>Go to Trump rally
>Protestors start shouting, intimidating people
>Trump supporters hurry away, protestors throw eggs.
>All of a sudden 10 Trump supporters show up in long jackets, marching in formation
>Turn to the crowd of protestors
>Crowd goes silent
>Pull out super soakers from under their jackets
>Spray the crowd full blast with foul smelling liquid
>Protestors clothes, hair, skin are soaked. Screaming ensues, panicking
>The rest of them flee in horror from the stench

Let's do it you faggots

How to make stink bomb juice:

High powered super soakers:

Other urls found in this thread:


NYPA faggot

>mfw not in Cali
>won't be able to protect people from these animals
Why even live?

This is the shit that started the retarded anonmoose group. Eat shit, OP

It would be called chemical warfare and attempted homicide death squads ect ect

This is a terrible idea. Don't make the trump supporters look bad. Just take the abuse from the illegals so everyone sees how bad they are

fuck off
fight with the ballot before you pull any of this shit

>take the abuse

No this is dumb and childish.

If you are getting attacked fight back in self defense and defend yourself and the people you know and your property. Don't do some lame childish stuff like this.

This is fighting back.

Trump protestors are screaming racist slurs, throwing eggs, even beating people up

I'll do it, but I'm going to wear bernie attire


That idea is fucking stupid.

Remove the trench-coats and just be plainclothes and it'd work.

They already call Trump childish the last thing we need is a bunch of faggots spraying stinking shit out of squirt guns

How about stop worrying so much about how someone else will interpret what you're doing, and just do it.

Goosestepping around the media is for cuckservatives


you're all fucking gay as hell lol, why do you let the left cuck you so hard and dictate your every action even including getting the shit kicked out of you by feral mexicans because you're afraid the media will call you racist bigot poopy heads

It would somehow look worse than taco niggers burning American flags in the streets and assaulting people for wearing a hat, I wouldnt try it.

They do sell stink bombs in glass vials, at the very least could be used to clear crowds from areas

Fuck you and fuck this.
Would only have negative reprocussions.
Go away hillshill

Bah, you guys laughed when that girl was sprayed with pepper spray


>All of a sudden 10 Trump supporters show up in long jackets, marching in formation

Thanks OP I haven't had a good cringe in a while

Because we're trying to win hearts and minds so we can hold back the tide you underage cuck

>There is nothing to be gained from doing this.

Op go get your EFG mask out of the closet and strangle yourself with the drawstring

cuz you're not in cali?

Lost the battle to win the war.

post more creepy feels guy

How long until some buzzfeed tier site writes an article about this thread?

> Go To trump Rally
> Protestors start shouting, intimidating people
> All of the sudden 10 trump supporters show up wearing combat attire
> shoulder their rifles
> spray down an entire crowd of cucks with automatic fire of 5.56mm NATO freedom
> not one cuck makes it out alive

Honestly the second you go to pull a super soaker out of your faggot pocket some cop is going to tackle, taze, shoot, or somehow detain you. So you may as well not be a fucking pussy and make it count.

You want to defend people? Fine. Don't do it like this.
>trench coats and supersoakers
Get fit and put yourself between the people and those attacking them. America respects strength not this trash you are suggesting.

>>All of a sudden 10 Trump supporters show up in long jackets, marching in formation

I cringed so hard I became a fucking belly button.

yeah, you know how they handle that? by blacking out coverage of it and blaming your rhetoric for it, then you find your rights and what you can do and say shrink more and more

the medias opinion of us is not exactly improving or ever will

read this:


it describes you pretty well

fuck that. this is the land of the free. just bring guns and create the right wing death squads that this country so desperately needs.

>pull out water guns from inside coats
>police nearby draws weapon
>you point it at crowd
>*bang bang* you're dead

we wuz goud boiz we dindu nuffin...

The protestors are doing much much worse than this, burning flags, throwing eggs.

Just recently they snuck up behind a Trump supporter and brained him with a bag of rocks
Not a single one of them has been shot yet

This incident will make news, and likely the Trump supporters will be interviewed, and have an opportunity to finally tell their side of the story. This can only be a good thing

good to know that you prefer having some news coverage over someone's life

You just need a bunch of bros who get between the riot and the vulnerable, and don't do anything except bear the weight on their shoulders with pride.

