Why do white people do this?
I have never seen a nonwhite person with adopted children let alone one of a different race
Why do white people do this?
Cause they want to feel good about themselves.
>If I adopt this nigger, people I don't even know will think Im good person
Upper middle class white people with too much time on their hands. Go adopt a fucking dog, you retards. At least those are useful.
white womans burden
Also, the reason you haven't seen any other race do it is because you need to be 2 people to adopt and niggers usually don't wanna be responible fathers.
Asians are xenophobic af and won't do it for that reason.
It's cuckstianity: egalitarian for any not you and yours at the detriment of you and yours, everyone god's children/the same, turn the other cheek/be a doormat(as they understand it,) born a sinner/hate yourself.
not just white people, but white people are more likely to afford adoption. people do what people do. if it offends you, pluck your eye out.
I'm not in Yurocuckistan
Virtue signalling.
The children are an accessory.
t. Nephew of extremely rich family
White guilt. Similar to the way rich and poor people feel. If someone is rich they often times feel an obligation to give back and help others. If someone is poor they never feel that desire. Since whites feel that they are on top, they feel the need to help others
To be quite honest, I'd probably also adopt someone outside of my race.
When they're the same race everyone is so hush hush about not calling them adopted. Or they never learn they're adopted and go out and try to find their "real" parents after overhearing something about it.
If it's two white people and like, a Chinese kid, then it's not even a question and the whole awkwardness of the situation would be avoided entirely.
This. Let me tell you all something right now: The only people that want little nigglets are coal burners & whites who adopt them that wanna feel good about themselves.
Hell, niggers don't even want them. Pic related.
Literal cuckservative
it's like when women retweet a massacre in Africa or that KONY 2012 video or #BringBackOurGirls but dont really care, they just want to look like good people.
It's that but on their kid's face.
And someone made them think like that.
Hmm really makes you think
self-destructive altruism
>tfw my cousins just adopted a poo in loo
>tfw white
I'm just about as white as they come (dirty blonde hair with blue eyes and 6'5") and while it's not adoption I was under the care of two foster black parents for a couple years.
Pre-story from similar thread wife weren't ready to give birth to other kids and we wanted to bring up decent people into European society. Plus we liked traveling around Nepal and East Africa. Cultural colonization and europezation.
>werent ready to give birth
But you were ready to raise them? Wut
good luck adopting an asian kid in america, they're rarer unicorns
>mother is half Jewish
Wow what a surprise
kill yourself
because people do the fuck they want
Shit so I guess next time Romney is running for president again, sigh. Ayy look at my lil nigglet look I'm good see!
>next time
He's done and out
>Why do white people do this?
Richer nations/people tend to do more charity, because they can afford it.
Unlike you, most people that are kind and good natured don't look to see where their charity is going when they do it.
I donate to World Food Program, Wikipedia and this one organization that is doing research and produces methods to prevent the child of a pregnant woman pass on HIV to the child.
I'm no where near the most charitable person in the world, but at least we're trying to make the world a tad bit better.
You and the rest of the scum on this website are just spreading hate, to the point where you hate others for doing good.
Just think about this for a moment: not only are you a bad person, but you also hate people doing good.
Let that sink in and have a conversation with yourself about how you got to the point where giving an orphan a home is, in your books, a crime.
If he had any sense, which he's proven, he doesn't have any. He only didn't this time because, Jeb, of all people, cucked him.
sweden no!
It's like buying a puppy.
Adopt Nepalese kid. Better genetics.
It's Christianity and virtue signalling.
Not ready to physically experience pain, pregnancy related issues and deliverance again. It's not easy.
Yes her mother is secular very patriotic half Jewish woman with German dad and secular Jewish mother. My wife is German even by Nazi standards - 1/4 Jewish ancestry were discarded. She is only Jewish for state of Israel as her double maternal heritage goes and for purists on Sup Forums.
is this fucking satire lmao
You vote Trudeau too? Fucking kill yourself.
>World Food Program
aka feeding niggers who live european handouts
aka "the place where anyone can spout bullshit without being specialized in it"
>this one organization that prevents HIV from being passed from woman to her fetus
so helping niggers,whores,rapists and general scum escape from their consequences?
investing resources in a nigger it's just such a money sink,only retards with too much money do it to virtue signal their high horse morality and "do good" persona
If they actually gave a shit,they would help local,not bring some diseased,70 IQ niglet from across the world
fuck off youre a cuck faggot you don't belong on Sup Forums
Nigga, I protested mosques and asylum centers. I wear PEGIDA attire to work and I work in film industry. How am I a cuck redditor?
>Why do white people do this?
>I have never seen a nonwhite person with adopted children let alone one of a different race
It is hard to adopt a white kid unless they are old or fucked up. Black kids are easy to get.
>>Why do white people do this?
The only reasons I can think of why they are doing this
>so they can play the "i adopted a black/asian kid, therefore i can't be racist" card if someone calls them racist
>so they can feel good about themselves and show off to their friends and the Americans on kikebook and twatter how progressive and tolerant they are of other cultures, religions and races
>because they have too much time and money on their hands
>white guilt for slavery
Considering he's a politician, I'm betting it's all four, plus to gain the votes of the progressive and black community in case he ever decides to run for president again,
Want to feel good about themselves or think they are lifting a burden off of someone else.
Cool story Hansel
I see one white child and two pets
I know an Asian who was adopted by whites.
Adopted Africans will have 1 or 2 children tops while Africans in African will have 4+. Not rocket science hun ;)
designer pets for the ultra rich
they're fucking stupid and brainwashed, obviously.
there was an nfl player with a jap last name who was a white guy adopted by nips.
Is it true Japanese moms reward their sons with hand jobs? I know the french do that