pussy congrats.


No u


Guess i've changed a bit since last year.


For the INTJs here.
“Clueless at romance”
I see

This probably means something, fucked if I know what that is


This was a waste of time.

Are there any other debaters?



Doubt there’ll be many extroverts here. This is the internet after all, an introvert’s domain

I guess I did this for you, and then you hit me with that shit.
Fuck you.

*tips fedora

>replies to dubs with trips
>goes unchecked

can someone tell me what this means?

Means this is now a get thread.

This is now a get thread.



Means you are INTJ-A

Why do people still care about this fake ass money grabbing pseudo science shit?

It's basically a horoscope.

Ugh clicked around too much, can't get the original page back...

Well, how am I supposed to improve my thetan levels without being introspective enough to take an objective look at myself?

Did it 5y ago and still ESTP hmmm

The concept of cognitive functions is not, although sucks hard. If you rather try to get the idea of jungian cognitive functions it makes way more sense. However I agree that some people just don't get it ("Oh guyz I'm so INFP, I'm such an idealist"), thus making it no better than an horoscope




You can see it instantly by seeing that all of the results are positive. Also the base concept is fine but the whole Jungian shit is only used for marketing reasons because they can sell it that way to companies' hr departments. It's made by two new age chicks without any proper psychology backgrounds.

Not to mention that you still get your pretty categories even though you differ from the 'opposite type of person' only by two percents. I see they started adding percentages but it's still nothing better than a feelgood pseudo shit.

The big five personality model is much better because it has the actual statistics behind it.

You guys are faggots

The way i've gotten over nearly all of INTJs natural weaknesses is to stop caring and focusing energy on things that shouldn't concern me as much as they do. It's helped me a lot with relationships (described near the end the text you posted) and productivity in general. Don't think because an online test tells you your bad at something, you have to be bad at something.

It's rare that I don't meet a self-diagnosed INTP or INTJ crying over how their the 'best type' despite the fact that nearly every INTP and fellow INTJ's i've personally talked to are fucking brainless crybabies. I'm willing to bet at least 75% of them aren't actually either of those personality types, most likely disguised ENFPs or some sort that might idealize the generic 'super smart intellectual' type and create fantasy versions of INTP and INTJ traits and parade themselves as so, despite the fact that they love to show off how fucking retarded and egotistic they are.
If you think your an INTP or an INTJ and you come to MBTI threads to throw sissy fits about how good your type is you are not INTP nor INTJ.

yeah, the descriptions on the website are shit, i agree. Ideally, you shouldn't have "pretty" categories; Fi shouldn't be "better" than Fe, same with any other function. In fact, Jung never "described" personalities in the way MBTI does. I will read bit more about big five, don't know a lot about it

Hey I got the same one, feels as if everyone here is an architect or generally introverted feelers