This is a war of optics, retards.

super soakers are green and orange

cell phones will get mistaken for a real gun before a super soaker does

We need to get /fit/bros and the MMA fags out onto this.

you're not going to find many people who are fucking cuck enough to stand there and get assaulted

The most powerful weapon is a video camera

Remember to report threads like this trying to incite Trump supporters to violence. There's enough dumb kids someone might do something and then we have to watch it on tv for the next few months with pundits screaming about how violent Trump supporters are ....

>take a fire extinguisher with you under your trench coat
>when someone tries to burn the flag go up and put out the fire
would this work

You are going to get yourself killed.

>Go to Trump rally
>Protestors start shouting, intimidating people
>Trump supporters hurry away, protestors throw eggs.
>All of a sudden 10 Trump supporters show up in long jackets, marching in formation
>Turn to the crowd of protestors
>Crowd goes silent
>Unzip their pants and pull out their micro penises from under their jackets
>Spray the crowd full blast with foul smelling liquid
>Protestors clothes, hair, skin are soaked. Screaming ensues, panicking
>The rest of them flee in horror from the stench

Why don't we do it with REAL guns, and PA systems? Use their own tactics against them, both the protesters and the unjust police protecting them. I would undyingly scream into the PA,
>You seem to misunderstand us, officers, we are no longer the enforced, and you are no longer the enforcers! It is you, that will be enforced, and it is us, that will enforce you!
The marching and the uniforms would work, we would fire some warning shots into the air, and they would all scatter.

>Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided, but by squirt guns and ewww

This is the most FBI post I have ever seen.

Nobody is saying real guns you faggot

I'm saying real guns you faggot


This Donald trump is a bold man and if you are a supporter you will have to be bold and unafraid of opposition same as the god emperor

This is grizzly bear mace.

It's 45.00 a can.

It will take the fight out of anything short of a charging rhino.

It has a 30 foot range like a small fire extinguisher.

Worth every fucking penny.

op reeks of fedoras, katanas, and nothing being personal.

this is how cool you'd look

Shut up Trudeau

But user, you could have painted a real gun green and orange, how are the police to know?

That's why they need to shoot everytime something remotely spooks them, it's about safety

I think breaking up leftist "sit-ins" with stink-bombs is a great idea but OP is retarded. The whole idea is NOT to get arrested.

Just walk by normally and pour a small vial of putrescine/cadaverine/skatole/butyric acid on the back of biggest cuck you can find.


Wait a minute...
I remember those assholes, weren't they totse's rival forum? The reddit to our Sup Forums?

I like this idea

Don't forget to wear Go Pro's !

We need everything on record !

Also bring loud firecrackers just in case they're not manicked enough.

This is the kind of thing that sounds good I'm your head but realistically is bad in reality. Why don't show up dressed in civil war regalia

Wahhh, don't do something that'll incite opinion or offend some one!


shillary and the jew want trump supporters to lose their shit on camera. REMAIN VIGILANT AND MAGA

>All of a sudden 10 Trump supporters show up in long jackets, marching in formation
This was embarrassing to read. Are you 12?

kek, thats where i stopped too.

>Let's all eat asparagus
>Spray them with asparagus piss


standing around and watching that girl get egged was the biggest missed opportunity that trumpfags have had so far

Doesn't this also kill people though by suffocating them?

Yeah mace is considered a weapon of last resort, like a taser or pepper spray

If you do that you're actually going to have to deal with assault charges

Get the fags in /r9k/ for ground support. This is all they're good for.

Cuck is defending the weak? That word is overused mate, and you did it right there. If we had Trump supporters that would protect the innocent by just taking/deflecting the blow or moving them to the side we would get so much respect it would turn many swing votes

This sounds like a great idea but how do we make sure they don't follow us back to our secret clubhouse? A no girls allowed sign maybe?

Even better. Dress up as Jacket from Hotline Miami and scare the piss out of them. Either as Jacket, or wearing different masks and carrying baseball bats.

This is inhumane

>long jackets, marching in formation
>Turn to the crowd of protestors
>Crowd goes silent

autism fantasy: the post

Hello FBI

Foam baseball bats, because god knows we need to give the trump protestors to write about on their facebook.


implying Bernie supporters know how healthy food makes your piss smell let alone shower frequently enough to recognize the piss smell.

how about win the war by winning the battle

This niggers did it so it must work