For the ones that claim: "Guns don't kill people. People kill people"

For the ones that claim: "Guns don't kill people. People kill people"

Two years ago, in my city Barcelona a 16 yo kid decided to do something similar in his school.The thing is getting weapons in Europe is super hard, therefore he created his own crosswbow with wich he managed o kill only one person. So yes, violence is everywhere but the consequence of tha violence can oscilate between just a 1-2 deads to a fucking massacre if you give them guns. Guns don't kill people, but guns allow people to even kill more people.

you can try using logic all you want, ameriturds won't listen anyway

But if the other kids had guns, only the shooter would have died.


their answer is to arm teachers, like the "marshalls" that are on flights. they are fucking insane.

Get and discuss animal logs with the other nature lovers.

So did you guys outlaw crossbows, then?

>Guns don't kill people, but guns allow people to even kill more people.
So your answer is to take guns away, even though you just said that "guns don't kill people?"

Yeah just ignore the part about guns allowing people to kill more people you fucking spastic

>just a 1-2 deads
So you're happy with 1 or 2 dead people? Are you some kind of sicko?

But guns don't kill people. So why should we ban them?

Didn't some dude run 100 people over in madrid not along ago with a truck? Ban trucks?

Bombs dont kill people, people kill people with bombs.

Check'd but you're dumb.

Psychos exist in every country, but regular mass shootings only happen in America.

It's not a gun issue though is it you Americunts

Im not wrong so how am I dumb?


Who is “we”?

You're right, bombs don't kill people.

top kek at you newfags buying into this political shit on Sup Forums

>news: nobody have 1 fuck to give it's propaganda - crisis actors are bad and so are the employees paid to write lame shit like this

It happens only to public schools
Ban these and problem gone



The USA is an exceptional case where powerful guns are easily available to troubled weirdos.
It's the availability of weapons that people link to shootings.
Go figure.

"Guns don't kill people, but guns allow people to even kill more people"

You cracked the case, Sherlock.
What's next, solving world hunger by stating that if you don't eat you die?


More russians. Sup Forums is for big titted women, not this shit


hijacked by the black shibe

and Uberlamers

you're welcum

Because wherever guns get banned or tightly controlled the incidence of mass shootings drops markedly?

>guns are easily available to troubled weirdos
This is exactly right. Too bad no one on progressive side will fight tooth and nail to ban troubled weirdos because you can't hurt people's feelings. Lock all these mental patients up instead of letting them roam free and maybe we won't have these problems anymore.

the inference of your opinion is unnecessary at present as the black shibe has shit upon your mouf, in regards to that i would like to add;

you're all talking to a bunch of shitty bots

if you bother talking

>you stoopit

says dubs


would a bot know it rolled dubs or care

let us see

>would a bot know it rolled dubs or care
No because bots aren't autistic



I hope you kids have learned your lesson;

PC faggots are everywhere making bullshit up, most commonly Sup Forums and the likes.


Catfish gang


The black shibe

When's the last time a plane was shot up?

pol would be the lace for you kid

and all you otherfags too

look at this random shit

can't you program at all?

fuck out of here with your douchey plebbit spacing


why does spacing matter bruv?

Was the thread hijacked

You would have a valid point if guns or access to guns were the problem, but they're not. The problem is that we have troubled kids and adults that are having issues and we either ignore the symptoms or play it off like it's a phase so when they finally pop off they take it out on others. Guns are not and should never be the problem, its the person and the people that essentially told em to fuck off. We get them help, we slow down shootings

A russian jet was downed this week

These are badly coded bots,

I can show you why paying indians to code isnt exactly the best way to go... They are good and cheap but it takes way too much fixins...

>Jorigami of Überlamers

>Guns are not and should never be the problem
and yet they are.

Top kek. Their liberal thought won't allow them to process a question like that

Guns don't kill people, the FBI failing to even investigate a tip that this guy had guns and planned to shoot up a school because they are too busy beating off to the Steele dossier does.

they ramble on without context...

a decent attempt

- they need some realtime triggered input

>and yet they are.
For who? My guns have never shot themselves. Even when I leave them alone full of ammunition.

specific input here

way late in context you see?

Can't kill 10 people in 10 seconds with a crossbow, nigger.

they have a to and for but no context and no real time arguments


sadly i must go

easily contacted if you need social engineer help

this /thread for any intelligent people

so what about bombs?

See we can go ahead and ban guns all you like, but then you'd just see a rise in improvised weapons. Some kid would chain all of his schools doors and set it on fire.

Would we ban fire and chains?

This is easy fuck off euro fag and #noschools and #banallschools

You can't with a gun either. Unless you're really good at shooting or/and people are all nearby you

Your faggot was just inefficient

fuck you are stupid

Actually a repeating crossbow was invented and could be loaded quite rapidly. Do you really think that if he had only crossbows this whole time that no one would invent a semi auto system? You dumb shit

>he created his own crosswbow with wich he managed o kill only one person.

