Im not really trying to meme here. This Band has some legitimately fantastic material that are amongst the best of the 80s, 90s, and 2010s.Yet no one really talks about them outside of Sup Forums. They hardly ever get mentioned by music journalist. People do not really listen to them. Most of their songs hardly crack above 400,000 listens on spotify and there older material barely cracks above 100,000. I legitimately think they are one of the best acts of all time but they seem to be overshadowed or glanced over. Is it just because they are to difficult for people?
Is Swans underrated ?
Not really, it's the first """experimental"""/non-rock artist most metal kids get into
Underrated as fuck, outside of mu I have never met a fan
Why are people so stupid with this? Swans were obviously experimental. You’re impressing no one by pretending they were not experimental.
>Yet no one really talks about them outside of Sup Forums.
Thats pretty much the case for majority of bands tho
who else talks about stereolab these days?
oh please, just go back to thinking death grips is the epitome of experimentation hahaha
Industrial, no wave, goth and sound collages were done before they did it
you hang out with bad people, or just don't go to any concerts ever.
your own poor life choices are causing these opinions.
More like overrated, especially by Sup Forums
By whom? Cop, Greed, CoG, SFTB were all first of their kind unless you can point out the albums to do it before them.
Stereolab is more popular than Swans. I know plenty of people who listen to or at least heard of Stereolab. They are also discussed or mentioned more than swans outside of Sup Forums.
idk anyone who listens to stereolab
michael gira and swans were involved directly with the start of the no wave movement in new york. literally playing/working with and knowing every early band associated with the movement.
the rest of your statement is just lol
being as uninformed as you are and trying to shitpost seriously must be tiring.
I'm perfectly happy with how much they are known, which isn't a lot. Fanbases usually annoy you, and the smaller the fanbase the more humble they are and the more I can enjoy the band in peace and occasionally discuss them with a small number of people (swans threads are pretty comfy in Sup Forums) which is fine by me. One of my fav bands, at least top 5.
you realize gira raped a female right?
why would ppl want to discuss a band with a guy like that around. hes a legit creep and wrote a book on the fucked up shit he has done
lets be honest besides children of god and the seer rest of their albums aren't good. ppl just namedrop them to act like they enjoy "experimental" works
Fuck off tumblrite
i've seen swans twice and still prefer his angels of lights era/solo records
least he was honest in those works
you fuck off.
Because people outside Sup Forums don't like investing their time in music.
This pleb cant separate an artist from his art.
swans have 19 million scrobbles, spotify is not the best to determine how many listen to experimental/cult artists
yeah but neither is
its certainly not the best but its better than spotify for artists with a large catalogue out before people started using spotify
Underrated on the outside. Overrated here. Still love them
honestly, I think Swans are one of the most consistent bands, despite their huge discography. Like, they don't have a single bad album, sure there are some mediocre ones but still, Gira has experimented with so much shit, it's amazing how their quality has stayed mostly the same to whatever gimmick they pick for themselves. Most bands after reunion suck, but Gira made 3 Post-Rock albums that BTFO any Third Wave Post-Rock band in existence, not to mention that they kind of created the whole genre themselves with SoTB.
Personally, my favorite Swans are their Gothic/Post-Punk albums
Yeah I know, thats why it boggles my mind that I never hear of them outside of Sup Forums. Take Sonic Youth for instance. I love them to, but everyone talks about them. Sonic Youth has broad recognition outside of Sup Forums and are cited by critics, journalist and music lovers as great. But Swans, no one knows or talks about them.
Bro I live in California, nothing but garbage hipster music, country and burger record shit fans. 95/100 people I meet listen to pleb shit
their first no wave music (the swans ep) was post no wave. Most popular no wave albums are after the actual scene / movement ended.
the swans cds in my campus radio's library are practically brand new and they're all at least ten years old
t. learned about no wave yesterday after listening to half of no new york