
>not even once

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If you care about animals, why would you allow them to live in the wild? Where they're constantly on the verge of starving, running for their lives from predators?


im pretty sure that if a vegan woman can kill a baby through breastfeeding her milk with a severe lack of nutrients its not a healthy way to live

>be Chinese
>eat both


oh ok yes makes perfectly logical sense to kill more out of non-necessity yes yes gud logik

if man wasn't involved in domesticating animals, the pig on the right would not exist.

so, are you like PETA? better euthanize all animals than let them live in a factory hall?

lol oh so silly china :'''')

Whoops, didn't see your flag there. Carry on.

>I care about animals
fuck animals

that's something that was happening anyways, whereas the slaughterhouse industry is actively created and supported at the hands of willing people.

Until I'm allowed to eat human, pig will do.

All I'm seeing in the OP is someone loving animals for the resources they provide, food, entertainment, etc.

ITT: post steaks and burgers

good cartoons

non-veganism doesn't make sense and will die out sooner than many can imagine because it's so absurd

No Israel. Animals were tortured to make that. You of all people should be sympathetic, considering THE HOLOCAUST???

You got it, Jewfriend!
Here's a picture of a began burger.

Why does a vegan diet cause ADHD HPD and Asperger's

Because you guys never seem to shut up about your seemingly """""""superior""""""" lifestyle.


Does this count?

sense is what you make of it.

Looks like fucking garbage.

dogs are fucking worthless. Pigs will eat just about anything and turn it into delicious bacon.

source your shit nigga


>not even once

>fraternizing with prey

remember your place. Dogs are the very symbol of animal cruelty, pressed into service and their minds broken to appease our domination of them.

At least the pig had a quick death, the Dog is a servant for life.

A Wolf would not hesitate to eat you or your children.

Do you even food chain? Animals are prey for us.

Inshallah they are all infidels deserving of death, a dog is as filthy as a pig, slit the dogs throat too and stone her for being uncovered


What's a Melbourne poof doing on Sup Forums on a friday night?
Shouldn't you be out getting drilled in the ass?

>All the real animal abuse comes from the middle east and china
>all the protein deprived veganlets don't have the testosterone to call them out and just bitch about middle class people buying pre killed meat from supermarkets

But bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good

Then we break the Wolf and it's children. It will serve us like it's ancestors.

Says Hungary. XD
Get it?? Cause he's hungry xd

>hohoho you made a fantastic point but the person in that picture of yours happens to be a female so your point is invalid sorry pal

Fucking diet faggots taking over the food industry. All you've done is lowered the standard of eating for everybody! You've no respect for food!

I've seen your type cook eggs... make salads... prepare your dirt tasting smoothies. I take more care in beating my dick at climax than you fucks put in your cooking, yet your life revolves around your diet. Get your priorities right you disgusting, delusional fucks.

pigs are gay lol

>Constipation from the pits of hell.

Yeah, just finished a meat lover's pizza dinner. Shit was so cash. Fed some to my dog. He seemed to like it. The more you post this faggot shit, the more animals die.

I will go vegan if you can make a vegan steak that has the same properties and taste

The only thing that's fucked up is factory farming that shits horrific.

>vegans advocate returning animals to nature because it's wrong to exploit them
>success in nature is built entirely on exploiting available resources including other animals
All the vegan arguments seem to boil down not to an objection to animals being exploited but animals being exploited by humans. It's reeks of the NIMBY liberal mindset where they don't care if it happens they just want it to happen away from them.

A slaughter house that bashed it's produce around with metal rods is breaking the law.

Animal slaughter isn't done for enjoyment, ya dingus.

Pets and livestock are different things. I'd eat a dog if it was farmed for food.

3 social issues (yes even the where to shit) vs a biological imperative. Nice

These comics are dumb.

>mfw gonna have some nice tasty veal tonight

Everyone should eat veal. it's the easiest way to piss off vegans

I would have no problem with eating a dog, just not my dog.
Also I would gladly have one of those little pigs as a pet, they are adorable.