You just defeated your own argument. It will never matter how many gun control laws pass and thus why they are useless. If a person has the drive to harm others they will find a way.

All you really have to do is question the true purpose for what the thing was made for. What is the purpose of a gun? To kill. Whether human or not, the true purpose of a gun is to kill.

Then there are those who say "Then we should ban knives and pencils." But the true purpose of a knife is to cut and the true purpose of a pencil is to write.

>Would we ban fire and chains?
Goddamn people like you shouldn't be allowed to breed

virginia tech was a college or something wasnt it?

>can't disprove claim
>calls other person stupid
>apparently thinks guns shoot themselves

>If a person has the drive to harm others they will find a way.
Oh well, you are right, I guess we should get rid of all laws.

Make a real argument retard, and I'll respond to it.

Are you fucking stupid? Yes, Mr. Technical. Guns don't kill people. Wow! What a genius! As if we, the intellectually inferior to you, believed that guns had a mind of their own and killed people by themselves, but here is Mr. Big Brain coming along and stating the obvious that guns don't kill people, the mentally deranged do. Wow! What amazing insight. Since you're slow, I'll just let you know that previous paragraph was sarcasm. Yes, we know that, dumbass. Forks don't make people fat either, people who have no self control or respect make themselves fat with forks. However, if you take these people to fat camp or give them a personal trainer, you will see that in order for these people not to eat is by removing the fork from their hands. We are proposing the same thing by making sure guns don't end up in the hands of the mentally insane. But whenever we fucking do that, whenever we talk about doing that, you retarded gun fanatics flip your shit and act like if someone personally raped your mother. So you acknowledge that mentally insane people commit shootings, yet whenever we propose something to keep the mentally fucked from getting their hands on guns, you don't like it. So what the fuck do you want? Obama instated a law that prohibited those with mental conditions from obtaining guns. But thanks to your faggot senile daddy, Trump, he removed that law and now anybody can get them easily. So, whatever we propose to attempt to fix the issue, you dont like, every solution we think of makes us "libtard cucks" or whatever fuck else retarded buzzword you can think of. So you tell me, Mr. Genius. What the fuck do you propose we do? I'm just a stupid cuck libtard, apparently. So what the fuck do I know? So you tell us. What do we do?

That's why idiots shouldn't be allowed to handle a weapon. It's not the weapons fault

Not possible without getting into thought-crime slippery slope bullshit. Honestly, we just need to up the legal age to 21-25 and punish people for neglect if their firearm gets taken and used to commit crimes. Fuck all this mental instability shit man, there's a shit ton of troubled weirdos that do nothing criminal and live like relatively normal people.

>If you can define normal in a society that lets kids mutilate their bodies because of feelings

these bots are relentless


so is this a bad copypasta or???

stay strapped humans

the whole thread is


I have, and there are 2 of them... and I'll raise them to think the same way... Maybe I'll become and mormon and have 30 of them, start our own cult and call it something crazy like "We like to follow common sense"

>Too bad no one on progressive side will fight tooth and nail to ban troubled weirdos

Obama tried to ban mentally retarded people from owning weapons and republicucks cried like babies, and Trump repealed it.

Hope one of them gets shot at school, and the other one uses your handgun to accidentally kill you.

too gay didnt care

>bots and gun haters

I am in california, you think we have the worst gun laws in america ay

I own a 30-06 an ar-15 2 SKS and quite a few handguns...



He was targeting firearms not mental illness.

youre talking to bots for the most part

>mentally retarded
Haven't seen one of them shoot up a school, have you? We have seen autistic freaks become shooters so we can start there.

lol they already know about gun safety. 'Murica.

If Obama had his way, we would allowed only to own 9mm handguns with a 5 round magazine

hows Chicago doing tonight

is the real question you should all ask yourselves if you aren't bots


WHy are there more blacks shooting each other in Chicago than the entirety of America??

>Watch as bots only reply to their premade bs

Oh so he was supposed to magically cure those retarded people? why not just keep guns out of their legally-retarded - too-retarded-to-handle-their-own-money hands. Why the fuck should someone who is SO FUCKING RETARDED they can't even cash their own disability checks have a gun?

no sadly I'm a real person, I just can't believe how stupid people are

The purpose of a gun is to protect you and loved ones. To hunt and suffice for your family. Youre not making a valid argument by blanketing the subject with a word.

I'm willing to accept the risks to keep my freedom to own the guns I have. If you don't like it, move to California.

sorry is that what fox told you to believe?

Ahh yes, let's just arm every teacher in America. Because that can't go wrong at all!

agenda based posting with some input

it isn't hard

if you're a person why are you babbling on Sup Forums as if we give a fuck or you are changing peoples minds?

Whoever pays you is an idiot

Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people

lol @ look at this

which is why I hope your kids get shot

why are you?


worse than irc bots in like 96


Not entirely false...

to wake the kids up