Someone drew a damn SWASTIKA on my damn CAR!

Someone drew a damn SWASTIKA on my damn CAR!

I'm freaking out. I thought I lived in a pretty liberal neighborhood, but now I know there are NAZIS in this very area. I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

What do I do? Should I contact the ADL?

I don't want anyone to be in danger.

Why are you scared? White people are betas , you could easily make a Nazi your bitch.

You should kill yourself

are you stupid?

chill b/ro
could be just some peaceful buddhists

Nice try, Rabbi.


i do what i want, fag

Confirmed faggot who drew it himself. Nice try 1/10 made me reply.

Why would I draw something that symbolizes the death of 6 million of my people??

This is fucking serious. I'm freaking out right now. I thought my neighborhood was anti-hate.

Weakest bait ever

If you live in a liberal neighbourhood you probably offended someone by assuming their gender or some bullshit. They're labelling you the nazi.

This is Trump's America people!


You have the option of brushing the snow off your car.

Or you could try NOT being a whiny bitch about it and just move on with your life?


Why are you going to Sup Forums for this? This should be the LAST place you go to for something like this, let alone at all. Also, Sup Forums isn't the place to ask what to do. You should ask the people on the board below:

you did it yourself you dumb nigger. where is ID: Heaven when we need him

In the unlikely scenario that this isn’t bait. It was probably just some kids fucking around.

stop drawing that shit on your car faggot


Get OP.



nothing, right wingers won't strike first, we're the ones defending the status quo against communism

there's a reason you guys are always the ones getting arrested and thinking non-violence is beta is probably it



Run Shlomo! The ovens are out to shoa you.

Shit on your car. it shows dominance over a protective area.

Draw a nice yellow star and wear it. Thous protesting the alt right

are you in lakewood ohio

this isnt a swastika swasticas are turned to make a diamond shape with its square.
this is a square and its right facing angle means its Hindu or Jainism you biggot.
