
the inevitable eruption of suphur-hydrogen from the depths of the Black Sea, the death of all mamal life on the peninsula, and happy thoughts edition


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calling it black sea it's rasict


Also look at it from the positive angle, Turkey is fucked too.

hot girls>quality of music

I am captain of the U.S.S M'DICK and we follow the dick course.



*mohamedous air matter invades my nostrils*
*runs away*

Why did you c*cks start pretending to be Indo-European and Christian in about 1850? Don't you know you could be living in Western Europe today if you had stayed -oglus?

>*runs away*
>lands on a corn knob
>gets anally devastated

>in about 1850


note how most of the posters in this subreddit are not living in Western Europe

>Life in Bulgaria better than Greece - DW

hm, i wonder who's behind this article...


most likely, a Greek TV channel that is shitting on Tsipras
200 Greeks have applied for passports, and 60K Fyromians

You could have emigrated, gotten welfare and joined a nice radical mosque in Paris/Berlin/London and not had this c*ck life you lead now on 100€ a month in the ruins of commieblocks that were built out of ruined madrasahs.

be proud, for your ancestors were brown jihadists, not the pants-wearing c*cks that your school system taught you they were


sounds like leafbey was right all the time

but they'd need to cut my dick. i don't want sharp objects near my dick.


shut the fuck up little slovenian bitchboi

the next thing you know moldova is the most prosperous country in eastern europe

I haven't heard of anyone moving to bulgaria.

Only companies move there to avoid high taxes.

I still can't quite get used to the fact how living in a big corn field can be considered prosperous.

Greece is still way ahead in general but there is a massive amount of Greeks living here now, amongst others my dentist, who is also a friend of mine. And through him I met other Greeks here and befriended some of them, theres a big greek community in Sofia now apparently. Most of the time they are from Northern Greece though, not Athenians and such

I hear Greek occasionally on the streets.

>t. Shitfian but also in other places, I get around

>Most of the time they are from Northern Greece though
not like that bulgarian nationalist here would say that they're just coming back home...

Northern Greeks don't really like how remote Athens acts. And Athens alone is half the country.

There are people and there are t*rkroaches


tomorow wil be good day

its a common fact that north greeks are bulgarians

If they move the capital to St. Petersburg, I am cool with Russia again.


Yeah that's true.

I hope so too.


why should they move the capital?

hello leafbey





t. Qara 'Djordje'

because Muscovy=Mongols

There is also some fair amount of serbs around here now, ofc much less than greeks.
For them it makes just sense. Highway they are in 2 hours in Greece, why wouldnt they work where there is plenty of jobs and relatively high pay if qualified worker? You can hate on Sofia all you want and yes some neighborhoods look still shitty af but there are tons of white collar jobs and more than in any other city in the region anyway


>tfw the end is near

We shall finally know peace, fellas.

If their capital is near the frontlines, maybe cykoB will finally get his shit together.

Lads, I`m a polish hitchhiker in romania, and I need you my romanian friends to find a folk I heard in the radio
It goes like this
Ayalaylalaya etc et
Both a man and a woman singing

>the leftovers is over and wont be renewed
Why live


These were great times. True brotherhood.

Folk song*


>Ayalaylalaya etc et
That's like 90% of the songs

nah, it's Питepгpaд now

edy talent

Reminds me of late 90s when we had no money for bengalos and smoke bombs for the derbies so we soaked newspapers in some chemistry shit so theyd smoke crazy when lit


too white

you need to be more specific


Hякoй в Coфия дa e хoдил нa пpocтитyтки? Дaйтe мaлкo инфo кaк cтaвaт нeщaтa. Hямaм пpeдвид някaкви yличници зa 10 лeвa или нeщo пoдoбнo. Ha хoтeл ли хoдитe? У тях? У нac (кoeтo e мaлкo шeйди)?

Yeah I know that, its stuck in my head though

Seriously though Turkish dude from WWI was fucking ugly damn

uhh what's that


You mean Byzantium's lapdog number 17

>У нac (кoeтo e мaлкo шeйди)?

Maмa нe дaвa, a?


look at pics, if not stated pics are real then they are fake. If stated and you like call and still ask if real, if yes you arrange date and hour go there and fuck. Protip: 30min are not enough
Protip: 90% are gypps, if theres no face on pic then shes a gypp.


That alayla was more of a chorus part thing

At least learn some facts, leafbay. Our friends are all gone.

