I need advice from any lawfags if you are here

I need advice from any lawfags if you are here.

I am currently being sued.

If someone is hit and ran over by my car, whilst i was in the driver seat, am i at fault?

He has 2 broken knees and a broken shin and is trying to press charges, but here is the thing, i was not driving the car, i was just sitting in the front seat whilst talking to my mom on the ipad.
What do i do?

Who was driving?
You need to get yourself an attorney. Assuming that you live in the US, your insurance is the one who will have to pay.
Also, I was once sued, and got an attorney for only $200. He showed up to court for me and took care of the whole thing. Find someone who does law in the county of which the charges came from.

Nobody was driving. I drove it to macdonalds to get a burger and i had parked in the carpark whilst i talked to my mom via facetime, ipad.
I was sitting in the driver seat and he was loitering infront of my car. I was busy in a important call with my mom ( who is very sick) and my foot slipped off the brake and i went over him.

Surely he shouldnt have been loitering around the carpark or infront of my car?

I dont see how i can be at blame for this

Whether you meant to or not, you were on your phone, in a vehicle that was either turned on or in drive, and you hit him on private property. You are 100% at fault here. No court is going to fin you innocent. I suggest you lawyer up.

How tf am i at fault?
My foot wanst on the pedal and i wasnt hding the wheel and especially not looking infront of me.
As i said i was on an important call and je was loitering infront of my car.

I didnt drive over him, the car just rolled...

If the engine was running you were technically driving. The fact you were operating a phone at the time is not a mitigating factor. In fact it makes you more culpable

Crappy troll man.
If this actually happened you'd be arrested on the spot

Ofc the engine was still on, have you tried sitting in a car with no ac in this heat?

Man this is bs i thought Sup Forums would help me but you all just hating on me.

This is in no way my fault. You would understand if you were there

Because you were on the phone at the time means you were breaking the law and therefore your insurance will definitely not cover you lol

What this guy said. I'm looking at this from the point of the law. No one is saying you meant to, but it was in a parking lot (Carpark of mcdonalds counts as parking lot) and the pedestrian ALWAYS has the right away. So sorry my friend. From the view of the law, you were at fault. Do you at least have insurance?

I wasnt driving tho, i was stopped at a carpark.

He was on public property so I believe thats for McDonalds to enforce. Could be wrong though.

Was the mcdonalds carpark on a 45degree hill? When you took your foot off the brake did you instantly hit 88mph?


You're fucked kid.

You were in control of the vehicle and it was running. He could have walked up and sat down in front of it and you are still in control of moving the vehicle forward.

Yeah its a bit of a hill but nah it wasnt even fast, just kinda rolled over him slowly. I even reversed off of him right away.

He was just being a bitch if you ask me. Claiming i broke his legs n shit but i didnt see any blood and he wasnr even screaming... i think he may even be ann insurance scammer

What is a carpark? You Brits are strange. Was the car running? Did the car move? Were you at the wheel? You were operating the damn thing. In the US there’s something called mitigation but I don’t see how you’re going to not be assigned negligence.

Kinda like blaming the gun owner, amirite? Poor bait.

Jesus Christ, if you're this stupid, you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Did you get a subpoena or summons? How do you know you're being sued?


Didn’t you say he has 2 broken knees and shin? Maybe he’s not a total pussy, you moron.

He called me and told me he is goign to sue me for everything i have as he cant walk anymore.

I thi k he is lying though tbh


you poor, broken child.

Thats what he said but it didnt seem like it to me.

This moron is trolling. Sage.

Then I wouldn't worry about it. Give him your insurance information. Even with liability they will cover the injury. However they will more than likely drop you after everything is all said and done.

Fam im 18, call me a child to my face

>on phone with car in drive
>hands off the wheel while car is in drive
>unaware of surroundings while car in dive
You're done kiddo

You're a childish faggot.

It was in neutral and i was on a slight slope.
Didnt you read the bit where i mentioned that my foot accidentally sliiped becaouse i wasconcentrating on the phone?

There is even a "no loitering sign" in the carpark. Its his own fault for standing there. Surely

negligence does not excuse you. nobody will ever find you innocent. you are a dumb fuck and I hope they take your license away because clearly you are not responsible enough to have it.

You're fucked.
The Doctrine of the Last Clear Chance comes into play here.
You had the last clear chance to avoid the incident.
You will be found 100% responsible.
Criminal charges? Maybe
Get your ass sued and pay for it for a long time to come? Yeah, you are totally fucked.

A good lawyer can get you billed for a half million dollars. On the bright side, if you get a good lawyer, it is unlikely to exceed that. If you've got a million in insurance (like I do), relax. Your insurance company will send lawyers to deal with the matter.

Then sell your car and turn in your license. You're an idiot who shouldn't be behind the wheel.

guys this is bait. this guy is actually fucking dumb so please don’t try to reason with him. Let this thread die.

>"let this thread die" he says in a comment which not only bumps the thread, but also generates replies which also, bump the thread.

Good work idiot.

LOL this.

Op you should feel bad, you did a bad thing.

I didnt do shit. The car woulda done the same thing even if i wasnt in it.

>I didnt do shit. The car woulda done the same thing even if i wasnt in it.

Be sure to tell that to the jury.

Well ts true. If a fuckin gun goes off whilst in your hand even if you didnt pull the trigger are you still responsible?

This is no different

You don't have to have your foot on the gas for it to count. Op you have serious mental deficiencies if you think this makes you innocent. I suggest getting your lawyer pleading that you are mentally retarded and the state shouldn't have given you a license,that is the best start for lessening your culpability.

do you know how sage works? Fucking imbecile.

Your life is over, Snowflake.
You will be a slave to your victim now.

Be sure to tell that to the jury also.

I'm so glad I'm not as dumb as op.

OP here. This entire thread is bait. And everyone of you dumb cunts fell for it.

Im done with this thread, its just too easy.
Fucking gullible 12yo newfag retards.

Cool story bro. Good use of your time.

you let jeesuz take the wheel, didn't you?

This is unironically his best defense

>op: muh guns
>op: muh stoneman
>op: rubs fake tears
>[clapping intensifies]

You're a fucking idiot please kill yourself

Ever heard of a parking brake you retard fuck?

You're so fucked in court. Just stay silent when you're on trial for your own good.

And what have we learned here?

1) OP is some loser living in Mom's basement and trolls Sup Forums because he can't get a date and has no life.

2) Some useful legal advice

3) Sup Forums has some honorable participants who try to assist other Sup Forumstards.

Why the fuck didn’t you put your car in park while be parked ? It’s 100% your fault

Attorney here, who was phone? this is important

LUL dumb cunt.

Why the fuck didn’t you put it in park or pull an e brake

nigga you from land of the free remember. he can stand there if he wants he not breaking the law. your faggot ass didnt have the car under control while in it with the keys in etc. you are fucked

>It’s 100% your fault
lawfag here.

Not necessarily in this case.
I would take this.
The other party was partially liable for this accident. It's just not clear how liable he is.

From what I've read, I'd try for 50/50 liability but be prepared to settle for 65/35

After that, OP can sue the car manufacturer.
There clearly could have/should have been some type of warning before impact.

How much will that 50% liability cost op roughly? just curious.

>How much will that 50% liability cost op roughly?

OP would be expected to pay half court fees + attorney fees + insurance premium for damages