I could always go for a good jewburger.

Yea. I got stuck next to a truck carrying crates of chickens today. looked like they were headed to the slaughter house. I was driving next to it for like 10 minutes. Was gross to see the agony in there eyes as they were crapped in those hot cages trying to get air, and there scared looking facial expressions. I almost threw up.

>A slaughter house that bashed it's produce around with metal rods is breaking the law.
OK, care to take down those other few points about throat slitting and killing?
>Animal slaughter isn't done for enjoyment, ya dingus.
Eating meat = for enjoyment.
>Pets and livestock are different things.
What a meme
>biological imperative

Hi OP, Lady GaGa here, like my new dress? What's that? "Triggered?" Huh, guess you can suck my boipussy, then. Oh wait, you don't eat meat. I know because you want every single motherfucker on Earth to know that. Do you even remember your own name?


"it doesn't need to be this way."

An argument against dense factory farming is the development of resistant bacteria. Problems with infections are worse when the animals are crowded.

i really don't understand the idea that it's somehow hypocritical to value certain animals over others
these vegans swat flies and spray for cockroaches, i'm pretty sure
oh, but it's only the cute and cuddly members of the animal kingdom they care about i'm guessing?

hunting and slaughter are oftentimes very, very humane, much more humane than how nature usually lets animals die

but i'm guessing vegans rarely watch the discovery channel and see how the animal kingdom tends to let animals die, or have some way of compartmentalizing that annoying fact of life

a .270 through the heart 300 yards away while grazing is generally more humane than being torn apart and gutted while you're still alive by a pack of hyenas

cooked venison tastes a lot better than oats and kale and spinach, there's a reason our palate hasn't changed a whole lot since the neolithic revolution, human taste is designed to prefer cooked meats

But I don't care about animals. I'd eat anything that isn't human.

Scratch that, I'd eat a human but I say I wouldn't so people don't get scared of me.

>dogs are fucking worthless.
No, many specialized uses. Pic related moose dog puppy, bastards at driving moose towards you.

Genesis 4

>2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

>3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.

>4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:

>5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

True story:

I gave up meat for five years. This was mostly for "the animals" and not really a health issue.

Ultimately, I grew so sick of other fucking vegans / vegetarians and their smug, annoying self righteousness, that I finally said "fuck this" and went back to eating meat. that's how much i didn't want to be associated with you people.

You might think you're "raising awareness" but you're pushing more people in the opposite direction than converting.

The more you know...

yeh eating meat is for enjoyment but not savagely killing the animal
thats like saying you cant enjoy having a country because people died creating and maintaining it
u fuckin tard

veganism is a way of life for some people
don't worry if you can't understand, it's a delusion they adopt :-)

That's something only Jews do though. So..... It really makes you think

This comic is testimony to how miserable vegans really are. They trade happiness for sanctimony, and eventually, their misery leaks out with a mask of sanctimony, so they can talk about their stupid fucking diet literally nobody thinks about until they bring it up, in an "I'm better than you . . . *cough cough*" context. Misery loves company. That's why vegans come to Sup Forums.

This little fella climbs big bird mountains like some super goats, to get them damn puffins stealing our fish!

Lundehund, puffin is lundefugl in nork

I can bring you tons of more species but I must up in the morning .. early shits to do.

Got a schæfer-mix now, good housedog/alarm. And I teach her some let's say unconventional tracking.

She has also learned puppers tricks.
Hyll Seieren! Gass Jodene!

>mfw I ate dog and centipedes in China

it's really fucking good

>Eating meat = for enjoyment.

Not exclusively. Meat also does have a healthy nutrient profile; there isn't really a perfect solution in life. It's always waging costs.

>What a meme
Yeah. The problem I see though is people being illogical when it comes to pets, not when it comes to slaughter.

how is morality not subjective though?

>Not exclusively

I hate vegans, but this is bullshit. People don't go to the doctor to check out the exact amount of meat they need to eat, and most barely know how much they ate last week.