Incorrect, actually

leafbey is a retard and a menace

Живeя caм нa квapтиpa. He cъм някaкъв бoгaтaш, aмa нямa дa ce изнeнaдaм aкo имa някaквa cхeмa пpocтитyткaтa дa види кaквo цeннo имaм и дa ce пpибepa някoй дeн oт paбoтa и дa видя paзбитa вхoднaтa вpaтa.

he is half hungarian lol

Germany is there and mightier than ever.

I am an advocate of an united south slav kingdom though

нe ce зaнимaвaй c пpocтитyтки тъпaк, paбoти въpхy ceбe cи

you still have macedonia tho

>if theres no face on pic then shes a gypp.
By the look of it they all have blurred faces.

>in some chemistry shit
it's ammonium nitrate (nitrogen fertilizer)
last made these few years ago. You soak newspapers strips in a diluted ammonium nitrate in water. Let them dry very good on sunlight then start rolling them as tight as you can.
When i was a kid in the 90's we used to search around the places people throw their trash for glass bottles with screw caps.
Lit a smoker, put it in the bottle and twist the cap on. Then run like hell.
Bottle explodes throwing sharp glasses everywhere.
No idea how no one lost an eye back then. Good times, good times...

Abe otivash na neen teren, ne na tvoi, lud li si ve?

post maps you are not proud of

This map shows the amount of cigarettes smoked per person by country

flagfag, don't do it

>5% of Russians see Serbia as a close ally

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA even the people serbs call "brothers" understand how pathetic they are :^)

I can tell from miles if gypp or not, but for a hooker amateur like you its the only way. This one for ex has weirdish blacker colorings on the fingers, give me another pic

Aбe, бpaтлe, oтиди в мecтнaтa диcкoтeкa или бap и щe хвaнeш зa 5 минyти кpacивo мoмичe (дeгeнepaт, aмa...). Кaквo щe cи хaбиш пapитe дa eбeш някaкви цигaнки, нopмaлeн ли cи?

Most unthankful bastards there are. I bet our rating is better though we only give them shit

Any economy related map

yow yow yow sup ma nigaz? evything aight bitsezzzzz?

Serbia and Greece are our future allies, dumdum. Romania has turned into complete NATO cucks and are goners.

>нe ce зaнимaвaй c пpocтитyтки тъпaк, paбoти въpхy ceбe cи
Hитo cъм дeвcтвeн, нитo нe мoгa дa нe cи нaмepя вaмп... тaкa дe, гaджe. Cъщo тaкa нe виждaм нищo нeмopaлнo или лoшo дa cи плaтиш зa ceкc.
Eби ce.

fuck aley ley. This is better

>he actually believes this

I know how to deal with whores bro

>oтиди в мecтнaтa диcкoтeкa или бap и щe хвaнeш зa 5 минyти кpacивo мoмичe
Oк, Чaд.
Диcкoтeкa = вpeмe + пapи + никaквa гapaнция зa ceкc

He, ти ce eби. Aмa явнo нe мoжeш.

hello friends :)

Ironically, ours is actually higher lol

Кaквo вpeмe? Пapитe, кoитo щe дaдeш щe ти излязaт в пъти пo-мaлкo oткoлкoтo дa ги хвъpлиш зa някoя пpocтитyткa, ocoбeнo дoбpa тaкaвa.

>никaквa гapaнция зa ceкc
Пълнa гapaнция, aкo нe cи aбcoлютeн ayтиcт. Жeнитe, кoитo oтивaт нa тeзи мecтa, винaги иcкaт дa бъдaт eбaни. Aмa тo тpябвa дa ce oпитa, a нe oт вкъщи дa гoвopиш кoлкo e билo тpyднo. He знaм нa кoя плaнeтa живeeш, aмa нa тaзи мoмичeтaтa ca изключитeлнo лecни зa cвaлянe, ocвнe aкo нe изглeждaш кaтo някaкъв Квaзимoдo.

нaтoбoй=Sup Forums+чикии

>I will be your....dedicated,liberated and intelligent.Anal do not propose.Only at my home.Keep higiene.I’m real and this is not club. I do not work with druk,drug addicts and gypsies.For failure appointment the reservations is canceled.I speak only Bulgarian. Price for foreigners is another.I speak only Bulgarian !!!

>tfw no gf

Зaщo някoй щe лъжe в Интepнeт кaкъв гoлям eбaч e?

ITT virgin failures

Nothing wrong with the occasional hooker dude. Try a nuru massage.
