>Be me
>Go to gunstore
>Ask for gun that kills over 200 people a minute
>Gun man asks "semi automatic or automatic"
>I fall to my knees and praise Allah for Piers Morgan
Be me
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
200 round clip? wtf?
>he cant kill 200 people a minute with a semi auto
>not CCing a glock with a double drum-mag, going to the back of a queue on black friday and doing that finger thing you do in the arcade
You never played Point Blank m8?
This guy doesn't know the first thing about firearms does he?
They'd have to be all lined up, right? I guess ISIS could test the theory. They're always coming up with creative ways to murder people.
Even the paris attackers took more than a minute to get under 200 with automatic weapons in a gun free country.
Sandniggers cant shoot, they turn their rifles sideways AND hold them above their heads.
Thats even worse than regular niggers
He's a brit, what do you think.
Regardless of your feelings about Benny boy, he eviscerated piers in a gun control debate on his show so hard that he remains anal annihilated to this day.
>he eviscerated piers in a gun control debate on his show
I love how Brits make the distinction between riding bicycle wheels and combat bicycle wheels when they are both dangerous weapons that need to be confiscated
I'm watching Star Trek:The Next Generation, what are you guys up to?
Getting angry at that fag Anderson Cooper on CNN
Yeah, he's a faggot.
What's for dinner? I'm eating pizza.
Killing time on Sup Forums for a few hours until my family goes to sleep and I can masturbate to anime.
Holy crap, wasn't he the one going 'no I only mean automatics! semis are okay!' in all his stupid interviews? I think it was the Ben Shapiro one, and I'm pretty sure Ben called him out on it. Slippery slope man, not even once.
Sitting here with my cousins after a two day trip to Arkansas. Planning on buying some weed and going out on my uncle's lake. Pretty comfy.
I dont know, I was also thinking pizza but I might go out
why do americans LOVE to generalize muslims but hate generalizing gun owners?
Did you see their nitric acid video? I hear their next one is going to feature a steamroller
The Quran teaches muslims to kill and main.
The constitution doesnt tell gun-owners to do this.
Whatever, I'll bite. It's because of statistics. According to pew research, half of Muslims agree with the global jihad. The only group within gun owners that are statistically dangerous are blacks who commit 50% of the murders but they are only 10% of the population. This implies a problem with black culture instead of a problem with guns inherently.
So much fucking this. This. This. This.
>Boomstick control
Nice try, Deadites
Guns are built for violence and to kill. They do the exact same thing.
Gun owner = someone who likes killing
That's what guns are for. Violence.
Australia this bait is low quality. Canada, Japan, and even poo-in-loos are all surpassing you in shitposting. What the fuck happened?
There is no ideological backing for gun owners to be mass murderers. Islamists are commanded to murder infidels by their holy book.
>pointed at the stock
>Literally an emoticon
I'm still not read for my generation to take over.
Whoa buddy don't be posting videos of military style combat assault weapons without a trigger warning.
>the gun is black and racist
With bacon and onions
The holy book of gun owners is their gun. Guns are for violence in the same way that the Quaran is for violence.
So if they are just as deadly, then let's just make machine guns legal again? It wouldn't do any harm, apparently
>that feel when love old fire arms
>not allowed to keep any without fucking them up to never function
its like taking the mona lisa and white washing it.
are you retarded or something? it's called a "clipazine"
>bacon and onions
My negro.
I love how fatasses make such a distinction between vanilla ice cream & chocolate ice cream. Both can make you an obese diabetic.
Holy shit I thought it was like 3pm I need to eat
Is my musket automatic or semi-automatic? It fires all the shot when I hold the trigger down.
/k/ here, made this after Piers Morgan's autistic sperg
So what about other things that can kill people?
Where do you draw the line at what should be outlawed and shouldn't be outlawed, and how will you enforce this?
Nope. Jesus! Link?
There are about 4,000 American troops in combat in the Middle East. About 8 million people live under ISIS control. If each American soldier could kill 200 mudslides per hour, then we could kill ALL the people under ISIS control in ten hours.
I think the statistics indicate that only about 4% of gun deaths involve rifles. A small percentage of those are assault style weapons (never full autos). So why the obsession with these firearms? My guess is that they do worry about a rebellion or an armed protest or similar uprising. If people haven't kicked shit off yet, why the worry? Perhaps things are planned to get much worse for whitey. The rest of the world should hope that Americans hold on to their guns for as long as they can.
God damn do I hate Piers Morgan.