I eat meat cause it tastes fucking good, and so do other people. Finding someone that eats meat exclusively because he needs to is extremely rare.

horrific animal abuse happens HERE in the us with factory farms.

i call out the sandniggers all the time (though not utistically calling them sandnigger)

isn't it lit quite doggy, like seagulls and shit.

Like if you are on the greenland ice, no mox oxes, just ice lost.. you have to do it. For the ones taking these trips, it's emergency food if some shit happens. Anundsen and Nansen both had to do this I believe.

You saw it on Greenland too, when shit turn shit, dogs were eaten and they moved to markland as climate got really bad. Shipping more or less haulted due to Óðinn and the gods punishing us with the black death for becoming christians.
They returned to the Old Gods, killed the Bishop and moved to markland where it obv was a lot better, except filthy skrælings everywhere.

man I am baked out of my socks..

Same stupid bullshit happens with feminism.

I prefer hunting to buying meat from a supermarket for this reason. Cleaner, better tasting meat, too.

Man.. I'm going to stack up on beef and chicken to fucking hold the summer.. I normally eat beef and/or chicken everyday in additional to other read meats.

7 times a day sometimes, shit this "combustion" of mine.

But yeeeeeh!!!! Beeef! To expensive here, so got to stack up from abroad.

I prefer the idea of "itadakimasu" from the Japanese.
You should be grateful to the killed animal you eat, because you are taking a life to youself.
Also do not kill the animal if you isn't supposed to eat it.

I aways saw this veganism very hypocrite because they forgot plants are a life form too.

>lol oh so silly china :'''')

You know what makes this comic hilarious?

Replace the word "Cavemen" with "Niggers".
Indian also works for the second panel.

>People don't go to the doctor to check out the exact amount of meat they need to eat
no, most people just want an easy fix to both their desire for something tasty and replenishing their dietary needs at the same time.

Meat and diary is generally accepted as a staple food rather than luxury food.

Koreans would eat both of those you know.

Also, what would you say to me if I told you that "espetinho de gato" is the most delicious food of all time, and that I know that out of personal experience?

I'll stop eating meat so I save an animal for someone else to eat

really makes you think

I would cut the throad of the bitch, too, if i would be the dog,

hai guyz :'')

soz woz playen loL

i like animals too.
such as these:

you mean all 3, the east is disgusting and non of them are people


First up on the chopping block, I'm smarter than you. No way, it's true. Due to the law of averages, the vast majority of people reading this are probably ready to rebuke me in some funny way which will make me laugh greatly, but the fact is it's true. Why? I don't need no fuckin' statistics, I just am. I aced high school, I aced college, and I'm acing my whole life right now. I'm running circles around my entire editorial board at my newspaper, and my faggot boss knows I'm smarter than her, but she's a skinny whiny Jew who thinks she knows better than everybody because she comes from Kansas and reads The New York Times. Fuck that. I'm the only one keeping that goddamn piece of shit rag in business and she fucking knows it, which is why she felt threatened by me today and decided to ream me out for the headlines I write at night: BAWWWW they're too fucking inaccurate! They're too fucking inappropriate! Fucking little whore.

Why are you talking about halal slaughter?
How about this one. They are fucking tasty and nutritional and I don't care more about an animal than I care about myself

This is all just moral posturing bullshit. Just beacuse we have made it more effective to kill animals doesn't change anything

Any of you vegan pussies put into a crisis situation would eat an animal. And if you didn't that fucking animal would eat you.

This is how the world works. You may not like it and you don't have to eat meat but i will continue to eat meat.

