Will this faggot ever stop doing this?

Will this faggot ever stop doing this?

It's bloody disgusting, have these chimps any sense of decency?

That's why they're chimps, laddeh.

And yes, I'm not a fan of that, either.

back to pol

Back to ribbit, numale

>Country which was having genocide issues as late as 1995
>Calling anyone out for not having decency
Well memed, my friend

He's white though...

Why would the fact that my people suffered genocide hold me out from calling out someone's lack of decency?

>muslims talking about decency

Is he meant to wear a burka on the mouth guard?

t. Sex deprived loser

>caring about what a burger has to say

Sup Forums is for whites only
Shitskins and muslims must get out



t. Khalil

Sup Forums cancer is really killing Sup Forums

lmao weak banter

Go run some people over with a truck, Muhammad.

>bringing political and ethnic topics to Sup Forums
Stay in Sup Forums, Manolo.

>mention the political board
>blame someone else for bringing politics into it

Are you baiting?
He's not the one that started with the political bs

How am I supposed to make a point if I don't mention it?

I wonder if he would have done that playing with magic

But what will he throw at Cav fans?

I'm not sure what he did but anyone that pisses off Sup Forumsfags is bretty cool.

hello rebbitfriend

Sup Forums is over 50% people that got here in the last year. That was maybe an okay defense before but it's just demonstably a newfag pit now.

rebbit is over 50% people that got here last year
in fact, it's probably the majority of the userbase right now, AND 80% of the """staff"""



Chewing mouth guards isn't inherently a black thing

>The attackers killed 130 people, including 89 at the Bataclan theatre. Another 368 people were injured, almost 100 seriously

fuck the kikes xDD


>killing 8k grown men
wew lad

Also to amerisharts Bosnians are minority in their own country there are more Christian Croats and Serbs than Bosnian Muslims...