Yes but thats low game. If the NSA wasn't monitoring everyone with their bullshit there would be dozens of successful attacks every year. Toddler gunmen have a 100% mission success where as terrorists less than 10%
>He doesn't load his 200-round magazines with 200-round clips.
Sauce on the acid video, have yet to see that one.
200 people per minute.
3.333 people per second.
Not reload time.
An armed rebellion is precisely the reason they're worried about firearms.
Citizens owning firearms are one of the only things that could actually threaten the power of those in control of our countries.
If you picture yourself in their shoes - why wouldn't you do everything you can to cement your grip on power?
The only reason there hasn't been a widespread gun ban in the US, is only because it would kick off an actual rebellion.
If 1% of the US population grabbed their guns and marched on US politicians, in the hour the entire US government could be eliminated or arrested.
The cops and military combined would still be outnumbered like 30:1
It's THAT easy, THAT quick.
What isn't quick and easy is convincing 1% of the population to risk their lives and work together to do it. All the propaganda we see today is involved in controlling how and what people think, specifically to head off threats like this.
You're goddamn right they're scared of firearms. That's why there are so many firearm bans and restrictions in the EU - it's not about public safety, it's about the safety of the elites. The more people realize this, the better. Anyone who is unable to own a firearm is a slave, not a free man.
Toddler gunmen
Underrated post
>Point Blank
You know for a second there, I was going to miss you, bong
Good post leafbro. I've heard a lot of fellow Americans over the past few years say "from my cold dead hands". I think they'll go for the gun grab after they fortify the technological dragnet some more - cameras, drones, DARPA dogs, etc. They know it's still too early here. With that said, people are waking up too fast for them to simply wait for patriots to die off.
OP is full of shit as usual.
Ban high capacity assault diapers?
Nothing cringier than a gun grabbing Brit who knows nothing about guns
I think he's serious.
why are kikes so annoying ? do they have some sort of vocal cords syndrome ?
I can't wait for the day the come door to door demanding our guns. As a resident of Tuscaloosa Alabama, I can personally vouch for knowing at least 30 gun owners on a personal level and none of them would go quietly. That's just people I know, too. Think of the millions of others who wouldn't just fork em over.
there needs to be one canadian flag
The only way this could work is doing that old Time Stoppers trick where you put your finger in point straight and just rip jack it back over and over like a fucking mad man
no its not, you clearly know nothing about guns, clips are the things that go into assault rifles, magazines are the things that go into shotguns and air weapons
I reckon so Skeeter, I reckon so. That's why ZOG isn't going to come knocking. Crack another beer and settle down. It's going to be ok.
You're right!!
We should mandate each child in America own a .22 by the age of 13.
Make fun all you want but you don't see any southern boys gettin cucked on the daily on this cite. The deep and dirty south is the conservative white man's final haven in the west.
>mfw I brought my shotgun on the rack on the back of my truck to class every day senior year and no one cared
Not a clue.
Fine with me.
Texas knows what he's talking about, I'd listen to him
I'm not making fun of you, honky. I just don't see confiscation happening.
Ammo might be hard to come by tho...
>200 a minute
That is literally impossible for any semi and almost impossible for an auto
You called me skeeter so I assumed. But year I'm exaggerating for conversation purposes, there won't be a gun grab unless you live in commiefornia.
>hitler could have literally carried out the entire holocaust with one semiauto in under 3 weeks
Gun isn't a religion, prescribing conquest. It's a right to defend yourself, you retarded kike.
I'll just leave this right here.
we have this in high school so that guys and girls can learn how to use guns properly and to come to be called to arms if need be.
one of the reason why the war ended so quickly was because everyone knew how to successfully use a gun and minimal accidents happened
tfw office has a Point Blank arcade cabinet
>you will never break your hand in piers Morgan's nose
Why live
Spying on me, pervert? I live in LA, actually. I'm not worried about confiscation, it's not realistic. I haven't done the math, but law enforcement doesn't have the numbers to take even 1 casualty for every confiscation. They don't have the resources to deploy a SWAT team for every confiscation. Etc. National guard? How many casualties are they willing to take for each confiscation? There's over 38 million people in California. How many are gun owners that won't cough them up? No! It's not feasible.
stopped reading at >be me
back2reddirt, new fag
motherfuckin' turbocharger.
You're alright for one of them Californians user. Cya at the range some time
So long as we have Based Clarkson, we have hope.
Switzerland has socialized rifles...