Second up, hunters have no fucking rights. If you're a hunter, fuck you. If you've ever killed an animal just for the shit of it, fuck you. The only thing you savages have the right to do is the right to remain silent while the police arrest you for murder. Yes, murder. In these modern times we live in, what some like to call the 21st century, we as a species have evolved past the need for senseless barbarism like the kind of bullshit you assholes pull when you get liquored up and go kill Bambi. You know what? Nature can take care of itself, it has for millions of years. It doesn't need us fucking it up by hiding behind that bullshit reason of "population control". Yeah, I got your fucking population control right here. It's called kill the hunters. An eye for an eye. Capital punishment for capital murder. I consider the murder of animals to be on equal footing with the murder of humans. "Well Nightweaver, what about plants? They have feelings too baww baww baww. What about when you hit a deer/raccoon/squirrel with your car? What about stomping on insects?" You know what I'm fucking talking about you pieces of shit. Stop muddling the argument with your goddamn straw man bull. I don't need reams of scientific data to back up what I'm saying...KILLING IS WRONG NO MATTER WHAT IT IS.

Did you know that the vast majority of hunters in the U.S. are big fat neckbeards and rednecks, probably like the kind who post on this forum? It's true. Try going to India with that stupid "animals are lower than humans" shit you speciesist faggot, see how far you get before somebody runs your ass over. And don't try that bullshit that "we need them for food, we need them for research, we need them for clothing, we need them for this, we need them for that..." It doesn't hold any fucking water with me anymore, not that it ever really did. This is the same species which just mapped the human genome a few years ago; it's time for us to crawl out of the caveman macho bullshit days and get with the program. Yes I think I can make things better by yelling at you, so shut up. Yes I'm a member of PETA, so shut up. If I was less lazy and actually owned one, I'd take my gun and go out and hunt the hunters. I'd kill every one of you arrogant speciesist bastards I could find. Same goes for you meat-eaters. Hey asshole, I've thrived for 15 years on no meat, now it's YOUR turn to try it out. Or are you too pussy? Yeah that's what I thought, goddamn bunch of pussies who are too scared to go vegan. My conscience is clear, what about yours? Hm? You don't mind they're killed in horrible ways in slaughterhouses? You ENJOY watching them die? Then you're the worst kind of scum, lower even than child molesters. I spit on your fetid corpse.

I think God put us on earth to rule over plants and animals

pro-animal leftists are on the same level as pro-nigger leftists in my eyes and I would gleefully murder them

Send cheap beef pls. How much for 10 slaughtered oxes? You can keep the damn disgusting tongues. Give good deals

Finally, I DROP THE BIG BOMB! I'm into sex with animals! HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE FUCK. Guess what, it's kind of been skirted around in everything I've said about the topic anyway, but I support enormous animal penises in my mouth. Yes that's right, let's go there. OH SISTER! I will admit I've never actually tried it on any animal, but I would love to. I can hear someone now "Wow what a fucking hypocrite that he says he loves animals but wants to raep them lolololololoololol" Let me get one thing straight faggot: Pleasuring an animal sexually and raping them are two different things, and if you don't know the difference then you shouldn't be trying it in the first place.

o you think your dog likes getting fucking blue balls because there's no pussy for him? THAT'S ABUSE. THAT'S RAEP. Letting your poor pet suffer in silence because of a lack of sexual gratification. So OK, we got dogs covered, and it's different with all animals and some are NOT designed for us, so you better stay the fuck away from them. But honestly, do you think that horse hates having his dick rubbed if he's standing there and thrusting his hips at you? Believe me pal, if that horse didn't want you there, you'd have a busted jaw or broken neck already from a hoof to the face. So those are the two most obvious examples of animals I would like to pleasure; it's amazing how fast everyone's going to misinterpret this post and read into this that I'm some SICK FUCK who you can't let near your children. That's amazing, those people should win a fucking Nobel Prize for their stupidity.

see what I mean? I would love to cut the throat of scum like this so much

>vegans claim to care about not hurting living things
>still eat plants

jfc i cant even...

>you mean all 3, the east is disgusting and non of them are people
KEK, come on now, the Japanese are honorary Aryans, Hitler said so himself. All others are subhumans worth less than niggers themselves, at least niggers can be enslaved and used for hardlabor, chinks are not even that good at it because they lack the physical strength of the negro, making them sub-par to the niggers as slaves.

Vegans will be in the first batch on the day of le rope

>mfw eat a veal loaf sandwich everyday for lunch